2018-05-23 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:34:19 <gjanssens> .
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05:23:12 <gjanssens> jralls, warlord: I finally have some time now to look at the bugzilla migration. I'll add my thoughts here as I go along
05:23:56 <gjanssens> First thing: when clicking on the "Browse" button two products are presented: "GnuCash" and "TestProduct".
05:24:19 <gjanssens> Obviously the TestProduct is just that and will probably disappear when we go live.
05:25:06 <gjanssens> However as we host bugzilla at gnucash.org, it should be obvious the database is about gnucash.
05:25:42 <gjanssens> So perhaps we can reuse the product field for a more useful separation of bugs
05:26:32 <gjanssens> How about having "Gnucash" for that program, "Documentation" for all documentation related bugs and "Website" for our website related bugs
05:27:30 <gjanssens> Documentation and Website are currently components of gnucash so they would be moved.
05:29:45 <gjanssens> This split more or less follows the same separation as we have in git. If we take that as a guide we may also want an "OS integration" product covering issues specific to the Windows and OS X integration repos (gnucash-on-windows and gnucash-on-osx)
05:30:26 <gjanssens> The "OS Integration" could have a Windows and an OS X/Quarz (or however it's spelled these days) component
05:32:50 <gjanssens> Planning ahead to a potential split of the gnucash product in a real libgnucash and "libgnucash-consumers" we may want to create a libgnucash product now as well managing all the lower level components (backends, engine, ...)
05:33:19 <gjanssens> And GnuCash and Bindings as products for the libgnucash-consumers.
05:33:37 <gjanssens> This split may be too early though.
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05:37:38 <gjanssens> Gnome bugzilla has a summary report - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
05:37:49 <gjanssens> This is missing in gnucash bugzilla. Was this a gnome customization ?
05:40:05 <gjanssens> I am a heavy user of the browse page. On gnomebz this had plenty of statistics on a product. There are all gone. Is this because I'm not yet known as a developer or was this a gnome customization ?
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05:44:58 <gjanssens> Each bug report now has a block for effort estimates and accounting. Do we want to keep this ? And can it be (globally) disabled via configuration ?
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05:53:51 <gjanssens> Looking at attachments and attachment statuses again. Without a status flag it is effectively more difficult to track a patch' status.
05:54:11 <gjanssens> I just took the first example: https://bugzilla.gnucash.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=570011
05:54:41 <gjanssens> I had to read through the whole bug to understand improvemements were requested and not yet provided.
05:56:29 <gjanssens> So I'm in two minds about this. I do understand it would require bugzilla customization however without it bugzilla gets yet a bit more cumbersome to manage patches.
05:57:37 <gjanssens> We could also change our patch policy and only accept PR's over github (who would have thought when we started with git several years ago I'd one day consider proposing that...)
05:59:21 <gjanssens> The subtle pinch there is that it would mean we start to depend solely on a proprietary service to accept code contributions from a non-commiter
05:59:43 <gjanssens> Which is not ideal for a project promoting free software :(
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07:49:20 <warlord> gjanssens: thanks. I'll try to copy-and-paste your feedback into email for posterity.
08:28:15 <warlord> gjanssens: responded by email.
08:29:02 <gjanssens> warlord: thanks
08:29:54 <warlord> And... time tracking is turned off
08:29:57 <warlord> (hopefully)
08:31:54 <gjanssens> Yep, it's gone
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08:37:33 <chris1> (Just wish to dump my understanding of unit testing) - I'll be designing test-invoice.scm and friends to formally 'freeze' the implementation of invoices as they currently stand... i.e. no increased functionality, no hunting for bugs.
08:38:24 <chris1> i.e. most invoice.scm & friends options and features will be stabilised and confirm unchanged.
08:38:41 <chris1> because eventually I'll want to merge invoice.scm and friends and expect all tests to pass
08:39:12 <chris1> otherwise a bit busy with real-life study and will do this in spare minutes
08:49:10 <warlord> gjanssens: Great. So really it's just the attachment status and potential restructuring.
08:51:19 <gjanssens> chris1: that's the concept
08:51:44 <gjanssens> However in practise I suppose you will need to adjust the unit tests depending on your restructuring
08:52:21 <gjanssens> I don't expect the outputted html to be bit by bit exactly the same for the unified report or the old separate reports
08:53:09 <gjanssens> I do expect the new unified report to be flexible enough to generate html output that's visually very close to what the old reports did, but it may differ in details
08:53:38 <gjanssens> The unit tests should mostly guard all configurable aspects continue to work.
08:54:16 <gjanssens> I realize this is all a bit hand-wavy but I don't know how to explain it more clearly or precisely
08:54:42 <chris1> Lol got the overall idea...
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09:28:02 <chris1> :( I'm adding invoice figures from gnucash-user into my test and the figures don't match :( :(
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09:29:48 <chris1> so, gjanssens unfortunately will wish to recruit your help again
09:29:50 <chris1> https://imgur.com/a/KlHP0TR
09:34:26 <gjanssens> chris1: what's wrong with the screenshot ?
