2018-04-18 GnuCash IRC logs

01:05:46 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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02:31:08 <gjanssens> .
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09:11:19 <chris> gjanssens I think https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=794965 deserves its own unit test :)
09:12:02 <gjanssens> chris: sure: can you reproduce it ?
09:13:08 <chris> yes I can on Win10 gnc3.0 it has exact issue with acct-name TEST ąčęėįšųūž ĄČĘĖĮŠŲŪŽ - not all chars survive into a report
09:13:15 <chris> e.g čę are mangled
09:15:08 <gjanssens> Good (sort of). Can you create a unit test that reliably fails until we find the fix ?
09:15:25 <chris> I can be lazy and augments the test-transaction, or create a separate test exclusively for it ?
09:15:50 <gjanssens> warlord: I'm having trouble downloading the nightly build.
09:16:04 <gjanssens> In my first attempt the download stalled at 7%
09:16:14 <gjanssens> After a restart, it's now stalling at 16%
09:16:23 <gjanssens> Are you seeing network issues at your place ?
09:19:32 <warlord> gjanssens: hard to tell. I'm on a Webex and it's not showing issues.. Let me try an MTR.
09:20:15 <warlord> gjanssens: I AM seeing a good deal of packet loss.
09:20:20 <warlord> like 30% loss
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09:21:36 <warlord> Interesting that the webex is working fine (from my mac) whereas my linux box is showing 30% loss.
09:21:53 <warlord> Now down to 12%. Might be a bursty loss?
09:22:14 <warlord> I don't have the same level of network monitoring here as I did before ... Maybe I should reinstate that.
09:24:08 <warlord> gjanssens: Try now?
09:26:57 <gjanssens> It seems to be better now, already past 30%
09:26:58 <chris> hmm I'd hope that the test will be valid... it won't detect if the string-encoding mechanism transparently converts the encoding to the wrong one both ways
09:27:48 <warlord> gjanssens: Thanks. I'm behind a much smaller pipe, now, so if people are pulling the nightly builds from code that could easily fill it with only a few simultaneous pulls.
09:27:50 <gjanssens> chris: hmm, ideed. Only one way to find out of course
09:27:58 <warlord> I think my total upstream in only like 10mbps
09:28:06 <gjanssens> warlord: what changed ?
09:28:20 <gjanssens> Did you move ?
09:29:01 <warlord> I moved about 3 months ago.
09:29:19 <warlord> I should be back behind my gb fiber by the end of the year.
09:29:36 <gjanssens> Is there a waiting line to get connected ?
09:29:55 <gjanssens> (That sounds like poor English...)
09:30:09 <warlord> No. There's a waiting line for me to renovate and move into the new house. (and yes, it should be "waiting list")
09:30:41 <gjanssens> Oh, you're not in your new house yet ?
09:30:49 <warlord> I have the network set up at the new house, but my computers are here at my temporary dwelling, because the power will be out for a while.
09:30:56 <warlord> Correct, I am not.
09:31:15 <gjanssens> I remember now you mentiond this before.
09:31:57 <warlord> Yeah. But there have been delays in getting our project started.
09:32:36 <warlord> Our current holdup is loss of our plan-drawing resources.
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10:29:33 <kkknewton> I am having trouble with the program when I put the last entry in,
10:31:32 <kkknewton> I I press enter and the whole program scrambled. Could someone tell me what happened here because all my records are scrambled and I need some help in this thank you
10:34:16 <warlord> What do you mean "the whole program scrambled"?
10:34:24 <warlord> Also, what version of gnucash? And what OS/Distro?
10:39:47 <kkknewton> I cannot answer any numbers. I think it is version 2.4. The OS is Apple
10:41:05 <gjanssens> kkknewton: you can find the version under Help/About. If there's a Build ID as well, supply it too.
10:43:00 <kkknewton> looking at what I had just written it should be I could not enter any numbers in the program.
10:45:18 <kkknewton> I am using version 2.6
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10:48:16 <gjanssens> So as warlord asked what do you mean "the whole program scrambled"?
10:50:58 <kkknewton> when I put my number is in the columns and then press enter, my screen tumbled so to speak and gave me many Windows to clean up. It did not affect the rest of the programs in the computer.
