2018-06-04 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:25:24 <gjanssens> .
03:30:58 <chris> gjanssens just a quick note to ponder - after discussion with jralls_afk I have enabled ability to specify custom-CSS in reports - see last few commits in my branch scheme-progress-business-tests. I imagine that all fancy invoices will mostly need some custom CSS to mimic their layout.
03:31:56 <chris> the generated report output will append old-css with custom-css. I'm no CSS guru but I think it can be done.
03:34:40 <chris> meanwhile #355 #360 and #361 can be merged anytime
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06:06:48 <gjanssens> chris: I see your most recent PR drops POTFILES.in
06:07:03 <gjanssens> I'm not sure we can do that.
06:07:46 <gjanssens> The gettext package assumes it should be part of the tar ball and assumes it's part of the sources in that case as well
06:08:23 <gjanssens> However at the same time the gettext package and recommendations are all for an autotools based build, and we have moved on to a cmake based build
06:08:35 <gjanssens> So several of the recommendations don't match any more.
06:08:50 <chris> oh ok -
06:09:01 <gjanssens> I don't think it matters for developers, but I don't know if external translators would depend on it in any way
06:09:14 <gjanssens> That's more a question for fell_desktop fell_laptop
06:09:15 <chris> I saw it in .gitignore and figured it was probably added by mistake
06:09:29 <gjanssens> It was not a mistake
06:09:34 <chris> Ok
06:09:52 <gjanssens> I just don't know if it's still relevant or obsolete
06:10:06 <chris> ok will await his views
06:10:35 <chris> meanwhile will remove this commit
06:11:29 <chris> done
06:11:47 <chris> meanwhile I'll go play with CSS:)
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06:14:55 <gjanssens> chris: tx
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08:12:36 <gjanssens> chris: to elaborate on jralls_afk's suggestion about what I want for report styling, I don't think everyone in our target audience is comfortable with css manipulation
08:13:26 <gjanssens> I think css is certainly the way forward and will allow lots if freedom to people comfortable with it
08:14:22 <gjanssens> To cater for those that are less comfortable with css, I would offer a number of stylesheets (but using css instead of the current html based styling)
08:14:35 <gjanssens> And a way to import stylesheets made by others
08:15:33 <gjanssens> Ideally there would also be a simple graphical stylesheet editor based on a templatized css stylesheet in which users can do some simple things like adjusting fonts or colors.
08:15:56 <gjanssens> The latter by definition would be much more simplistic and generic that the full power css has to offer.
08:17:03 <gjanssens> In a first implementation I would try to reuse the current stylesheet editor, but have it spit out css files ready to be included in reports rather than encoding the style information in scm to be run during report generation.
08:17:59 <gjanssens> And "templatized" may still be too hard at this point, so simply having the stylesheet editor write out a css file as is would already be a good start.
08:18:10 <gjanssens> Improvements could be added later.
08:18:56 <gjanssens> I also think we may have to revise the report html outputs to use a common set of css classes/ID#s before all of this can work
08:19:10 <gjanssens> No small job (again)
08:22:32 <chris> gjanssens - thx for merging #355 - gour_ will be happy
08:22:45 <chris> re: current stylesheets - it's so hacked on it's not funny
08:23:00 <gjanssens> I know
08:23:10 <chris> I'm sure you know it creates ssdoc (stylesheet html-doc) and renders it, and uses the doc (report html-doc) and renders the contents
08:23:43 <gjanssens> I never fully figured out how it works :(
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08:23:56 <chris> for building an all-dancing invoice.scm I am rebuilding it nearly from ground up, adding 4 cells in a 2x2 table
08:24:32 <gjanssens> Nice choice of words "all-dancing" :)
08:25:00 <chris> Upper-left: blank, Upper-Right: InvoiceDate/Job/Terms
08:25:14 <chris> Lower-left: Client-details, Lower-Right: Company-Details
08:25:36 <gjanssens> I'd jump in with you on the stylesheet side, but 1. I don't have time right now 2. if I had, I'd be focusing on the critical issues that need fixing for 3.2 first...
08:26:03 <chris> sure better have 1 souschef working on a soup exclusively
08:26:13 <gjanssens> LOL
08:26:30 <chris> hopefully I can borrow from responsive CSS to make various guises
08:26:54 <chris> but I think my solution will obligatorily be temporary, ie. no user-customizable CSS for now
08:27:32 <chris> if I/you can make a better final styling solution then it should expose the temporary CSS to it, then allow custommization
08:33:05 <chris> i.e. the combined invoice.scm will not allow css customization for now
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08:45:58 <gjanssens> chris: that's ok. We have to do this step by step anyway
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11:50:23 <gjanssens> Wow - Microsoft will be our new github overlord :(
11:50:38 <gjanssens> https://blog.github.com/2018-06-04-github-microsoft/
11:50:50 <gjanssens> Are we sure we don't want to migrate to gitlab after all ?
