2018-04-14 GnuCash IRC logs
00:27:36 *** evilsveta has joined #gnucash
00:27:44 <evilsveta> Is it normal for the gnucash debian package to compile guile at first startup? I was expecting packages to be already built. This is on debian stable.
01:12:24 <fell> evilsveta: Guile has been a script language (without compiling), but once decided to cache precompiled instances (performance reasons)
01:13:47 <fell> As long as you do not change them no further compilation is required.
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01:46:49 <gjanssens> .
01:46:51 <fell> Goede Morgen
01:46:55 <gjanssens> Hi fell
01:47:05 <gjanssens> Up early or late ;) ?
01:47:23 <fell> Still up
01:47:48 <fell> but i found the misssing section from guide
01:48:39 <gjanssens> Just saw your bug reort
01:48:47 <fell> And before I found contib/xslt and started testing it with chf.
01:48:57 <gjanssens> The one about xlst at least
01:49:22 <fell> -devel
01:52:09 <fell> the xslt is missing the "new" for guids
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02:47:04 <evilsveta> fell: ok
02:49:21 <evilsveta> And another question. When importing transactions how do I specify custom date format? I have '1 April 18' in the CSV file from the bank, but this date format is not listed in gnucash options. The closest I can select is d-m-y and it says it does not fit (the date format could be wrong).
02:50:26 <evilsveta> Actually, it is '1 Apr 18' (not 'April').
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02:56:25 <evilsveta> Importing QIF file, selected d-m-y anyway, gnucash simply closed all of its windows (crashed).
02:56:47 <evilsveta> It did give me a warning that date format is not recognised, but the options presented are severely lacking. :S
02:57:09 <evilsveta> With QIF import there was only two options: d-m-y and y-m-d. Neither is correct.
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03:07:02 <Guest32> hey guys I have just imported a large number of transactions into GNUcash using a CSV file and was just wondering if there is anyway to batch categorize the entries
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03:17:08 <evilsveta> categorize?
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03:17:52 <Guest32> like every one of my transactions that is from a restraunt I would like to set the Transfer column to expenses:Dining
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03:31:56 <Sveta> it's evilsveta. I am still looking for ways to customize the date format.
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04:09:05 <gjanssens> Sveta: unfortunately you can't in gnucash.
04:09:14 <gjanssens> As you noted the date options are quite limited
04:09:31 <gjanssens> You may try to open your csv file in Excel or LibreOffice Calc
04:10:05 <gjanssens> If you can make those recognize the dates in your file you can choose a different date format there and resave as csv
04:10:48 <gjanssens> Guest32: you could try to enable bayesian matching and train the csv importer
04:11:07 <gjanssens> The best is to do that in small batches though, not one big csv import in one go
04:11:24 <Guest32> oh I am just going through and doing it manually
04:11:36 <Guest32> my hand might fall off though by the time I am done
04:11:45 <gjanssens> :)
04:12:11 <Guest32> I am just finding a certain description and changing the transfer
04:12:28 <Guest32> how do I enable bayesian matching?
04:12:32 <gjanssens> Same cure: work in small batches and do the matching within the import. If you do it afterwards gnucash won't learn anything
04:13:29 <gjanssens> Preferences->Online Banking->Enable bayesian matching
04:14:39 <gjanssens> The "online banking" category is a bit misleading. It applies to most importers
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04:36:30 <marco82> hi all, I have a question re gnucash on Windows (2.x & 3.0). Is it normal & intended that every positive number gets prefixed with a "+" sign? I.e. on every transaction, on every report, on the charter of accounts, even in the dialog windows - negative numbers are prefixed with "-" and postive numbers are prefixed with "+".
04:36:37 <marco82> Is this a gnucash setting or a gtk setting?
04:36:53 <marco82> I already tried google (obviously) but with no luck...
04:37:18 <marco82> to be precise: gnucas on Windows, German locale
04:39:01 <marco82> so obviously it makes total sense to prefix negative numbers with "-" :) - but I do struggle with the obsessive usage of "+" sign for each and every positive number
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06:03:29 <Sveta> gjanssens: understood. there is a 'use system locale'.i've specified a custom date format in system locale but gnucash is not picking it up.
