2018-04-20 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:02:01 <warlord> better?
08:02:16 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
08:02:19 <warlord> FYI, I'm going to be in France and Germany next week.
08:02:28 <fell> Thanks!
08:02:39 <fell> Which towns?
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08:03:35 <warlord> Nice, Marseilles, and Munich
08:03:42 <warlord> (and Sophia-Antibes)
08:03:54 <gjanssens> Hmm, too far away to just drop by :(
08:04:19 <warlord> Yeah, sorry.
08:04:25 <warlord> I'll probably be in Paris in August
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08:04:34 <fell> Antibe is nice, we chartered there a sailing boat decades ago.
08:04:52 <gjanssens> Paris is more doable.
08:05:14 <fell> Only a few hours by Thalys
08:05:50 <warlord> Yeah, I've done the Brussels-Paris Thalys. Nice ride.
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08:35:18 <warlord> gjanssens: I've removed all old build logs up until this year...
08:35:28 <warlord> Do you want me to prune more?
08:35:31 <gjanssens> Good
08:35:31 <warlord> What else do you want pruned?
08:36:03 <warlord> fell: Unforunately I dont think I'll have much time to sail.
08:38:18 <fell> Warlord, can we have a look at the wiki user groups?
08:38:49 <gjanssens> warlord: can you also remove https://code.gnucash.org/builds/win32/2.6.4
08:39:08 <fell> They have to conirm their email address twice.
08:39:18 <gjanssens> And move the 2.6.x installers in maint into their own 2.6 directory
08:40:46 <warlord> Should the 2.6 be a subdirectory of maint, or a top-level?
08:42:47 <fell> It is no longer maint
08:43:10 <warlord> Fair enough -- I moved it to a top-level 2.6 directory (in parallel to 2.4)
08:43:27 <fell> right
08:44:11 <warlord> There have been no builds on master since March 13?
08:44:28 <warlord> gnucash-2.7.6-2018-03-13-git-2.7.5-99-g363b259bd+-setup.exe
08:47:43 <fell> There was a merge on 2018-04-15
08:48:14 <warlord> But there hasn't been a build..
08:48:23 <warlord> Or the build has failed.
08:48:38 <fell> diskspace>0?
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08:50:02 <warlord> No. From the build-log:
08:50:03 <warlord> *** module gnucash-git not built due to non buildable aqbanking *** [15/17]
08:51:08 <warlord> But I dont see a specific AqB build error in the log, just an "error during build"
08:51:22 <warlord> *** Configuring aqbanking *** [7/17]
08:51:22 <warlord> autoreconf -fi
08:51:22 <warlord> *** Building aqbanking *** [7/17]
08:51:22 <warlord> make -j1 -j 1
08:51:23 <warlord> *** Error during phase build of aqbanking: ########## Error running make -j1 -j 1 *** [7/17]
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08:54:24 <fell> Should be related to https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2018-April/041805.html
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09:15:56 <gjanssens> warlord, fell: I have removed the master build directory and restarted the build. Perhaps a patch was not applied ?
09:16:14 <gjanssens> We'll see later whether it has worked
09:17:10 <gjanssens> warlord: the buildlogs directory still has some files named gnucash-build-log-<date> from 2017
09:17:27 <gjanssens> You can remove those as well imo, there's nothing useful in them
09:20:23 <gjanssens> And I'd propose one more consolidation: make toplevel directories 2.6-pre and 3-pre and move all installers from master, trunk and unstable into the respective directories
09:21:22 <gjanssens> That is all nightlies from trunk/master while preparing for 2.6 should go in 2.6-pre, master/unstable/trunk builds during the 3.0 devel cycle should go in 3-pre
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09:21:44 <gjanssens> And then trunk and unstable can be removed
09:22:05 <gjanssens> Or to be safe, unstable can remain as an empty directory for now.
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09:37:43 <warlord> gjanssens: Ahh, I missed -releases when I was purging. And there are a few "gnucash-build-log" files in there, too. I'll purge those.