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11:54:18 <jralls> gjanssens: So far that looks like a "meh". I don't think we'd want to migrate to gitlab.gnome.org, but I suppose we might be able to run our own gitlab instance at some point.
11:54:35 <jralls> Of course that's easy to say with warlord away. ;-)
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11:54:51 <gjanssens> Yeah, that was more what I had in mind...
11:55:06 <gjanssens> Heh, and indeed it would require warlord's time and effort...
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11:57:34 <jralls> But gitlab is really too heavyweight for our needs. We want a web front end for easily browsing the code, ideally one that doesn't suck quite as much as cgit. I use the "blame" button on Github/lab a lot and cgit doesn't have one.
11:58:34 <jralls> We also want a nice way to handle contributions. Ideally that would bridge between the bugtracker and the repository with a nice-to-use web front end.
12:01:03 <jralls> But for the near term I think we don't need to worry too much. Micro$oft under Nadella is a lot friendlier to FLOSS than it was under Balmer, who loathed Free software.
12:07:02 <jralls> On POTFILES.in, it's generated by po/CMakeLists.txt starting at line 74, so I think it doesn't need to be in git or tarballs.
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12:40:34 <gjanssens> jralls: on POTFILES.in, the gettext documentation expects it to exist but looking through the gettext code it's only used by their gettext.m4 macro
12:40:44 <gjanssens> IOW part of their autotools integration
12:40:57 <gjanssens> So I tend to agree we no longer need to track it.
12:41:05 <jralls> Oh, so maybe we don't need it at all?
12:42:18 <gjanssens> Perhaps, I haven't looked further. Something must tell gettext which files to scan for translatable strings
12:42:33 <gjanssens> But I don't know offhand if it has to be named POTFILES.in
12:43:41 <gjanssens> Nope, we pass the file as a command line parameter to xgettext. So we can call it whatever we like actually.
12:45:21 <gjanssens> As for github/gitlab I agree there's no rush or even no reason to worry yet. I realize I am still biased because of the Ballmer period :(
12:46:02 <jralls> Yeah, it's going to take a long time for most of us to get over that.
12:46:36 <gjanssens> Of course using github's or gitlab's integrated issue trackers would give good integration between contributions and issue tracker...
12:47:02 <gjanssens> What caught my eye recently in gitlab was they promote CI integration
12:47:10 <gjanssens> That is something I find important as well
12:47:19 <gjanssens> github has it as well of course
12:47:35 <gjanssens> I was mostly comparing with bugzilla which is pretty much isolated of the rest of the world
12:47:57 <gjanssens> This isolation is my biggest reservation against sticking with bugzilla in fact.
12:48:09 <jralls> Except for the small problem that everything is managed by tags. Take a look at https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/labels.
12:48:19 <gjanssens> I know
12:49:09 <jralls> CI integration is done with git hooks. We can do that from code instead of github if we want.
12:49:36 <gjanssens> True. It's all a matter of how much wheels we are willing to reinvent :)
12:50:05 <gjanssens> And how much admin time we have available
12:50:25 <gjanssens> (In our case how much warlord has available)
12:50:49 <jralls> It's not even reinventing any wheels. I haven't looked but likely there's a copy-and-paste travis hook around somewhere.
12:51:09 <jralls> And you and I can do that from the gitorious repo.
12:52:29 <gjanssens> Right
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12:53:10 <gjanssens> Doesn't solve bugzilla's isolation problem yet...
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12:53:40 <jralls> BZ isn't completely isolated, there is a git integration tool around somewhere. There may be other stuff, too, I haven't looked yet.
12:54:54 <gjanssens> But as I have no time to work on a solution, I go with what warlord is willing to do
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12:55:16 <gjanssens> Are you referring to git-bz ?
12:55:35 <jralls> I think so.
12:55:36 <gjanssens> Or do you know of a plugin in bugzilla that links it to git ?
12:56:05 <gjanssens> I have used git-bz, which is nice
12:56:35 <gjanssens> But I have to remember to "git bz push" instead of "git push"
12:56:59 <gjanssens> Also there's no link from BZ to a PR or the other way around that I know of
12:58:13 <jralls> There's also a BZ add-on: http://www.theoldmonk.net/gitzilla/
12:59:12 <jralls> Though reading that it looks more like a git-server addon that talks to BZ.
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13:00:15 <gjanssens> A couple of days ago I went through the available bugzilla extensions on https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:Addons
13:00:26 <gjanssens> My general impression was most are pretty much abandoned
13:00:47 <gjanssens> the gitzilla extension you mention was last updated 4 years ago on github
13:01:05 <gjanssens> Sorry 2 years ago
13:01:36 <gjanssens> Second to last commit was adding a notice "Sorry this project is no longer maintained"
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13:02:19 <gjanssens> So I may be wrong but it looks like the bugzilla ecosystem is slowly dying
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13:03:27 <jralls> Yeah, I'd gotten that impression too. Unfortunately the alternatives I've seen don't seem to scale well with hundreds of open bugs.
