2018-05-31 GnuCash IRC logs
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12:13:17 <jralls> warlord: What still needs to be done with BZ?
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13:19:45 <chf> Hi, recently I asked here for somebody who would be able to include the german account templates for "Wohnungswirtschaft" and "SKR49" for non-profit organisations into git.
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13:20:53 <chf> The current file versions are attached to the enhancement "bugs".
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13:23:06 <chf> fell_desktop / fell_laptop, could you help me, since you are already quite familiar with those.
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13:39:08 <jralls> chf: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development#Submitting_Patches.
13:39:37 <jralls> chf: I don't see any PR, so what bug is your patch attached to?
13:40:13 <chf> I don't know any more how to make pull requests…
13:40:29 <chf> I'll search for the bugs.
13:41:57 <chf> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=371188
13:42:45 <chf> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=371184
13:43:56 <chf> Those are the current files; they are generated via XSLT from normal gnucash files, so probably not nicely formatted.
13:45:29 <chf> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795425
13:45:41 <chf> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795237
13:45:49 <chf> The bugs
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13:50:47 <jralls> chf: They're also naked files, not git-formatted patches. fell might be willing to wrap them for you but I'm not. He's apparently afk.
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13:51:53 <warlord> jralls: we need to finalize the migration, ensure everything we migrated is correct, and then turn off GnomeBZ and turn on ours.
13:53:40 <jralls> warlord: OK. Does that mean that we (I) need to review the current state of bz.gnucash or do you want to do another test import first?
13:58:04 <warlord> Oh, I also need to deal with the attachment status flags. I never did that.
13:58:32 <warlord> But yes, we (you?) need to review the current state. I don't think we need to do another import now.
14:02:57 <jralls> OK. I have a couple of other things in progress, I hope I can get to it this afternoon.
14:04:00 <warlord> I've got a bunch of airplane time coming up so I'll work on the code to migrate the attachment status to the flags.
14:04:51 <warlord> Although we still need to decide how to transcribe the history -- do I remove it? Or do I translate it to a different name (and if so, which field should I claim it was)
14:06:34 <jralls> Is this the attachment status history or something else?
14:06:55 <jralls> (Something else that I don't remember...)
14:08:16 <warlord> Yes, the attachment status history.
14:09:22 <warlord> There's no attachment status field.. So it throws an error when I load that history. So I either need to remove those history entries, or I need to translate them to another field that actually exists: attachments.description attachments.filename attachments.isobsolete attachments.ispatch attachments.isprivate attachments.mimetype attachments.submitter
14:09:43 <warlord> (or I can choose another non-attachment field)
14:09:54 <jralls> Right. I think we decided last week to turn them into flags.
14:11:52 <warlord> Right, so I'll go through the history, find the most recent setting, and set the appropriate flag. But then what? Do I drop the history from the history? Or translate it to something else and keep it there?
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14:13:21 <jralls> Is history itself a gnome enhancement?
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14:15:18 <jralls> No, it's in bz.gnucash. I guess I don't understand the question. Is there a problem with leaving it in history as-is?
14:15:19 <warlord> no
14:16:08 <warlord> I have to translate "attachments.gnome_attachment_status" to something that exists. RIght now I put it in as "submitter"..
14:16:30 <warlord> So if you look at the history of a bug (or attachment -- not sure) you'll see the "submitter" change ...
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14:24:43 <jralls> Hmm. Looking at https://bugzilla.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=542403/https://bugzilla.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=542403 the displayed history looks the same, the submtter looks the same, and the attachment in bz.gnucash has no flags, but its status is 'needs-work'.
14:24:56 <warlord> jralls, for example, bug 101456 has some attachment history
14:25:39 <warlord> That bug does not have history.
14:25:46 <jralls> Oops, https://bugzilla.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=542403 / https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=542403.
14:25:49 <warlord> So there's no attachment status available to me there
14:26:14 <warlord> Specifically, grep attachments.gnome ~/src/Bugzilla/data/bugs/bug_542403.json returns nothing
14:26:32 <warlord> .... unless you changed the status in the past couple days?
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14:28:46 <jralls> warlord: No, I haven't changed that at all. Look at the pages in your browser: They both show an attachment.
14:29:39 <warlord> Yes, there is an attachment. But there is no status history in the JSON, and no "attachment status" in gnucash BZ... So there's nothing I can do mechanically.
