2018-05-20 GnuCash IRC logs
00:18:42 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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01:31:00 <chris> @tell gjanssens all's good now thanks
01:31:00 <gncbot> chris: The operation succeeded.
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09:00:29 <noblockage> hello
09:00:45 <Farelli> o/
09:01:06 <noblockage> got a concern about the calendar/date component on gnucash
09:01:47 <noblockage> I can't seem to enter the specific date of March the 2nd of any year. what's up with that?
09:02:21 <noblockage> it automatically reverts to March 1st
09:02:34 <noblockage> however March the 3rd works fine
09:02:39 <noblockage> ...?
09:03:38 <noblockage> ... anyone else experience this?
09:04:06 <Farelli> do you mean in an account, when entering transactions?
09:04:35 <noblockage> my build > git rev 38a0d33+ on 2013-12-29
09:05:07 <noblockage> yes when entering transactions
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09:05:48 <Farelli> i'm on rev c1b5e6c+
09:05:54 <Farelli> and I don't see that issue
09:06:13 <Farelli> version 2.6.19
09:07:24 <noblockage> maybe I'll try that version. I have 2.6.0
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09:08:15 <Farelli> I built mine on 12/17/17, and haven't changed since. Haven't run into any issues yet
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09:11:17 <noblockage> do all older version account files work in newer versions of gnucash? I'm going try updating from 2.6.0 to 3.1
09:11:19 <noblockage> ?
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09:26:25 <noblockage> thanks for now.
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10:01:52 <warlord> Lovely... Some dependencies to non-gnucash bugs... and some circular dependencies...
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11:13:54 <omnireq> Hi, I'm trying to build build Gnucash for the first time, using Gnucash 3.1 on Mint 18.3. cmake gave me some errors, but I think I've managed to work them all out (like editing CMakeLists.txt to have project (gnucash C CXX) so that pthread_create is found) except one: Performing Test have_stringop_truncation - Failed. Even after looking and the error log and searching online, I'm not sure what effect this error will have and I can't seem to
11:13:54 <omnireq> figure out what to do about it. I'm hoping someone might be able to point my efforts in the right direction.
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17:14:44 <jralls> omnireg: It's just deciding whether to set a compiler flag. As long as cmake tells you "Build files have been written to..." you're good to continue building.
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17:52:25 <warlord> .
17:53:20 <warlord> jralls: did you see my last two BZ-related emails?
17:54:18 <jralls> warlord: If you mean the ones from this morning, yes.
17:54:48 <warlord> jralls: the ones about circular deps and deps to non-gnc bugs.. You responded to one; I followed up to it and sent another one.
17:55:46 <marusich> The Wiki seems to contain conflicting information about how to interpret the GnuCash version number - which interpretation is correct?
17:55:51 <marusich> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development_Process#Release_Version_Numbering
17:55:56 <marusich> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Process#New_Major.2FMinor_Version
17:56:03 <jralls> I'm a bit uncomfortable with the idea of fixing them on the gnome side before importing because that breaks the links there. Is it hard to figure out when a link points to a non-gnucash bug?
17:56:37 <jralls> marusich: The first one is obsolete. I'll fix it in a bit.
17:56:48 <warlord> Kind of -- unless I make the assumption that I'm working on the full data set (whch I was not before)
17:57:32 <jralls> warlord: I suppose that there's another option, though I'm not wild about it: Pull in the ~200 non-gucash bugs.
17:57:40 <marusich> OK. Thank you for the info
17:58:15 <jralls> warlord: I'm not wild about it because some of them have links of their own, in some cases many links.
17:59:25 <marusich> jralls, is 3.1 a "stable" release? I'd like to avoid using it if it's "unstable"
17:59:46 <warlord> marusich: yes, all 3.x releases are considered stable.
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18:00:17 <marusich> OK. Beyond looking at the ChangeLog, is there any place I should look to learn about risks/things I should do when upgrading from 2.6 to 3.1?
18:01:36 <jralls> marusich: The NEWS file or the release notes at https://www.gnucash.org/news.phtml or https://github.com/gnucash/gnucash/releases. All have essentially the same content.
18:01:46 <marusich> OK. Thank you!
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18:04:08 <warlord> jralls: I can heuristically detect that a dependency is not in my list of bugs. That doesn't tell me it's not a gnucash bug, only that I don't have it in my list. BUT.. In those cases I *could* just "guess" that those dependncies are non-gnucahs.
18:04:13 <warlord> .. and make the change...
18:05:12 <jralls> warlord: I think that's probably sufficient. There will likely not be too many errors and those can be fixed by hand after the fact.
18:05:49 <warlord> Okay.. I'll look at doing that.
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