06:08:26 <gjanssens> Sveta: date recognition is limited in the importer I'm afraid. I don't think it can parse dates of which the month part is not specified as a number, regardless of your local date format.
06:10:16 <Sveta> ok
06:10:43 <Sveta> thank you for the response and the suggestion to modify the file in a spreadsheet program, i think it is effective
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12:06:57 <fell> chf, are you around?
12:07:16 <chf> Yes
12:07:48 <fell> Ich bestätige jetzt gleich deinen Wiki account.
12:08:34 <fell> Kannst du mir dann schreiben, welche Seiten dir danach angezeigt werden?
12:08:44 <chf> Gut, sonst kann ich nämlich nichts zum Kontenrahmen reinschreiben und vielleicht sollte ich zumindest schon mal eine Seite anlegen…
12:08:46 <chf> Ja.
12:09:04 <fell> Und weißt du zufällig noch welche dir beim Antrag angezeigt wurden?
12:09:05 <chf> Also dann könnte man die noch in die Datei aufnehmen.
12:09:23 <chf> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Special:RequestAccount
12:10:41 <chf> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/index.php?title=Special:RequestAccount&action=confirmemail&wpEmailToken=ad15d00a963b61730d0bab22ed1fc698
12:10:54 <chf> Request account Your email address has been confirmed and will be listed as such in your account request.
12:10:54 <chf> Return to GnuCash.
12:11:24 <chf> Also die „wahre“ Adresse kriegt man da wohl kaum raus?
12:12:10 <chf> Wie sollte man die Seite für den Kontenrahmen nennen? Eine offizielle Abkürzung hat der ja nicht.
12:13:22 <chf> Someone created an account for your email address on GnuCash (<https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GnuCash>) named "CHF", with password "******************".
12:14:22 <chf> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=Special:RequestAccount&returntoquery=action%3Dconfirmemail%26wpEmailToken%3Dad15d00a963b61730d0bab22ed1fc698
12:15:36 <chf> Nach der Paßwortänderung dann:
12:15:48 <chf> Request account Invalid confirmation code. The code may have expired.
12:16:32 <chf> Man kehrt also zurück und bekommt diese offensichtlich falsche Fehlermeldung angezeigt, die Anmeldung klappt nämlich.
12:18:53 <fell> Damit du editieren kannst mußt du nochmal die email-addresse bestätigen
12:19:52 <fell> Da müssen warlord und ich noch was dran schrauben. Danke!
12:21:18 <chf> Da werde ich aber nicht nach gefragt, es erscheint kein Editier-Link oder sowas und eine weitere E-Mail kam auch bislang nicht. Warum eigentlich NOCHMAL?
12:23:01 <fell> Weil wir die alte Bedingung vergessen haben, rauszunehmen, als sie als Teil der neuen auch eingefürt wurde.
12:23:03 <chf> Ah, in den Einstellungen für mein Konto gibt es eine Bestätigungsfunktion, ist das das?
12:23:18 <fell> Ich denke
12:25:26 <chf> Jetzt geht es, vorher konnte ich nichtmal Einstellungen ändern. Das ist alles andere als „selbsterklärend“.
12:26:26 <boldstripe> I see that my question about 'Select Subaccounts' not working as expected is already filed as a bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=725831
12:29:04 <fell> boldstripe: If you created a new one, mark it as duplicate of that bug.
12:29:47 <fell> If not just comment your additional infos there or at least CC it.
12:32:04 <fell> chf: immerhin funkionieren die Captchas jetzt wieder. Das ist gar nicht mehr so einfach, daß warlord mal zuhause ist und Zeit hat.
12:39:08 <fell> chf: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Projekte#Kontenrahmen
12:42:07 <fell> Das Meiste, was du in der Mail geschrieben hast, kann in einen neuen Unterabschnitt Konventionen am Anfang
12:43:58 <fell> Was dann spezifisch für deine KR ist (Stand, ..) auch in einen eigenen Abschnitt oder eine eigene Seite.
12:44:34 *** jralls_afk is now known as jralls
12:59:23 <jralls> gjanssens, fell: I got an email today from someone who wants the paypal tip jar set up to take subscriptions so he can send money every month. I'm not enthusiastic about this as we don't actually have much use for the money. What do you guys think?
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13:01:52 <gjanssens> jralls: we haven't come up with something useful to spend the money on, indeed.