14:29:51 <warlord> jralls: take a look at bug 101456. That has some attachment status history.
14:29:56 <jralls> Meanwhile, on 101456, it looks like you're setting the flags on the bug, not on the attachment.
14:31:40 <warlord> I'm not setting any flags.
14:34:55 <warlord> jralls: c.f. https://bugzilla.gnucash.org/show_activity.cgi?id=101456
14:35:28 <warlord> At the bottom, see the changes by cstim and plongstaff at 2009-09-24 and -26
14:35:33 <jralls> Yeah, I'm comparing that with its bugzilla.gnome.org parent.
14:38:58 <warlord> ok
14:39:02 <jralls> So on those two the bz.gnome history says "attachement status" is what was updated, but 2008-07-11 02:41:24PDT (yours will probably be 3 hours later) where Rolf Leggewie changed "none" to "reviewed" what's changed is "Flags".
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14:41:48 <jralls> That's imported without the attachment information at 2008-07-11 09:41:24 EDT in bz.gnucash, but the attachment information is lost so it looks like the flag is on the bug instead of the attachment.
14:42:42 <warlord> The JSON says this: "changes":[{"added":"reviewed","field_name":"flagtypes.name","removed":"none","attachment_id":97818}],"when":"2008-07-11T09:41:24Z","who":"bugzilla.gnome.org@rolf.leggewie.biz"
14:42:46 <jralls> Doing the same with "Attachment Status" would be fine as long as the attachment number is retained.
14:43:42 <jralls> Note the time difference... Are the JSON timestamps coming in with a TZ indicator?
14:44:00 <warlord> Yes. Z
14:44:50 <gjanssens> warlord: any news from linas regarding the dns change for bugs.gnucash.org ?
14:45:16 <warlord> gjanssens: oh, that was done ages ago. I just haven't set up TLS yet or reconfigured.
14:46:25 <gjanssens> Good. one more thing to complete before final migration then :)
14:46:38 <warlord> gjanssens: Yeah. Where is my ToDo List? ;)
14:47:07 <warlord> Okay, I removed the "waiting on DNS"
14:47:16 <gjanssens> Lovely
14:48:13 <warlord> jralls: I suspect that the attachment id in the history is also a gnome extension..
14:48:44 <jralls> Meaning that the importer won't import it?
14:50:55 <warlord> Looking at the code.... There is a bug in the Bugzilla::Migrate.
14:51:35 <warlord> It does not pass the attachment_id over.
14:51:50 <jralls> Ah.
14:53:20 <jralls> On time, the importer appears to be converting when":"2008-07-11T09:41:24Z" to 2008-07-11T09:41:24R, i.e. ignoring the Z and assuming it's local time.
14:53:33 <warlord> I can fix that.
14:54:31 <warlord> That's definitely a bug in Bugzilla::Migrate -- but the attachment IDs are not stable, so how would I know what attachment ID I should be putting in there??
14:57:28 <jralls> What do you mean the attachment ids aren't stable?
14:58:28 <jralls> That that field is marked "unstable" in the docs?
14:58:35 <warlord> In GnomeBZ, the attachment on bug #101456 is Attachment #97818. But in GnuCashBZ it's attachment #36.
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14:59:06 <warlord> The JSON has attachment_id:97818. But I don't know how to translate that.
14:59:24 <warlord> At the time I'm importing I don't know what the attachment id will be.
14:59:41 <warlord> I could add code to stabilize the attachment id too (like I stabilize the bug ID)
15:01:15 <jralls> I think you'll have to. Aside from having the history correct you need to know on what attachment to set the flag on a status change.
15:02:00 <warlord> Dammit, that didn't even occur to me..
15:02:27 <warlord> Okay, I'll go work on that -- but I'll need connectivity time because I'll need to be dumping/loading to test my changes.
15:03:59 <jralls> No wifi on the plane? ;-) (inflight wifi isn't terribly useful anyway).
15:04:42 <warlord> Minimal. I'll have some on my ATL-JFK flight, but not across the ocean (at least not on my laptop) -- and I'll want to sleep ..
15:05:05 <warlord> On the way back I may... It depends. But I think my account is domestic only.
15:05:22 <warlord> and.. as you say.. it's not terribly useful (lathough it's getting better IMHO)
15:06:18 <jralls> How long's this trip?