13:03:30 <gjanssens> Looking back at gitlab I have no idea if we could get by with tags only. Let's report plenty of bugs against gtk to try it out :)
13:04:06 <jralls> Don't need to, they have almost as many as we do already. We can just watch them for a few months.
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13:04:51 <gjanssens> True. No doubt you still have a few open gtk bugs, so you'll get an idea of how it works
13:05:05 <gjanssens> Maybe I have too, I don't remember...
13:05:17 <jralls> The Gnome infrastructure guys are working with Gitlab, so if the labels thing turns out not scale they may come up with some new features.
13:06:36 <gjanssens> Hmm, I don't think I already created a gtk gitlab account... So if I still had open bugs, they won't link back to me.
13:07:05 <jralls> Oh, and the 986 open gtk bugs are just the "few" that had had activity in the last 12 months or that somebody spoke up for. They went through an exercise where all open bugs with no activity in 12 months were made "needinfo"; people could make a case for transferring them, but they were otherwise closed as obsolete. Most of mine were.
13:09:18 <jralls> Here's a recent run-down on what's available: https://mopinion.com/top-17-best-bug-tracking-tools-an-overview/. BZ is #1.
13:09:30 <gjanssens> Yeah, searching for "Author:@jralls" doesn't show any bugs though it recognizes you as a user
13:10:30 <gjanssens> Did you sign in with your github account or did you create a new one on gitlab?
13:11:11 <jralls> Neither. I have push at gnome so my credentials just transferred from git.gnome.org.
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13:14:19 <gjanssens> Ok
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13:18:38 <jralls> warlord: How were the flights?
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13:24:56 <warlord> jralls: They were fine. I actually slept on my trans-atlantic flight, but just not long enough..
13:25:09 <warlord> Heading to meet some people for dinner now.
13:26:17 <jralls> I get an extra 3 hours on those trans-atlantic flights, plenty of sleep time... Enjoy your dinner.
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16:26:29 <warlord> jralls: yeah, you do. I lost 2 1/2 because I transfered to JFK.
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16:27:59 <jralls> Actually it's 5. I was thinking timezones, not flying time. It's 11-12 hours for a nonstop from the bay area to Europe, so lots of sleep time, especially in business class with a lay-flat seat.
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16:28:39 <warlord> I wasn't in biz clas.
16:29:02 <jralls> Premium eco at least?
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16:31:23 <warlord> Nope. Main Cabin, but had a window seat.
16:38:25 <jralls> Yuk. I can't handle more than a couple of hours of that any more. The seat pitch has gotten so small there's nowhere for my legs to go.
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16:48:16 <warlord> You're also much taller than I am.
16:48:37 <warlord> I actually slept quite well on the JFK-MAD flight, but just not enough -- probably only 3-4 hours
16:48:38 <jralls> True. And quite a bit older and more creaky as well.
16:49:08 <warlord> Could be. ;)
16:49:15 <jralls> That's actually not too bad; it's a 6 hour flight.
16:50:01 <jralls> Cut that off too soon: It's a 6 hour or so flight, right?
16:54:55 <warlord> Yeah, under 7 hours.
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16:55:16 <warlord> BUt I hadn't eaten, so had to wait for the dinner service before I could go to bed.
16:55:33 <jralls> So with takeoff, landing, and in-flight pestering getting 4 hours isn't too bad.
16:55:59 <warlord> It was probably more like 3
17:17:21 <jralls> chris: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/gnucash/report/standard-reports/test/test-transaction.scm#L53
17:17:37 <jralls> chris: I don't think you meant to commit that...
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17:41:59 <jralls> chris: Also your currency symbol checks in test-transactions.scm choke on MacOS, the table comparisons fail. Changing £ to $ enables them to pass.
17:44:32 <jralls> chris: expected: ("Income-GBP" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?612.00" "-?51.00")
17:44:49 <jralls> chris: obtained: ("Income-GBP" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?51.00" "-?612.00" "-?51.00")
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19:14:27 <chris> jralls: Line53 - actually it's a piece of dead code that's only enabled during coverage analysis. If I don't add the filepath to the sources, the coverage tool doesn't ignore. I haven't found a way to generate the path for a module yet
19:15:01 <chris> I'll mkae some changes for £/$ later today
19:15:57 <chris> ^^ if i don't add path, coverage tool ignores transaction.scm
19:16:36 <chris> I'll do more digging and amend when the solution appears
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19:44:04 <Robert847> Hi, Release 2.6.19 in Windows 7 crashes whilr replaying a log file. I have --log gnc.html=debug in the command line but the log file ends when interpreting the first split record
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19:48:16 <Robert847> leading up to this I had been entering transactions all day saving every 20 minutes but it seems that the last hour was lost including several open account windows that have disappeared
19:49:29 <Robert847> some of it is in the last three log files but I cannot replay them
19:52:26 <Robert847> Now my daughter is literally in the delivery room having a c-sect so we need to put this on hold for a day or two.
19:52:39 <Robert847> bye
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20:35:21 <jralls> And I thought chris was pushing his luck by hacking on his wedding day! ;-)
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