2018-07-20 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:13:17 <Paleolas> hello !
06:14:42 <Paleolas> i installed a virtual machine on ubuntu 18.04 and builded last version of gnucash without any problem !
06:14:47 <Paleolas> COOL !
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06:50:40 <Paleolas> anyone know how to make a package from compiled app ?
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09:50:47 <warlord> Paleolas: Are you trying to build a DPKG?
10:18:59 <Paleolas> i would like to
10:19:35 <Paleolas> i don't have the knowledge yet but i am willing to have it.
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10:23:08 <Paleolas> today i installed ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 and on a VM and builded gnucash without any difficulties. (i have difficulties on my non-VM because i think i have bad dependencies after playing with guile and googletest)
10:28:25 <Paleolas> in fact, i don't know what kind of package i have to build but i want to package the gnucash installer
10:54:35 <warlord> Paleolas: Is there a particular reason you want to package your version vs using the GetDeb version?
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11:05:02 <Paleolas> @warlord : the ubuntu version of gnucash is 2.6.21 (that's a loooong ago). i just would like to have latest version with latest functionnalities installed...
11:05:02 <gncbot> Paleolas: Error: "warlord" is not a valid command.
11:05:16 <Paleolas> warlord : the ubuntu version of gnucash is 2.6.21 (that's a loooong ago). i just would like to have latest version with latest functionnalities installed...
11:06:34 <Paleolas> and i want to contribute (if i could if i have the capabilities)
11:07:52 <warlord> Paleolas: Are you SURE that you can't get 3.2 from GetDeb?
11:08:25 <Paleolas> heu... i used "apt get" ??
11:08:48 <Paleolas> but it gave me only 2.x
11:08:59 <Paleolas> didn't try GetDeb
11:10:04 <warlord> Try GetDeb, please.
11:10:13 <warlord> It might safe you a lot of headache and frustration.
11:10:14 <Paleolas> (didn't know that it could help me to have it) i am trying just yet
11:16:27 <Paleolas> on getdeb website the package is at 2.6.17 version
11:16:38 <Paleolas> http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/16.04/?q=gnucash
11:17:20 <warlord> Hmm.
11:21:46 <Paleolas> what do you think? am i doing something wrong ? because i don't think so...
11:22:39 <Paleolas> don't really know how to use getdeb it is not a CLI command...
11:37:04 <warlord> AFAIK it's just another repository to add (to sources.list, IIRC)
11:38:30 <Paleolas> wait a bit more...
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11:43:26 <Paleolas> i am sure "now" that installing using getdeb give me the 2.6 version and not 3.x
11:52:31 <warlord> :(
11:58:22 <Paleolas> yes, that's why i want to make a package. maybe to add it on getdeb or on ubuntu server directly or by downloading it from the gnucash.org website or on a legal torrent with a link accessible...
11:59:58 <Paleolas> in order for linux users to benefit to the last revision.
12:03:12 <warlord> I'm afraid I can't help you with building a dpkg. I don't actually use BebUntu
12:03:16 <warlord> DebUntu
12:04:07 <Paleolas> don't worry . and thank you for your help
12:04:17 <Paleolas> i will try it we will see.
12:05:30 <warlord> ok
12:05:40 <warlord> You could always reach out the GetDeb package maintainer...
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12:52:15 <ArtGravity> Paleolas: I have filed bug 1782811 GetDeb on their Launchpad page.
12:52:20 <ArtGravity> https://bugs.launchpad.net/getdeb.net/+bug/1782811
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13:34:20 <KnBrckr> Hi - I'm working on importing from Banktivity for Mac. Running into QIF import issues with investment account.
13:34:58 <KnBrckr> Might have more than one problem. I exported a single transaction and gnucash is ignore it.
13:35:15 <KnBrckr> Can someone help me sort out what's wrong with the QIF format?
13:36:10 <KnBrckr> Here's a few lines from the QIF:
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13:36:35 <KnBrckr> !Account
13:36:35 <KnBrckr> NJoint
13:36:35 <KnBrckr> D
13:36:37 <KnBrckr> X
13:36:39 <KnBrckr> TInvst
13:36:41 <KnBrckr> B$108.13
13:36:43 <KnBrckr> ^
13:36:45 <KnBrckr> !Type:Invst
13:36:47 <KnBrckr> D1/5/10
13:36:49 <KnBrckr> PJOURNAL TO 190288
13:36:51 <KnBrckr> M
13:36:53 <KnBrckr> T2,100.
13:36:55 <KnBrckr> CX
13:36:57 <KnBrckr> L[E-Bay Brokerage]
13:36:59 <KnBrckr> ^
13:45:17 <warlord> KnBrckr: I don't see anything inherently wrong with that QIF...
13:45:52 <warlord> I'd have to look at how Invst is dealt with -- it's neither a buy nor sell so it might be unclear what gnucash is supposed to do with it.
13:45:59 <KnBrckr> When I import, no transaction is added to the accounts.
13:47:05 <KnBrckr> I would expect gnucash to be able to manage cash in the investment account somehow. Must be a way to move cash in and out to support the buy/sell. And to work with dividends.
13:48:15 <warlord> GnuCash does -- those are just regular buy/sell .. You don't NEED to "transfer" from Bank to an Investment "Bank" and THEN make the stock buy..
13:48:23 <warlord> (GnuCash doesn't require that)
13:49:26 <warlord> Okay, the importer treats Invst as Bank.
13:50:05 <warlord> I see no reason the importer would not do anything. Hold on.
13:50:29 <warlord> KnBrckr: Can you upload that qif file to a pastebin somewhere? That will make it easier for me to test.
13:52:20 <KnBrckr> Yes - want to first see what I can do to redact some content.
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13:57:14 <warlord> KnBrckr: I can reproduce the issue using just what you sent.
13:57:25 <KnBrckr> ok - I'll get that posted... one sec.
13:57:37 <warlord> It properly creates the accounts, but doesn't read the data properly.
13:57:51 <warlord> Better than pastebin -- can you file a bug at https://bugs.gnucash.org/ ?
13:58:01 <warlord> and attach this minimal qif file to the bug?
13:58:05 <KnBrckr> Yes, can do so.
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14:05:03 <KnBrckr> warlord: See https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796774 Thx for looking.
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14:31:56 <jralls> Paleolas, warlord: https://bugs.launchpad.net/getdeb.net/+bug/1782811, https://bugs.launchpad.net/getdeb.net/+bug/1773681. No responses to either, looks like GetDeb lost whoever was packaging GnuCash.
14:33:57 <Paleolas> i will see that
14:36:25 <warlord> jralls: that's too bad.
14:36:43 <Paleolas> both bug seems to tell that they want/need new package version.
14:41:13 <jralls> Paleolas: Yes, that's right. And no one has responded to them, implying that nobody's packaging GnuCash for GetDeb.
14:42:15 <Paleolas> i will try first to package normally ( .deb or .rpm ) then i will try to package for getdeb
14:42:56 <Paleolas> hope this is not too hard :-D
14:43:44 <jralls> Paleolas: For Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives you want to package a .deb. .rpm is for Red Hat and derivatives.
14:48:30 <Paleolas> yes i know that. i am documenting tonight : put my reading's glasses 8-)
14:52:20 <Paleolas> the english version to read : http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/index.en.html
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