2018-04-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:33:50 <Panthro> Hello - hoping someone could help. Gnucash crashed yesterday (when my pc rebooted itself) but when restarting the log file contents are not loaded...
04:34:31 <Panthro> If I open the log file I can see the timestamps of the last data entries, but these are ignored when I try and import the log file...
04:34:51 <Panthro> Is there a way to check the integrity of a log file.... ?
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06:48:31 <warlord> Panthro: Are you sure you are loading in the correct log file?
06:49:00 <warlord> Are you sure gnucash did not already autosave, such that the last log is "irrelevant"?
06:54:55 <Panthro> @Warlord: I'm loading the right file, it's most odd as I've never encountered this scenario before
06:54:55 <gncbot> Panthro: Error: "Warlord:" is not a valid command.
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06:56:15 <Panthro> I suspected somethign was amiss as all previous log files are ~100KB in size and this lastone is 4MB..
06:58:54 <warlord> That is very odd...
06:59:05 <warlord> Do you go long periods of time between clicking "save"?
07:02:52 <Panthro> Yes - I've relied on the autosave - usually about every 15mins... (foolish I know)
07:03:27 <warlord> Well, autosave is, effectively, equivalent.
07:03:48 <warlord> Although either here it did not work, or the log file somehow got corrupted when you powered-down your computer.
07:04:03 <warlord> So you File -> Import Log and.... what happens?
07:04:09 <Panthro> nothing....
07:04:23 <Panthro> the raw account does not update with the last contents of the log file
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07:05:52 <Panthro> eg.. I can see timestamps of the 12Apr (time of when I made the edit) in the log file but my accounts look like snapshot of the last update I made on the 10Apr...
07:06:36 <warlord> What version of gnucash? What OS/Distro?
07:06:47 <warlord> gjanssens, jralls : any idea about Panthro's log replay issue?
07:06:50 <Panthro> Is there a syntax of the log file I can cross check mine with (eg if there is one corrupt line would that prevent the whole contents being read/loaded)
07:06:59 <Panthro> 2.6 running on win10
07:07:56 <warlord> Well, the fact that it's 4MB vs 100KB is sort of odd.
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07:37:22 <gjanssens> warlord, Panthro: not really.
07:37:42 <gjanssens> One more thing to check is what gets written to the trace file when you try to import the log file.
07:38:14 <gjanssens> There's also a bug report indicating the date format in the log file is different on Windows and on Linux
07:38:25 <gjanssens> Perhaps that is an issue as well ?
07:42:30 <Panthro> certainly the timestape in the log filename is different (ie 10Apr) whilst the content has timestamps from the 12th
07:42:43 <Panthro> where is the tracefile stored...?
07:45:45 <warlord> Panthro: /tmp ?
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08:02:13 <gjanssens> Panthro: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Tracefile
08:05:23 <gjanssens> And the bug I remembered is this one: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=781171
08:05:29 <gjanssens> That's probably a red herring though
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08:32:12 <chris> Panthro the log file can balloon up when you do Action > Check & Repair
08:42:24 <Panthro> "Check & Repair" is not a function I've used...
08:43:38 <chris> ... or any Gnucash upgrade 2.6.19->2.6.21 which may have upgraded some internal data structures, but I can supply no further info
08:43:47 <chris> or ->unstable/3.0
08:44:15 <chris> otherwise i have no cloo
08:44:47 <Panthro> I've looked at the Trace file created after the import>log was run - lots of [interupt_split_record] and [dump_split_record] - though all timestamps are for 10th...
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08:45:28 <Panthro> I still have my original raw data - I may have to bite the bullet and reprocess the data.. grrrr.. Might do this then upgrade to the stable v3
08:46:10 <Panthro> (otherwise, gnucash has run flawlessly for me over the last 11years... how time flies!)
08:47:16 <Panthro> One last question -is is possible to open two instances of Gnucash (with each poiting to a different source file..)
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08:52:41 <chris> I'vedone it before in Windows
09:02:33 <gjanssens> Panthro: you can although I think it currently only works if you start gnucash from the command line and passing a file name as command line argument
09:02:48 <gjanssens> You can of course capture this in a shortcut if you like
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09:32:17 <Panthro> gianssens Perfect - will give that a go. THanks all your you help/assistance this morning
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10:58:42 <chf> Hallo, hab' den deutschen Immobilienkontenrahmen 2010 fertig – soll ich den an die Mailingliste senden?
11:04:57 <fell> chf: Hallo & Glückwunsch!
11:06:36 <fell> Ich würde sie in github (falls dort Konto vorhanden) oder bugzilla hochladen und dann den Link an gnucash-de schicken mit der Bitte zur Kommentierung.