10:52:05 <gjanssens> Can you post a screenshot somewhere (you can mask sensitive data if you like)
10:55:53 <kkknewton> I am at my home computer and I have to go to the jobsite to gets that information. It could be a couple hours before I can get back to you
10:58:00 <warlord> kkknewton: okay. it would be best if there a way you can communicate with us in real-time from the host having issues.
11:00:58 <kkknewton> I also lost all this information. Is it possible to regain this information that I think I've lost. The question is should I upgraded to version 3 or zero's number of steps to do to bring it up to date and not lose the information I have in this program
11:02:31 <warlord> There are no known issues like you describe in 2.6.x. No need to upgrade to 3.0
11:02:45 <warlord> So I would stick with 2.6.x for now.
11:03:00 <warlord> But if windows are popping up, it sounds more like you have a virus than you have a problem with gnucash.
11:03:26 <kkknewton> to communicate with you in real time, we could use Skype or FaceTime.
11:04:37 <chris> this string-encoding bug is annoying - with (setlocale LC_ALL "C") there's no issue, without it it can't display any extended chars. Plus I still think the scm-C interface will nullify any encoding bug
11:06:26 <kkknewton> I will check to see if there is a virus in the computer and try to remove it.
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11:15:20 <kkknewton> Quit
11:17:46 <kkknewton> I am not sure how to close this program. I am 75 years old and I've never used a chat line. Thank you for your help everyone.
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11:27:46 <j605> just bumping to see if anyone looked at my post yesterday
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11:38:57 <warlord> j605: if you did not get a reply here from yesterday then you may need to repost.
11:39:37 <j605> hi, with the latest stable I was not able to see all the accounts in the creation wizard. It turns out with en_IN I was only show the GST type whereas starting with C locale made it show the standard options. Is this the intended behaviour? If so at least the common type should be included irrespective of the locale
11:39:50 <j605> I also ran into a gtk segfault for which a bug was already filed a month back, so I am not able to follow the docs after the edit equity part.
11:39:59 <j605> reference, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/issues/61
11:40:13 <j605> warlord: it is a lot of text, so I didn't want to spam too much
11:44:44 <warlord> So for the first part -- Yes, if there are *any* translated accounts for your locale then you will only get those accounts, even if it's just a subset. Whether or not this is a "bug" depends on the eye of the beholder, but it is technically behaving as designed.
11:44:58 <warlord> (the bug would be having only a limited set of account profiles translated)
11:45:43 <warlord> j605: Can't help you with the GTK bug, but if there is a known bug, and it's in a dependency, then we are at their mercy to fix it.
11:47:13 <j605> warlord: I could probably help with translating it to en_IN(mostly it is just making it more British). thanks :)
11:48:41 <j605> I did not expect a bug in stable release to be stuck for a month. I can't downgrade gtk3 :(
11:49:24 <warlord> Not sure what you mean by "bug in stable" and "stuck for a month". The gnucash release is only a week old.
11:50:46 <j605> not gnucash
11:50:54 <j605> I was talking about the bug in gtk3
11:51:19 <warlord> I dont know how often gtk releases new versions.
12:00:07 <chris> j605- quick answer - the GST accounts were tailor made for Indian GST, there's no problem creating GST accounts for other countries - see https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Tax_Handling:_Goods_and_Service_Tax_.28GST.29_or_Value_Added_Tax_.28VAT.29
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12:22:37 <j605> nothing against the GST accounts, but they are too complex starting out and I was just following the docs to make a personal finance file. TBH docs do start out by creating them manually so it is not all magic in case someone wants to do it on their own :)
12:23:02 <j605> BTW docs are amazing
12:24:13 <Mechtilde> .
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21:43:05 <Aelius> Trying to get my mother on gnucash, ran into two show stopping bugs
21:43:53 <Aelius> Windows 10; gnucash is crashing, inconsistently, when I try to select different categories in the tax options dialog
21:44:15 <Aelius> Sometimes I can select the radiobutton for assets or income, but most of the time doing so crashes gnucash
21:44:54 <Aelius> On the times when I think I have successfully set up a tax identity, it is not retained
21:45:37 <Aelius> therefore I cannot generate a tax report, as it keeps complaining that I haven't set up an identity
21:45:48 <Aelius> latest release version 3 from the website
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