09:39:21 <warlord> OKay, build-logs pruned more
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09:39:38 <warlord> Hopefully removing the older build-releases-... was okay.
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09:43:17 <warlord> gjanssens: where should I move the trunk/gnucash-2.6.[0123]* files?
09:45:37 <warlord> gjanssens: also, found a conflict:
09:45:38 <warlord> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 upload rsshusers 114673140 Nov 1 03:30 3-pre/gnucash-2.7.1-2017-11-01-git-2.7.1-23-g4f9716362+-setup.exe
09:45:38 <warlord> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 upload rsshusers 116132068 Nov 1 03:15 master/gnucash-2.7.1-2017-11-01-git-2.7.1-23-g4f9716362+-setup.exe
09:45:49 <warlord> Not sure which one to keep?
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09:51:55 <gjanssens> re the 2.6.[0123*] files these are probably stable releases on the trunk branch before we branched off a 2.6 maintenance branch
09:52:08 <gjanssens> If they don't exist in 2.6, I'd move them there.
09:59:03 <warlord> gjanssens: done. and trunk removed.
09:59:43 <warlord> So just maint, master, releases, and unstable. The latter is empty
10:03:15 <gjanssens> Very good. As for the conflict, I'd keep the one you already moved to 3-pre. That's the unstable build imo. At that moment in time master was pretty irrelevant.
10:03:50 <warlord> OKay, so I'll rm the master version
10:04:07 <warlord> Done.
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10:08:54 <gjanssens> Wonderful. Thanks!
10:10:24 <warlord> No worries.
10:10:42 <warlord> Next project: Bugzilla.. And upgrading code from F25 to either F27 or (soon) F28.
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10:14:20 <warlord> Oh, and upgrading gncbot from supybot to limnoria
10:19:42 <gjanssens> All fun projects :)
10:19:56 <fell> Warlord, can we before have a look at wiki's user groups?
10:20:57 <fell> When we originally set it up, we hhad the procedure:
10:21:16 <fell> 1. create an account
10:21:42 <fell> you can edit only the user page.
10:22:01 <fell> 2. confirm email address:
10:22:25 <fell> Now you can edit other pages.
10:22:46 <fell> 3 After a week: you can create new pages.
10:24:38 <fell> In our current setup email confirmation is part of application. Account creation is done by bureaucrats.
10:25:38 <fell> But the users have still to reconfirm their email address before they can edit normla pages.
10:27:11 <warlord> There are probably 2 different email confirmations in there. I'll take a look.
10:29:12 <fell> In our current setup they should be promoted to emailconfirmed or
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10:30:10 <fell> emailconfirmed should be sqashed into users
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10:58:48 <catalin> Hi. How can you make a transaction (like buying a 10 shares of Intel stock) and pay from an account that is in a different curency?
10:59:16 <catalin> From what I've seen, the documentation only covers the payment when there is a single currency set.
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11:06:43 <fell> catalin: I would split it in 2 transactions: 1. currency conversion, 2. buy commodity
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11:22:29 <catalin> fell: Can you show me an example for this? I get the idea for this, but it still doesn't work the way I'm thinking...
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11:31:11 <fell> E.g. Bank A [EUR] -> Broker B:Checking [USD] -> Broker B:Intel [INTL]
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11:43:19 <Agfarmer18> I have a question re: code structures within gnucash... I need to track expenses by parcel of land, as well as crop sales revenues. Some costs (Admin, Equipment, etc.) will be distributed over all parcels, but direct planting costs are by land parcel (prep, plant, fertilized, harvest). Job#'s are organized by clients or Vendors, but what I really need are "work order" numbers. If there was an option for "WBS" codes, it would solve everything, but.
11:44:50 <warlord> Agfarmer18: sounds like you really want TAGS. But GnuCash does not support that. What would might need are subaccounts per each parcel.. E.g. Expenses:Parcel 1:<expenses>, etc.