13:03:22 <gjanssens> However I wouldn't say no to it. If that person feels like supporting us that way, I'd still accept it.
13:05:24 <gjanssens> I'm not thinking of anything right now (I'm in developer mode) but there sure could be useful ways to spend money on the gnucash project.
13:06:05 <gjanssens> I still want to get the currently active developers together in one room for a couple of days for example.
13:10:03 <jralls> That would be expensive!
13:10:10 <gjanssens> Yes.
13:10:53 <gjanssens> I didn't say I was thinking of cheap ways to spend money :S
13:11:17 <gjanssens> It's a dream but perhaps it will never get real.
13:11:28 <gjanssens> It was just the first thing that sprang to mind.
13:11:47 <gjanssens> By the way I'll be away this evening, leaving soonish...
13:14:35 <jralls> OK. I've got a packet of commits to push, then I want to clear up the remaining PRs.
13:15:20 <gjanssens> Good. I have cleared a few already as you probably noticed.
13:15:41 <jralls> BTW, seeing Nottingham's libgmock one reminds me: You kind of blew off the bug about disabling Gtest. He didn't want to know how to use gtest, he wanted to disable it completely.
13:16:23 <jralls> So it really should have been closed "won't fix"... or we should allow turning it off and disabling those tests.
13:18:22 <gjanssens> Ah, indeed. I should have made it won't fix. Feel free to correct.
13:18:46 <jralls> Anyway, once I'm done should I go ahead and do the "shuffle" or wait until tomorrow?
13:19:24 <gjanssens> I don't want to needlessly complicate our cmake config. We chose to go with googletest for our test requirements so it should be a required dep as well.
13:20:02 <gjanssens> Ideally at some point the google tests would be the only ones left
13:20:51 <gjanssens> If you want you can do the shuffle today. It feels a bit weird to push stable bugfixes to the unstable branch currently...
13:21:21 <gjanssens> BTW I saw your review request for the segmentation fault but I don't have much to add at this point
13:21:47 <gjanssens> I have been using guile 2.2 locally for some time now on Fedora 27 as well and I don't see any build errors.
13:22:15 <gjanssens> I do agree the proposed fix is not ok. It will break the windows build.
13:22:39 <gjanssens> I can investigate later if that's still needed.
13:26:04 <jralls> And the author hasn't replied after a week. I'll just close it.
13:28:03 <gjanssens> Heh, according to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html you beat me in bug closing this week :D
13:28:33 <gjanssens> Not surprising. You have been going at it quite strongly...
13:28:39 <gjanssens> (Just a fun fact)
13:30:35 <fell> Once we said dependencies should be in all mayor distries for a half year. But that was not the case for gtest. E.g. it is still not in opensuse.
13:30:44 <jralls> Yeah. Not only that but I think the guile change I just pushed--to use scm_to_utf8_stringn instead of scm_to_utf8_string, which I explained on #guile yesterday--will fix 3 at once.
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13:31:24 <jralls> fell: OK, OpenSuSE is clearly no longer a major distro. ;-)
13:32:20 <jralls> Though https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=major says otherwise.
13:34:22 <jralls> gjanssens: Also, I think at least half the bugs I closed last week were dupes, which shouldn't really count.
13:35:15 <fell> I closed only dupes ;-)
13:35:54 <jralls> fell: OTOH gtest is a build dependency, not a runtime one, so only the packager needs it. That OpenSuSE doesn't distribute it doesn't keep them from distributing GnuCash.
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13:55:36 <fell> but it blocked H.Thoma, once a major contributor.
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13:56:59 <jralls> fell: Rubbish. All he needs to do is clone the repo and point GTEST_ROOT and GMOCK_ROOT at it, just like I do.
13:57:51 <jralls> So if he doesn't want to do that then it's because he doesn't want to contribute any more, not because OpenSuSE doesn't distribute googletest.
14:00:27 <fell> I don't say we should drop it now, but only to be more cautious next time.
14:01:44 <fell> Wasn't Nottingham also maintainr somewhere?
14:02:44 <jralls> Nottingham is the Fedora packager. He submitted 3 PRs last week.
14:07:32 <jralls> Looking at Thoma's history, the last patch he provided was in January 2014. Most of his 41 patches were before 2003. I doubt that googletest had anything to do with his dropping out.