11:06:37 <chf> Danke, fell; der lag 1 Jahr lang fast fertig rum, weil ich mich nie an die Vorlagengenerierung rangetraut habe und daher habe ich den heute noch mal geprüft, Kommentare nachgetragen und restliche Fehler behoben.
11:06:56 <fell> Super!
11:08:59 <chf> Probleme: hab' vergessen, wie Pull-Request geht (vor Jaaaahren genau ein Mal gemacht) und Umwandlung in Vorlage steht noch aus, ich fürchte, das schaffe ich auch jetzt nicht, das ist für Leute, die es nie machen, eine echte Herausforderung. Das Ding an sich ist aber fertig und dank Kontrolle nach langer Liegezeit jetzt hoffentlich frei von Fehlern.
11:10:22 <chf> Hab' mir gedacht, wenn ich warte, bis alles 100% perfekt ist, wird das nie was, also hoffe ich beim „Formalkram“ mal auf Hilfe…
11:11:37 <fell> Kein Problem, Dmitriy oder ich können den Formalkram machen.
11:14:55 <chf> Zum Beispiel: da gibt es neben den selbsterklärenden Feldern auch eine Version: ist das die vom XML-Rahmen an sich oder die vom Kontenrahmen-Typen oder individuell, also soll die gleichbleiben oder geeignet hochgezählt werden? – So Sachen haben mich bislang aufgehalten.
11:18:08 <fell> die "xml version="1.0" ändert sich hoffentlich so schnell nicht. ;-)
11:18:33 <fell> oder welche?
11:24:02 <chf> Da war noch was anderes. Das hatte ich gefunden, als ich mir mal bestehende Vorlagen angeschaut hatte.
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11:24:36 <chf> Könnte auch „Revision“ oder ähnliches im Namen gehabt haben.
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11:29:34 <fell> <gnc:account version="2.0.0">?
11:30:55 <chf> Wo liegen die nochmal rum bei Linux, dann schaue ich mal rein?
11:37:10 <fell> '/usr/share/gnucash/accounts/de_DE'
11:41:03 <fell> Was mir noch auffällt: Ist der von der Datev oder einem Verband der Wohnungswirtschaft? Wenn ja, wäre eine URL in <gnc-act:long-description> ganz nett.
11:43:42 <chf> Hammonia-Verlag, nicht Datev; es ist aber DER Kontenrahmen für größere Vermieter; man kann als solcher natürlich auch einen der Datev-Unternehmensrahmen wählen.
11:44:10 <chf> Ich glaube, ich meinte die ID: <act:id type="new">1972cce2e2364f95b2b0bc014502661d</act:id>
11:44:36 <chf> Anders bei neuer Version oder beibehalten, weil gleiches „Ding an sich“?
11:46:23 <fell> So wie ich es verstehe, dienen die vorhandenen GUIDs der Referenz in <act:parent>,
11:47:04 <fell> type="new" bewirkt, daß beim Laden, neue generiert werden.
11:48:03 <fell> und die Referenzen entsprechend ersetzt werden.
11:48:31 <fell> Du kannst also die alten drin lassen.
12:06:33 <chf> Ah, gut zu wissen, ich habe mal alles an die Liste geschickt nebst Überlegungen, warum ich das so und nicht anders gemacht habe.
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12:17:31 <chf> Oh, Mail zurückgehalten, weil zu groß…
12:38:17 <fell> chf, Ich hab's befürchtet ;-)
12:39:17 <jralls> gjanssens: Any sentiment on when to shuffle the branches?
12:40:59 <gjanssens> jralls: no any time is fine. Though I think is would be correct to announce it beforehand on the devel list
12:41:32 <gjanssens> And at the same time ask all authors of open PR's to rebase their PR's after the reshuffling
12:42:38 <fell> chf, I never created a PR, so I would suggest Create a bug "Update of wohnungsw template" and attach it there.
12:43:15 <jralls> I was thinking that I'd get all of the PRs processed first.
12:44:11 <jralls> Except for chris's two on master, but they won't be affected by the shuffle.
12:47:06 <gjanssens> That would be fine as well of course. Still it would be nice to have chris' PRs rebased before going into master. Makes the history graph slightly less complicated. But as you say that's independent of the shuffle.
12:47:16 <gjanssens> What will we do with the unstable branch ?