11:46:17 <warlord> fell: I think it's a combination of EmailConfirmed vs. ConfirmEdit
11:46:40 <fell> or a good book about cost accounting and how it get applied in double entry accounting
11:47:12 <Agfarmer18> Yuck, sorry, but I did not want to go there...each parcel will be re-planted / harvested each year, plus the number of parcels available will increase each year. The system will explode with accounts after several years. But, I appreciate the response
11:48:36 <Agfarmer18> Fell, Yes, I have spent most of my adult life doing cost/schedule control on large projects, I know that part pretty well.
11:53:27 <Agfarmer18> Let me reformat the questions a bit...Is the Customer Job# approach something that needs to handled through A/R? Because if I can push expenses and revenues against that (hopefully leaving a positive balance), then I would know net incomes from each parcel...does that make sense?
11:53:52 <Agfarmer18> Then zero out to income/equity
12:03:03 <warlord> Yes, all Business features (Customers/Jobs/etc) must happen through A/R and the business features.
12:07:09 <fell> warlord: as far as I can see, ConfirmEdit is about captchas
12:08:26 <warlord> Ah, right, it's ConfirmAccount
12:08:35 <warlord> too many similarly-named extensions
12:09:27 <warlord> So it's ConfirmAccount that is interacting poorly with the built-in Email Authentication
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12:22:31 <warlord> What I dont want to do is somehow re-enable older spam accounts that were never confirmed.
12:24:00 <gjanssens> FYI the master build failed again, but this time on OpenSP (the very first build dependency)
12:24:16 <gjanssens> On the build server that is
12:24:34 <gjanssens> That makes jhbuild skip ofx and by extension gnucash-git
12:24:42 <warlord> Hmm...
12:24:46 <warlord> What was the failure?
12:25:36 <gjanssens> The logs are a bit confusing, because the jhbuild messages (starting this/that finished) all end up at the end of the file while the actual build output comes before.
12:25:56 <warlord> Oh. Hmm, interesting.
12:26:54 <gjanssens> The current failure is https://gist.github.com/gjanssens/39b8c42fdc5b93f4af97dc071630d66e
12:27:26 <gjanssens> It's only part of the build log of course. I have just copied it from uploaded log
12:27:41 <warlord> Also, FYI, once I updated the directory in the docs build script it started working again
12:27:56 <gjanssens> Good
12:27:58 <warlord> Huh. That's not good.
12:28:05 <warlord> (looking at the gistfile)
12:28:32 <gjanssens> Nope. I won't have time left this evening to look at it.
12:29:10 <gjanssens> Nor tomorrow...
12:29:44 <gjanssens> Of course master isn't urgent. It can continue to fail for a while. Nothing is currently happening on that branch
12:30:22 <gjanssens> I'm more frustrated my local (windows) build is failing as well
12:30:33 <gjanssens> With error messages similar to Bob's
12:32:29 <warlord> gjanssens: FYI, Jonathan Kamens (on the -user list) is a college friend of mine. EXTREMELY clueful.
12:33:27 <gjanssens> Ok, good to know. Do you use Ubuntu, because it looks they did something weird wrt gtk2 in their 18.04 release
12:35:12 <warlord> No, I do not.
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12:38:56 <fell> What am I missing, comparing https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Special:ListGroupRights and https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Special:ListUsers?
12:41:14 <fell> in ListUsers many (old) have an (editor) - IIRC the old group with write access, which is not in ListGroupRights
12:43:56 <jralls> fell: System administrator = root. Plus CMake doesn't do what one expects with etc. Best to steer ordinary users away from it; experts who know what they're doing will ignore the recommendations anyway.
12:44:31 <fell> :)
12:47:07 <jralls> gjanssens: LANG is a fallback for unset values of LC_foo, see locale(7). LANGUAGE is a preference-ordered list of languages for gettext; gettext will fall back on LC_MESSAGES (which in turn falls back on LANG) if LANGUAGES isn't set.
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12:53:15 <boldstripe> Big CSV import into 3.0.1: I was successfully able to import 8000+ transactions as CSV file(s) by dividing into 1000-transaction 'chunks'. Each took 15-20 minutes to import, my gnucash file is now more than 1 MB. I already filed a bug that importer crased if more than 1400 entries.
