2018-06-16 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:25 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
00:01:37 <fell> Seems to be the same as the section above shows.
00:35:27 <thoth1> I'll see if gentoo has a 3.1 ebuild. I'm not sure what program to run to control my gtk settings
00:36:28 <fell> it depends on your desktop environment, but also KDE has a module gtk...
00:37:35 <thoth1> My desktop environment is fvwm2 and .xinitrc.
00:39:22 <fell> Gentoo has Gnucash 3.1 un unstable
00:44:07 <fell> Then you will probably have to find the right gtkrc file and set gtk-toolbar-style to GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH or GTK_TOOBLAR_BOTH_HORIZ
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00:53:04 <thoth1> I found a "toolbar-style" in the dconf-editor app.
00:55:29 <thoth1> But it doesn't seem like gnucash obeys that setting.
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01:00:57 <thoth1> Might be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/1765401
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01:18:55 <fell> but IIRC you are using GTK3
01:26:39 <chris> hi fell, why awake
01:26:57 <chris> ah morning
01:27:35 <fell> Yeah, chris, 07:27 here.
01:29:24 <chris> just wondering if you're a coder yourself?
01:30:48 <fell> Seldom, because I always see missing documentation, localization, ...
01:31:36 <chris> and i see mess in reports
01:32:31 <fell> It is really good to have you there. ;-)
01:33:41 <fell> How often have I thougt,one should cleanup the reports.
01:34:05 <chris> I just find it incredible how others could understand the mess enough to add their own bits, then run away
01:35:29 <chris> I think previous didn't want to clobber commit history
01:36:02 <fell> I believe there was not much dicipline in early times. Instead of improving existing reports by inserting a new option, they added a patched version as a new report.
01:36:55 <fell> Later an error was fixed in versionA but missed in version B and so they diverged more and more.
01:37:59 <chris> well this report-duplication isn't a major problem, I can merge them; it's the way that transaction.scm has been augmented in all sorts of directions
01:41:08 <fell> it is the versatile workhorse: it lays eggs, gives milk, wool, cooks coffee, ...
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01:42:50 <chris> i think everyone will enjoy new charts
01:44:51 <fell> From what I saw, much better than the old.
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05:21:36 <chris> @tell gjanssens or jralls or warlord-afk - I think html-acct-table.scm is rather too limiting - I think is a 'better' version on (gnc:html-build-acct-table) from many years ago - I'll seek to eradicate these old methods and concentrate on html-table only
05:21:36 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
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12:27:54 <jralls> chris: Indeed, the architectural design is 1970-s era with no shared code (though no doubt some copied code) between html-acct-table and html-table. Modern design would have general boiler plate in html-table and that specialized by html-acct-table.
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19:30:43 <chris> jralls I'm specifically looking at balance sheet- it was 'designed' by D.Montenegro in 2000 to indent accountnames with it took some digging to fix indenting as follows: https://imgur.com/a/jzQUbvC
19:31:37 <jralls> chris: Looks nice, though I don't care much for the grid lines.
19:31:48 <chris> the gridlines only for testing
19:31:56 <chris> testing grid layout
19:32:04 <jralls> chris: OK.
19:32:24 <chris> it's the amounts indenting that are weird...
19:32:38 <jralls> What's weird about them?
19:32:55 <jralls> Oh! Root should be invisible.
19:33:11 <chris> no it's fine, root is a genuine asset acct in test-env
19:34:02 <jralls> Why does it have a credit balance when the others have debit?
19:34:55 <chris> well exactly -> it's not debit/credit -> it's indented according to account hierarchy -> if you try balsheet on a multiple-level hierarchy strcture it will demonstrate well
19:35:59 <chris> i.e. accountnames indented as expected (i.e. root = 0-ident), amounts are indented weird (root = Right-indent? parent=right-indent with childaccounts one column to the left???)
19:37:32 <chris> i think a balsheet should really have ONE amount column... but this will be difficult with gnucash's multiple account hierarchy levels, and this is the best that can be done
19:38:28 <chris> anyway this is being worked on.....
19:39:17 <jralls> I agree, all of the balance sheets I've seen have a single column. It looks like you're putting the amounts into table cells, so why can't all of the amounts go into a particular column?
19:40:38 <chris> ... this will be challenging with hierarchical accounts
19:41:05 <chris> I may have to deconstruct balsheet's use of html-acct-table and create an html-table directly
19:42:46 <jralls> Why? All of the account names go into a cell and you indent those according to their depth in the hierarchy, but all of the other columns, one per field, don't get any indent.
19:43:26 <chris> hmm will try...
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19:50:24 <jralls> It looks like you're pretty close. If you just take out the amount-shifting logic and put all of the amount values into the same <td> it should work.
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19:53:13 <chris> will try; this amount-shifting logic is in the general html-acct-table.scm (html-table-add-account-balances) - it may work for balsheet but it may affect P&L and other reports too
19:53:37 <jralls> I thought you were going to bilge that file.
19:55:09 <chris> I'd want to... but (1) it's used by trial-balance, equity statement, P&L, balsheet, budget-balsheet, budget-p&l
19:55:11 <jralls> Anyway, P&L should have two columns, debit and credit, otherwise I'd think it should be similar to balance sheet.
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19:55:38 <chris> (2) it facilitates common options such as 'omit-zero-balance-amounts' 'omit-zero-bal-accounts' 'limit hierarchy levels'
19:55:59 <chris> all in a way that's difficult to extricate :(
19:56:23 <chris> but I'll keep at it :)
19:56:30 <jralls> Sigh. None of which belong in a file that drives formatting.
19:58:13 <jralls> Report generation should be alot easier than we make it: Query the database. Summarize the results. Format results onto canvas.
19:59:25 <jralls> Instead we have huge confusing piles of mixed up gobbledygook.
20:01:07 <chris> I see duct tape everywhere ;)
20:03:27 <chris> If I remove html-acct-table it will mean all reports will be simplified to use html-table... and any options e.g. omit-zero-balance will be handled by balsheet.scm rather than module
20:03:35 <jralls> Yes, huge wads. With the sticky sides touching so it's nearly impossible to pull apart.
20:05:06 <jralls> Any function that's used in only one report should live in that report. Any function that isn't used should be deleted. Unused code just makes the rest harder to understand, and that's even more true in Scheme than it is in C.
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20:07:56 <chris> If I remove html-acct-table it will mean all reports will be simplified to use html-table... and any options e.g. omit-zero-balance will be handled by balsheet.scm rather than module
20:07:59 <chris> oops
20:09:20 <chris> #372 should be safe
20:15:56 <jralls> Yeah, I'll get to it, probably tomorrow AM. Bob's got one pending too.
20:16:54 <chris> sure
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