15:13:26 <warlord> 2 1/2 days there
15:15:35 <jralls> Yuk. Almost as much time in the air as on the ground.
15:24:00 <warlord> Pretty much.
15:24:04 <warlord> ATL-JFK-MAD-NCE
15:24:15 <warlord> in 3 separate round-trip flights on 2 airlines
15:24:21 <warlord> Not planning to check back.
15:24:22 <warlord> bags
15:25:11 <jralls> No point in even taking bags. You're not going to have time to change clothes. :-(
15:25:45 <warlord> hahah
15:31:59 <gjanssens> :)
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15:38:17 <warlord> Anyways, before I do a dump and test for the next stages, we can review the Product/Component mappings..
15:38:37 <warlord> And see if there are other bugs in the migration that are not listed on https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla_Administration#TODO
15:41:50 <jralls> Are there any Gnome customizations that we want to port, at least as part of migration?
15:43:16 <warlord> That's another good question.
15:43:38 <warlord> Some of the web page rework can be done later (e.g. the browse pages)
15:43:52 <warlord> We already have a solution to the attachment status extension
15:44:55 <jralls> And that's the only important issue that I've noticed. My main unimportant issue is that the default theme is really ugly, but that's also a post-migration issue.
15:46:19 <jralls> Also from the todo list, can't you convert the pseudo-accounts programmatically during migration?
15:50:40 <warlord> yes.
15:51:07 <warlord> everything in "TODO" is a programatic thing (either pre- or post- migration)
15:51:16 <warlord> after migration is a mixture.
15:51:26 <warlord> Okay, maybe the last todo item is not programatic ;)
15:52:34 <jralls> Renaming the vhost?
15:57:26 <warlord> bugzilla -> bugs
16:03:07 <jralls> Right, I meant is that something to do programmatically? Isn't it a one-time change to apache2/vhosts.conf?
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16:09:10 <warlord> jralls: true. and that can probably be done either pre- or post- migration too.
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16:37:27 <jralls> warlord: That one might fall into "the sooner the better"...
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16:40:47 <warlord> Sure.
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16:42:52 <warlord> Shall "bugs" be canonical?
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16:46:52 <warlord> Done.
16:51:26 <jralls> Don't understand "canonical" in this context.
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17:15:46 <warlord> jralls: I made "bugs" the canonical name..
17:15:54 <warlord> (everything forwards to bugs)
17:15:59 <warlord> but for some reason I can't login.
17:16:08 <jralls> Yes, I think that's what we want.
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17:17:59 <jralls> Looks like it still has the "bugzilla" subdirectory.
17:18:13 <warlord> Nope, it shouldn't.
17:19:14 <warlord> But for some reason I can't login to my admin account.
17:20:25 <warlord> jralls: can you login?
17:20:56 <jralls> Yes, but I had to clear the URI-bar and start from bugs.gnucash.org.
17:21:41 <warlord> Ah, there we go
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17:23:42 <warlord> I'm back in now. Weird.
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17:54:56 <jralls> Should "Tip of the Day" and "Manpage" be in Documentation, given that their sources are in gnucash rather than gnucash-docs?
17:58:40 <jralls> 712301 should be GnuCash:build-system not packaging.
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18:15:11 <jralls> 786202 should be in packaging:MacOS; 731864, 737646, 784161, 788372, and 793461 should be in packaging:Windows. But ISTR we decided that it was too hard to automatically pick out packaging bugs and that there are few enough that we can do that by hand.
18:16:36 <jralls> So my only concern about product mapping is where TotD and man pages should go.
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19:24:37 <warlord> jralls: can you email about those issues to -devel? That way there is potential wider range of input.
19:25:00 <jralls> OK.
19:27:17 <warlord> re 712301 -- it is in GnuCash:Build System. I don't see how it could be in anything else -- unless it was changed after my import-download.
19:27:41 <warlord> The JSON file I have says Build System. I don't see how my migration code would move it.
19:29:23 <warlord> 786202 is also in Build System, so it would stay there based on my current heuristics.
19:31:11 <jralls> warlord: Indeed, gjanssens moved 712301 on 5/25, IIRC to see if he could.
19:32:15 <jralls> As for the others, like I said, it's too hard to get perfect with a script. There aren't many, we can fix them up later.
19:39:02 <jralls> warlord: Email to gnucash-devel sent.
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