12:53:31 <boldstripe> crashed
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13:00:16 <gjanssens> jralls: fyi I pushed a commit a few days back that should solve the /opt installation issue. It did on my system at least
13:00:39 <jralls> gjanssens: Oh, good. Thanks.
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13:03:03 <jralls> I need to go grocery shopping in a few minutes, I'll update you on gnc-filepath-utils: Forcing conversion to UTF16 fixed the one instance, confirming my suspicions. The "right" way to fix it if I can get it to work is to pass the right codecvt to the bfs:path ctor. Still struggling a bit with that.
13:05:25 <gjanssens> That's quite nice :)
13:06:56 <jralls> If it works it is...
13:07:53 <jralls> On the code master build it looks like OpenSP's src dir has gotten munged. Deleting it so that it gets a fresh unpack from the tarball should get past that problem. I'll take a whack at it when I get back.
13:09:00 <gjanssens> I can do that still. I have about half an hour left
13:09:16 <gjanssens> Are you logged in currently ?
13:09:35 <jralls> No, go ahead.
13:09:38 <gjanssens> Ok
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13:15:20 <gjanssens> Ok, build has been started
13:16:05 <gjanssens> And it already got past OpenSP's configure step. Fingers crossed
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13:21:59 <znoteer_> I'm trying to create a new chart of accounts in SQL format. When I click "apply" in the account setup wizard, I get sent to the "save as..." dialog. SQL is not an option in the dropdown menu. Only XML is available. How do I save in sqllite3 format? (gc 2.6.15 packaged for Debian 9 Stretch)
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13:26:52 <fell> znoteer_, do you have libdbi an respective dbd-sqlite lodules installed?
13:27:28 <fell> modules
13:29:04 <znoteer_> let me check...
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13:33:15 <gjanssens> Wow. If I rerun jhbuild with exactly the same settings after the first build failed, jhbuild decided it needs to rebuild *everything*
13:33:45 <gjanssens> I didn't change one single gnucash or gnucash-dep related file in between builds :(
13:34:12 <gjanssens> Debugging the Windows issues will take some time this way :(
13:35:10 <gjanssens> I know I could use buildone, but I would have hoped jhbuild to be a bit smarter :)
13:36:16 <znoteer_> fell libdbi1, got to pick someone up at the hospital. will look for modules later <-- fell
13:36:41 <gjanssens> And it seems our windows build server *is* smarter. It only rebuilt OpenSP, libfox and is now doing gnucash-git
13:37:38 <gjanssens> jralls_afk: Perhaps we should set BuildType to Debug by default on the nightly build
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13:38:04 <gjanssens> That way I can use those installers to debug on my system as well (provided I install sources in the same directories)
13:51:28 <gjanssens> ...and with that we have our first master nightly since we released 3.0 \o/
13:52:18 <gjanssens> My local system is still chugging along... currently at aqbanking (7/17)
13:52:23 <gjanssens> (yawn)
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14:17:40 <fell> warlord: Somehow related: $wgEmailConfirmToEdit, $wgEmailAuthentication
14:18:33 <warlord> fell: yeah. I'm just not sure what I need the settings to be for both future and past users..
14:24:32 <fell> Really bad spammer got locked
14:25:32 <fell> I checked a bunch of contribs of older users and didn't find spam until now.
14:28:09 <warlord> There are ~16000 user accounts sitting there. I don't want all of them to be auto-enabled when I turn off the confirmedit flags.
14:28:37 <fell> Hu?
14:29:53 <fell> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Special:ListUsers has 500 from AC to Message144
14:30:28 <fell> So there are less than 1000
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14:31:15 <warlord> Oh, I guess there's only 799 users in the database. I thought there were many more. Maybe they've been successfully purged.
14:31:18 <fell> Not sure, what you are seeing additionally
14:31:41 <warlord> I just did a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users;
14:31:45 <warlord> it returned 799
14:31:57 <warlord> (er, from "user", not "users")
14:33:15 <fell> Yes, that are our users
14:33:59 <fell> IIRC we removed at some point all users without contribution.