14:08:02 <jralls> s/before/in or before/
14:09:44 <fell> Jralls, can you add a section building missing deps to https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building with gtest as example?
14:11:23 <jralls> fell: I think https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Dependencies is a better place...
14:11:40 <fell> Right
14:12:44 <chf> jralls, gjanssens, you definitely should accept any donations offered to you. Eventually you'll probably actually need money, or at least wish you had some.
14:12:45 <jralls> Which needs a bit of an update, it still has gtk2 and webkit1.
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14:18:09 <chf> Since you are developing accounting software, it's also easy to transparently document what you do with people's money.
14:19:35 <jralls> chf: We do accept donations, and we have money as a result. It bought warlord a new server last year, but otherwise just gathers dust in the bank.
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14:20:29 <jralls> The correspondent wanted us to make it possible for him to sign up to give us money every month, and in the interest of transparency I have to say that's a dumb idea.
14:21:05 <jralls> fell: is the isocodes package really only recommended?
14:22:08 <fell> AFAIK without you get english currency names, didn't test it.
14:24:36 <chf> You shouild consider to accept cryptocoins as well, jralls, then you'll gather rate gains rather than dust.
14:25:11 <chf> Ich denke mal, ich nenne es „De/Wohnungswirtschaft“ für den kontenrahmenspezifischen Kram, fell, Einwände oder Alternativvorschläge?
14:25:55 <jralls> chf: Why? We're not selling drugs, porn, or trafficed women.
14:27:05 <fell> cstim liquidated the BC account recently
14:27:24 <chf> Because cryptocoins are not about money laundering, that's a common misconception among conservative politicians.
14:28:31 <jralls> No, it's a common observation among law enforcement types. But I'll stipulate that they're also popular among speculators in need of an adrenaline rush.
14:29:23 <jralls> fell: Oh, yeah. Because it wasn't actually getting any donations, right?
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14:29:43 <fell> only dust
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14:31:26 <fell> Keine Einwände. Unten sollte http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=Category:De http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=Category:Kontenrahmen stehen.
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14:31:44 <chf> That as well, but criminals use them in the same way they use coins and bank notes, so that's not an argument againsr them. When you speak about speculation: that's by orders of magnitudes worse if you look at normal state-issued currencies. Almost the whole financial economy does not reflect any trade in real goods or work.
14:31:47 <fell> Keine Einwände. Unten sollte 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=Category:De http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=Category:Kontenrahmen' stehen.
14:33:02 <fell> Guck dir einfach den Fuß einer anderen Seite in Bearbeiten an.
14:33:52 <fell> Strange replacement
14:36:13 <jralls> chf: Uh-huh. What the crypto-currency (and assorted gold-bugs) call "fiat" currencies change in value by a few percentage points per year, absent economic disasters like Venezuela or Zimbabwe. Looked at the chart for BitCoin lately?
14:36:20 <chf> Ich darf keine Seiten machen, fell.
14:37:37 <jralls> chf: And when was the last time you heard of ransomware demanding bank notes delivered to a pigeon-drop?
14:37:43 <chf> Yes, I own 7 of those, and haven't taken part in speculation. I used to have 8, donated 1 for the fight against scammers and the freedom of press.
14:38:26 <fell> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Wohnungswirtschaft
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14:38:50 <fell> Das gibt sich nach einer Woche
14:38:53 <chf> Danke, fell.
14:41:02 <jralls> chf: Well, at least you didn't donate it to fight climate change: https://www.cnet.com/news/australian-coal-power-plant-reopened-blockchain-bitcoin-applications/
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14:44:57 <chf> You need to take into account the energy requirements for conventional banking, jralls, all those buildings, people driving to their work place, armoured money transports, jetset bank managers,…
14:45:34 <fell> and how the boni are digged ;-)
14:48:57 <jralls> chf: None of which is any different for cryptocurrencies. The latter have the additional, extremely large, requirement to run the computers to generate the blockchains... and the energy requirement transaction grows with the blockchain.
14:49:22 <jralls> requrement *per* transaction...
14:49:52 <chf> Of course, that's far from perfect as of now, but's an entirely new and interesting concept.
14:50:52 <fell> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118391 seems not to be up to date. Last state windows is crashing with iso-codes.