09:35:30 <chris1> today's reports that the total = $370, its 13% tax should be $48.10 rather than the reported $48.11, but the scheme amounts show $48.09
09:35:57 <chris1> today's bug-of-the-day in -user
09:38:13 <gjanssens> Right. The user report was probably on 2.6, while your test runs on 3.x
09:38:31 <gjanssens> It looks like 3.x is truncating rather than rounding.
09:39:00 <gjanssens> Which is yet another bug. They proliferate quickly these days...
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09:43:13 <chris1> so, I'm not sure what to do... perhaps I'll leave this rounding issue untested for now and focus on testing the reporting parts only
09:45:02 <gjanssens> Well, it's weirder than that.
09:45:26 <chris1> it's on my branch scheme-invoice-with-rounding-issue and I'll leave it alone for your perusal
09:45:30 <gjanssens> I'm trying to reproduce and I do indeed get consistently 48.11 as tax amount
09:46:39 <gjanssens> Or more precisely if I create an invoice in gnucash 3.1+ I consistently get that amount. I haven't tested what happens when directly created from scheme
09:46:56 <gjanssens> What happens if you create the invoice via the gnucash gui ?
09:47:12 <chris1> ditto 48.11
09:48:44 <gjanssens> Ok, so the scheme path is still different from the c path in some way. I suspect this happens because tax percentages are stored internally with 6 significant digits where guile only passes whole numbers (it automatically reduces rationals)
09:49:45 <gjanssens> Perhaps this is fixed if I correct the rounding strategy for the multiplications as I suggested in my commit message.
09:59:01 <chris1> This will be a headache. I've just tried (gnc-numeric-create 1300 100) instead of 13 for all numbers, and same result. I think I'll park this and let you decide what's best. The branch scheme-invoice-with-rounding-issue will create offending invoice in /tmp/test-inv-inv-1-add--277-5-and--92-50-plus-13--taxes.html
10:02:09 <gjanssens> Try (gnc-numeric-create 1300000 100000) (assuming gnc-numeric-create doesn't reduce)
10:05:08 <chris1> no change.
10:05:27 <chris1> i wonder if jralls has effectively neutralized gnc-numeric-create a few months ago
10:07:32 <chris1> hmm i think I'm right... whether I store 13 or gnc-numeric-create in gncEntrySetQuantity, the gncEntryGetQuantity returns a number
10:38:20 <gjanssens> chris1: no I think it's guile doing the auto reduction. Each time the gncnumeric passes through guile interpretation it will be reduced
10:38:48 <gjanssens> But clearly our code should be able to handle this
10:38:55 <gjanssens> (where it currently doesn't)
10:39:45 <gjanssens> We have been discussing this around the time jralls converted GncNumeric to c++ and our conclusion was we should never round except when storing or displaying.
10:40:14 <gjanssens> The current code base is not doing that and it will take lots of corrections to get there.
10:45:34 <chris1> ok in any case i'll choose easier numbers for test-invoices
10:46:22 <chris1> perhaps there should be a test-numeric.scm
10:49:41 <gjanssens> chris1: that would be useful indeed.
10:50:23 <gjanssens> And there should also be a test-gncentry.c and a test-<name-your-source-file>.<ext> for what it's worth :)
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10:50:47 <gjanssens> I'm grateful you are already picking up some of those
10:51:40 <gjanssens> Oh hang on, there is a utest-Entry.c already :)
10:51:44 <gjanssens> Time to update this one
10:52:05 <gjanssens> I can easily simulate your scheme issues in C so I can catch those errors in there already
10:54:46 <chris1> I'll leave C for you... us schemers are spoilt to never worry about malloc and friends
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10:55:27 <chris1> I'll try remember convert gtest-gnc-numeric.c to test-gnc-numeric.scm as wel
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11:29:48 <chris1> the gratitude is mine too... always had reservations about Quicken
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15:20:16 <warlord> jralls: BTW, I definitely will need to blow away our bugs DB at least one more time -- for the final migration. So I don't see the harm in blowing it away a few additional times between now and then.
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19:20:03 <gringotts> Good day gnucash people!
19:21:16 <gringotts> I'm looking for a little guidance on importing to GnuCash. I'm stuck on a seeming requirement for withdrawl or deposit column ("Please select a deposit or withdrawl column.")
19:21:41 <gringotts> Checking the source, yup it wants one or both.
19:22:14 <gringotts> My bank doesn't supply that with its CSV downloads, so what do you suggest I do?
19:24:49 <gringotts> Here's what I do get, left to right: Details (DEBIT|CREDIT), Date (mm/dd/yyyy), Description (arb text), Amount (float), Type (DEBIT CARD|ATM|FEE TRANS|MISC CREDIT|CHECK_PAID|+ a few more), Balance (float), Notation (check or slip nr.)
19:25:55 <gringotts> Should I write a little script to transform this CSV and produce Withdrawl & Deposit columns, based on the Details and Amount columns?
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