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14:48:18 <znoteer_> fell, back to my "save in sqlite3 format" problem. I have libdbi1 installed. As for dbd-sqlite modules, do libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 or libdbd-sqlite3-perl count? I also have packages called libdbd-sqlite and libdbd-sqlite3 but they are not currently installed.
14:49:07 <warlord> Right. But there were probably still some spammers in there.
14:51:19 <warlord> znoteer_: you need one of the latter.
14:51:28 <warlord> probably libdbd-sqlite3
14:56:08 <fell> warlord: That should be th locked users.
14:57:28 <fell> We have watched over years all contribs and blocked the bad guys
14:58:58 <warlord> fell: okay. So I guess just give editing to all users
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15:04:00 <warlord> fell: okay, I have commented out $wgRequireEmailConfirmationForEditing and $wgEmailConfirmToEdit. Do I need to comment out $wgEmailAuthentication as well? I've also set $wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = true;
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15:05:39 <warlord> OKay, I need to leave wgEmailAuthentication true.
15:09:11 <fell> I can not find $wgRequireEmailConfirmationForEditing
15:09:32 <warlord> I think it's a very very old configuration
15:10:02 <warlord> fell: okay, reloaded.
15:10:55 <warlord> How do we test this?
15:12:24 <fell> I logged out and have "View source" instead of "Edit"
15:13:21 <fell> I will now create a test user
15:25:17 <fell> New user logged in and has edit tab
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15:34:01 <warlord> even before user was approved?
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15:35:35 <fell> fell approved the new user
15:38:12 <jralls> gjanssens_afk: Not unreasonable, it will give us better backtraces when users report crashes, but as the scripts are set up now there's no provision for local configs. Maybe I should add one.
15:38:44 <warlord> Did you have the edit after you created but before it was approved?
15:39:09 <fell> After approval
15:39:16 <fell> , but you do not have permission to create this page.
15:39:28 <warlord> So no edit option before it was approved?
15:39:30 <fell> what is as expected
15:39:42 <fell> No
15:40:05 <warlord> excellent
15:44:44 <fell> Adding links, i have to solve captchas
15:45:27 <fell> but I think, we could whitelist *.wikipedia.org
15:53:12 <fell> Still questions or can I remove/merge the account?
15:54:48 <warlord> I think you can remove it
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16:31:11 <jralls> gjanssens_afk: After you've run jhbuild to build all of the dependencies you can use `TARGET=gnucash-maint jhbuild -f jhbuildrc shell` to get an environment where you can just cd to the build directory and use cmake, make, ninja, etc. as you would in a Linux command line environment.
16:31:48 <jralls> gjanssens_afk: Whether you can get Eclipse to work in that environment is another matter...
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16:48:09 <gjanssens> Thanks jralls
16:48:21 <gjanssens> I don't care about eclipse on Windows
16:48:33 <gjanssens> I'm fine with just a mingw bash shell as well
16:48:38 <jralls> gjanssens: And the gnc-filepath-utils fix works.
16:48:44 <jralls> \o/
16:48:51 <gjanssens> \o/ Mexican wave!
16:49:21 <jralls> But it's still not writing the tracefile, so something's still not quite right.
16:50:19 <gjanssens> The trace file is not related to filepath utils as far as I know
16:50:36 <gjanssens> Isn't that using g_get_temp_dir or something ?
16:50:55 <gjanssens> And what happens if you explicitly pass a --logto option at startup ?
16:52:03 <gjanssens> As to the backtraces thing, why do we need local configs ? Can't we just add -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug to the gnucash-git module and not add it to the gnucash (release) module ?
16:52:23 <jralls> --logto=filename always worked.
16:52:57 <gjanssens> Ok, which means whatever method we use to determine a default path is probably also having UTF conversion issues.
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16:53:35 <jralls> For debug builds that would make all git builds always debug on windows. Which is OK I guess.