15:01:33 <jralls> fell: Um, not exactly. gjanssens tried to turn on iso-codes in Windows and *that* crashed.
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15:16:35 <jralls> fell: Re-applied gjanssens's patch from 2 years ago to unstable and it works.
15:16:54 <fell> Cool
15:17:16 <warlord> .
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15:18:15 <fell> After 15 Years we can close this bug. :-)
15:25:43 <jralls> fell: I've added the section you requested to Dependencies and updated the list. The distro section looks really badly out of date, but I don't have time to fix that today.
15:26:52 <fell> The distro section is unmaintained, I believe, since jsed left us.
15:27:11 <fell> jsled
15:30:19 <jralls> Maybe I should just remove it?
15:32:02 <fell> well written!
15:33:17 <fell> Perhaps we should keep the structure of the table as tool for future decissions?
15:39:35 <jralls> You mean delete everything but the header and comment that out?
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15:45:09 <fell> I would keep the most recent line of each distro or at least the list of watched distros. then it woud be easier to remove obsolte columns.
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15:53:46 <Guest32> I am using the mac version of gnucash and was just wondering if there is any type of undo feature. I sometimes will be typing something in the Description field and make a mistake and would like to undo my typing but there doesn't seem to be anyway to do this. Also is there anyway to prevent the Transfer window from popping up when you are categorizing your transactions?
15:56:55 <Guest32> oh nevermind I found the auto raise lists option in the preferences for the one problem
15:57:25 <jralls> fell: Done.
16:02:30 <chf> So, ich erkläre das vorerst für fertig:
16:02:40 <chf> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Wohnungswirtschaft
16:02:54 <chf> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795237
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16:17:23 <Joc> I
16:17:24 <Joc> I
16:20:29 <Joc> I'm trying to get the total of expenses, but the result I get is wrong. Most account are in CAD, some in USD. I created an account in USD and entered the amounts in USD, but transferred the money from a CAD account. The total in USD is fine, but the total in CAD is about 3 times what it should be. See http://joc.gaj.ca/example/gnucash/usdcad.jpg
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16:21:14 <Joc> mmh, seem I can not enter a link to a jpg file?
16:21:22 <jralls> Joc: We wen't over this before. GnuCash doesn't work the way you think it does.
16:21:40 <jralls> And your link is fine.
16:22:08 <Joc> ok
16:22:59 <Joc> one thing I've been exploring is the "Use Trading Accounts"
16:23:37 <jralls> OK, but that's not going t change the totals on the accounts page or the summary line.
16:23:58 <Joc> do I need to enter all the expenses in CAD? Even though I paid them in USD
16:24:19 <jralls> Actually, you didn't pay them in USD, your CC company did.
16:24:28 <Joc> right
16:24:42 <jralls> And you paid your CC in CAD.
16:24:57 <Joc> I don't see how I can keep track of those expenses
16:25:21 <jralls> I travel a bit and if I tried to keep the books in the local currency I'd go nuts, so I just book the amount I pay the CC company.
16:25:43 <jralls> That's local currencies: JPY, GBP, EUR, CAD...
16:26:33 <jralls> Wait for the CC to process the bill, should be only a day or two, then get the amount from their website.
16:26:48 <Joc> all the information is in GnuCash, as seen in the jpg image,
16:27:28 <jralls> Yes, but GnuCash doesn't work that way. You can always write your own report that does.
16:27:57 <Joc> ?
16:28:32 <jralls> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_I.27d_like_to_write_my_own_custom_reports._Where_should_I_start.3F
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16:32:02 <Joc> the thing that bother me is that I get the bill with parts+shipping+bank fees, and each amounts has to go into their own account, what I got from the CC is just one amount, so entering everything in CAD means that I have to convert all the amount in CAD, and when comes the time to audit, I have to repeat all the conversion again.
16:32:33 <jralls> Huh?
16:33:30 <Joc> when I get the bill, all the amount are in USD, but I need to classify each type of amounts separately, for income taxes
16:34:05 <jralls> Yes, you get just one line item from the CC so you have to split it out, but you know the total and you know the rate, so just tell GnuCash. You know you can do arithmetic in the credit/debit entries, right?
16:34:06 <Joc> I need to the total of the parts, the total of the shipping, and the total of bank fees
16:35:31 <Joc> yes, I know about the arithmetic, I use it to enter the USD/CAD currency rate
16:36:13 <jralls> Yeah, so you have expenses:parts, expenses:shipping, and expenses:bank fees. Make a split for each. Say it's a 40USD total and the CC paid 50CAD. The tax was 2 USD so you enter 2*50/40 in that split. And so on.
16:37:36 <jralls> That's the one place you don't have to use it. Just click the "amount" radio button (or shift-tab, down-arrow, space bar, tab) and enter the amount in the entry.
16:38:52 <Joc> looks like I'll have to re-enter everything grrrr, lots of hours ahead :(
16:39:22 <jralls> Sorry.
16:40:29 <Joc> it's frustrating, because all the info is there, if gnucash was using the CAD amount I already entered for it's total, it would all work
16:41:47 <Joc> and in the process I'll loose useful info. :(
16:44:03 <Joc> have you used the "Use Trading Account", that looked so promising. This talks a lot about what I'm dealing with https://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/accounting/tutorial.html
16:46:23 <jralls> I haven't. Yes, it does address part of what you need. Whether it would get you all the way--via a report, it won't fix the totals on the Accounts page or summary bar--I can't say. I suggest creating a test file and entering a couple of transactions and then see if you can get what you need out of it.
16:47:36 <jralls> If that works you'll still have to re-enter or at least re-edit all of the existing transactions to get the trading account splits.
16:47:46 <Joc> already spent a couple of hours reading that page, still trying to get my head around it
16:48:57 <Joc> thanks a lot for all your help, much appreciated.
16:49:33 <jralls> You're welcome.
16:52:52 <Guest32> hey guys this is really stupid of me but I accidentally imported a ton of transactions and they are showing up as deposits instead of withdrawls
16:53:07 <jralls> Oops.
16:53:19 <jralls> Quit without saving and start over?
16:53:24 <Guest32> is there anyway to quickly change the deposits into withdrawls
16:53:30 <Guest32> I already saved it
16:54:22 <Guest32> I really don't understand how GNUcash doesn't have an undo feature like when I type and make a mistake and right click or hit ctrlz there is no undo ability
16:54:56 <jralls> File>open, pick your last backup, then File>Save As over the messed up file.
16:55:08 <Guest32> I have already made a ton of changes
16:55:11 <Guest32> before I noticed it
16:56:50 <jralls> Undo wouldn't help you either in that case. So what's more work, redoing the work since the import or editing all of the imported transactions one at a time?
16:57:03 <fell> Guest32: Some countries have lagal requirements, where you must not change anything you entered in your books.
16:57:58 <Guest32> Most people are probably using Gnucash for their personal finances
16:58:41 <Guest32> I will just go through and manually cut and paste all the entries into the proper column
16:59:36 <Joc> is there a way to select a range of transactions, and delete them all?
16:59:42 <Guest32> hopefully I won't accidentally erase one of the numbers in the column
17:01:03 <jralls> Joc: No.
17:02:08 <jralls> Guest32: It's probably safer to use Find to put all of the transactions in a ledger where you can freely change the split accounts and just swap the accounts.
17:11:15 <Joc> may I ask what IRC people are using, I used to used ChatZilla, but it's no longer supported into Firefox. Using mibbit at the moment but it disconnects after a fairly short period of time.
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17:21:58 <jralls> I'm using LimeChat, http://limechat.net/mac/. It's for MacOS only though.
17:22:46 <fell> Joc, you might test that of your desktop environment, at least under linux.
17:24:01 <fell> chf: Du kannst die Bemerkungen über den Pfeil rechts oben in der Kontenübersicht aktivieren/anzeigen.
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17:39:05 <chf> fell, da ist kein Pfeil rechts oben.
17:41:04 <fell> In den Spaltenüberschriften ganz rechts
17:47:32 <chf> Ach so, das ist hier standardmäßig verdeckt; in der Tat, man kann die anzeigen lassen; ist aber nicht voreingestellt und hilft bei diesem Kontenrahmen wegen der Länge nicht – SO breit sind selbst moderne Bildschirme leider nicht.