16:53:48 <gjanssens> --logto=filename also works with something like 'c:\Users\René Romijn\something' ?
16:54:22 <jralls> Heh, didn't try it with a full path. Let's see...
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16:55:45 <gjanssens> BTW my local windows build is now doing googletest (14/17)
16:56:03 <gjanssens> More on that front will not be for tonight any more
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16:57:01 <jralls> I guess not. Did you blow away the inst directory? or say jhbuild build -f?
16:57:48 <gjanssens> Nope none of those.
16:58:02 <jralls> Odd.
16:58:25 <gjanssens> Yeah, don't sweat it
16:58:59 <gjanssens> It's a matter of getting used to jhbuild I guess
17:01:03 <gjanssens> When I manage to get gnucash built and installed via jhbuild shell, are there other things jhbuild does normally that depends on the gnucash-git target ? From what I see gnucash-docs is separate (and already built in the previous run)
17:01:41 <gjanssens> I mean if the gnucash part is successful and gnucash-docs is successful can I call the bundle script ?
17:02:22 <jralls> Yes.
17:03:51 <gjanssens> Good. Time to knock off...
17:03:57 <gjanssens> Good night!
17:04:37 <jralls> Setting logto=C:\Users\René Romijn\AppData\Roaming\gnucash.trace puts up a message box saying C:\Users\Ren? Romijn\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\data\Romijn\AppData\Roaming\gnucash.trace could not be found.
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17:05:11 <jralls> With a character of an X in a box instead of the ?.
17:05:20 <jralls> Good night!
17:05:23 <gjanssens> Ah, so the utf conversion fails there as well.
17:05:47 <gjanssens> And my windows build just failed in the exact same spot. Will look into that later...
17:05:48 <gjanssens> Night!
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17:38:13 <chf> Hello, I've made some changes to the german housing/landlord account template, as well as finished the rework of SKR49 for non-profit organisations which is now up-to-date as at january 1st.
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17:39:00 <fell> Schön!
17:39:47 <chf> Oh, warlord ist hier?
17:40:24 <chf> Könnte der meine Wiki-Beschränkung aufheben?
17:42:48 <fell> Welche?
17:43:25 <chf> Neue Seiten anlegen.
17:43:59 <fell> Probier mal, sonst erstell ich die eben.
17:44:31 <chf> Diese Seite enthält momentan noch keinen Text und du bist auch nicht dazu berechtigt, diese Seite zu erstellen. Du kannst ihren Titel auf anderen Seiten suchen oder die zugehörigen Logbücher betrachten.
17:45:06 <chf> „De/SKR49“ und „Category:Kontenrahmen“ fallen mir spontan ein.
17:45:15 <fell> OK
17:46:21 <chf> Danke.
17:48:12 <fell> erledigt
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18:48:51 <j605> in data/accounts/en_IN/CMakeLists.txt, there is a doubt regarding whether to copy all the default account to en_IN
18:49:07 <j605> I would say it is pretty safe to copy it from en_GB since it is already there
18:49:26 <j605> most of the common accounts should have very little changes
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18:50:19 <j605> I will try to look at it but I don't know if I can even differentiate between en_GB and en_IN for common accounts
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22:46:26 <FOUR_TWENTY> the l0de radio hour is live! http://www.youtube.com/l0de/live tonight's episode: 420 toke party! CALL IN 315-505-4666 irc.efnet.org #LRH
22:46:27 <FOUR_TWENTY> the l0de radio hour is live! http://www.youtube.com/l0de/live tonight's episode: 420 toke party! CALL IN 315-505-4666 irc.efnet.org #LRH
22:46:29 <FOUR_TWENTY> the l0de radio hour is live! http://www.youtube.com/l0de/live tonight's episode: 420 toke party! CALL IN 315-505-4666 irc.efnet.org #LRH
22:46:35 <FOUR_TWENTY> the l0de radio hour is live! http://www.youtube.com/l0de/live tonight's episode: 420 toke party! CALL IN 315-505-4666 irc.efnet.org #LRH
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