17:53:46 <chf> Man kann natürlich die Breiten ändern, aber dann schneidet man anderen Text ab; von der Tendenz her habe ich die Namen mit Nummern beginnend etwas kürzer gehalten und die Beschreibungen was länger, bei kurzen Bezeichnungen gleich. Ich habe es aber mal reingeschrieben, daß man's auch einblenden kann.
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18:06:39 <chf> Das Bild-Versenden scheint fehlgeschlagen zu sein, fell.
18:07:39 <fell> Kann dein Klient DCC?
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18:26:15 <chf> Klar, kann er, hat aber gewartet, bis ich den Speicherort wähle.
18:26:17 <fell> chf: https://imagebin.ca/v/3yOynuq1lf8o
18:27:11 <fell> Ich bekam nach 1-2 MInuten einen Timeout.
18:27:19 <chf> Ja, inzwischen hatte ich den Pfeil gefunden.
18:27:52 <chf> Genau, zu spät bemerkt. Mal die Automatik dafür suchen und einschalten.
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19:35:51 <jralls> chris: I merged your PR 338 and I'm about to do the branch shuffle. PR 316 is on master, no worries, but I'm not sure what will happen with 266.
19:36:36 <chris> jralls that's fine - #316 is WIP and #266 is for-info-only
19:37:12 <jralls> Right. It's just that 266 might disappear when I push :unstable.
19:37:20 <chris> btw thx a lot for the hard work and squashing numerous bugs!
19:37:54 <chris> ok np
19:38:03 <jralls> Still at that... and most of them are my fault anyway!
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19:46:22 <jralls> Bye-bye unstable!
19:47:55 <boldstripe> I am inclined to file a bug/suggestion report asking for a CSV Export option that exports all transactions (with no manual account selection) and puts all the fields for a single transaction on one line. Otherwise the 'split' CSV with alternating rows of transaction and split/note data become broken as soon as I sort the CSV in a spreadsheet. Is this worthy of a suggestion, or did I miss
19:47:58 <boldstripe> something. As I understand now, what would suit me is an 'Alternative Native GnuCash CSV Format' that is easily exported and imported with everything (including both sides of the double entry) on a single line.
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19:49:36 <chris> boldstripe: impossible. think about a transaction with >2 splits. eg. Income+Employer401K -> Bank + Asset401K + PrepaidTaxes + EmployerBenefits. How will 1 line summarise this data accurately??
19:50:59 <chris> or, Asset:Bank -> Loan:Mortgage + Expenses:MortgageInterest
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20:09:26 <boldstripe> chris: agree, one line does not do that. You cite an exemplary case. I have no investment in splits: I am OK writing two same-date transactions Checking-->Food and Food-->Cash when I get cash back, for example. Are we saying that the need to preserve splits renders a single line CSV transaction format impossible? Is it then worth noting in passing that this prevents a reliable import-expo
20:09:29 <boldstripe> rt corridor to the world of spreadsheet functions?
20:12:45 <chris> of course you can write as many same-date transactions as you wish
20:13:24 <chris> we can import/export without issue to spreadsheets, allowing for multiple accounts per transaction
20:15:51 <boldstripe> Perhaps I have misunderstood: I made a CSV with two rows per transaction in order to preserve Notes and Memo, the found myself with data I could not work on and bring back to GnuCash because of losing the extra lines on sort.
20:25:40 <boldstripe> Hopefully I have misunderstood. I would be quite happy to have a single-line-sortable CVS format so long as it includes all the Notes and Memo information (because I have no splits to worry about).
20:35:55 <fell> jralls: with 'git config merge.renameLimit 3000' I had never problems to merge stuff from old maint into unstable.
20:36:11 <jralls> blodstripe: You're confusing two separate issues. Just because you can't export transactions to a single line doesn't lock you out of exporting your data to a spreadsheet.
20:37:02 <jralls> fell: Cool.
20:39:07 <jralls> boldstripe: You do have splits, at least two per transaction. If you think you want to munge them in a spreadsheet and then re-import the results, include converting the splits into a single line for reimport.
20:39:41 <jralls> Or figure out a way to sort them as blocks.
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20:41:50 <fell> CSV is a flat table, Txns with more than 2 splits get in there is not trivial.Thats is the reason, financial data are usually transported by quif or more advanced formats.
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23:14:11 <boldstripe> Thanks for explaining.
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