12:48:10 <gjanssens> It occurs to me that in the end we could just as well have worked on master all of the time. We didn't really started merging PRs into it until after 3.0 was out
12:49:33 <gjanssens> While we're stabilizing we don't have much time anyway to process PRs targetted at the major release after the one we're stabilizing, so we can just leave the PRs as PRs
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13:02:18 <jralls> warlord: Andre gave me the URLs for the BZ API: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/xmlrpc.cgi and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/jsonrpc.cgi.
13:02:45 <jralls> warlord: XML example: curl -X POST -H"Content-Type: text/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><methodCall><methodName>Bugzilla.version</methodName><params></params></methodCall>" https://bugzilla.gnome.org/xmlrpc.cgi
13:03:46 <jralls> curl -X GET -H 'content-type: text/plain;' https://bugzilla.gnome.org/jsonrpc.cgi?method=Bugzilla.version
13:04:01 <jralls> warlord: For json.
13:05:21 <jralls> @tell warlord Andre gave me the URLs for the BZ API: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/xmlrpc.cgi and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/jsonrpc.cgi.
13:05:21 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
13:09:05 <jralls> gjanssens: Right. lmat was going to keep working on converting Account.cpp to actual C++, but I guess he never got the time. You and I were up to our eyeballs trying to get Gtk3 stable, so that wasn't going to happen.
13:09:50 <jralls> Sorry, that didn't make sense... so further work on master by us wasn't going to happen.
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13:18:48 <gjanssens> jralls: I did understand you anyway :)
13:20:18 <gjanssens> The essence of my rambling is do we really need an interim unstable branch, or can we just have features stay on feature branche until we're ready to merge them (which may mean after we're done with stabilizing a release)
13:20:30 <jralls> I'm in the middle of working on bug 795039, the saved-reports crash. Crashed it in the debugger, the problem isn't where I expected.
13:21:19 <jralls> If we get really strict about feature branches then no, we never need an unstable branch.
13:21:35 <gjanssens> Oh, the stylesheet crasher...
13:21:48 <gjanssens> What do you mean with really strict about feature branches ?
13:22:30 <gjanssens> Note I'll probably have some time available still later tonight to work on some bugs as well
13:22:34 <jralls> I mean that we never have "work in progress" commits in maint or master.
13:22:59 <gjanssens> That should be a good policy IMO
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13:26:30 <jralls> Such that maint and master are always ready to release.
13:28:13 <gjanssens> The tricky part of course is when does a feature stop being "work in progress"
13:30:49 <warlord> IMHO, "ready to release" does not necessarily imply "bug free"
13:30:49 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 25 minutes ago: <jralls> Andre gave me the URLs for the BZ API: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/xmlrpc.cgi and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/jsonrpc.cgi.
13:31:33 <jralls> warlord: Of course not. If we required that we'd still be trying to release 0.1! ;-)
13:31:42 <warlord> jralls: Great. Do we have code that can successfully pull from there? I don't know what data I need to dump (or how to use that to migrate). I suppose this is part of the learning experience and testing.
13:32:26 <warlord> jralls: LOL. Right. My point (to gjanssens) is that is stops being a "work in progress" once it gets merged into one of the releasable branches.
13:32:36 <warlord> (or possibly once it gets released)
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13:34:26 <jralls> warlord: It stops being a work in progress when it's sufficiently usable to be inflicted on users.
13:34:53 <warlord> Right
13:37:43 <chf> fell: component "Backend -XML" as "enhancement"?
13:38:07 <gjanssens> jralls: A bit subjective as definition, but a good guideline :)
13:38:17 <gjanssens> I'll be afk for diner. BBL
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13:38:26 <fell> Translation, because it is local stuff.
13:40:27 <fell> and it should work also for sql users ;-)
13:44:17 <chf> Oh, I thought about the file format only, which is XML in this case.
13:45:28 <chf> I should have sent this before version 3.0 was released, I think…
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13:47:01 <chf> I hope it will make it into version 2.6.20 for the remaining XP/Vista users…
13:52:52 <jralls> chf: Not only won't you make it into 2.6.20, which was released last week nor the snap 2.6.21 released last tuesday, but there will be no more 2.6 releases.
13:53:50 <warlord> I wonder if anyone has every written a Bugzilla::Migrate::Bugzilla.pm module?
13:53:57 <chf> Those aren't yet in Bugzilla.
13:56:41 <fell> chf, but if your new version is OK, you can suggest them to overwrite their current template the new version.
13:58:27 <chf> I think it's OK, but would prefer to have it examined by other people. Perhaps I overlooked some mistakes.
13:59:36 <fell> Load it in bugzilla and ask for review.
14:01:42 <chf> I have uploaded 2 files: export as XML and the normal save file. Are those the same (if empty, i.e. no transactions)?
14:02:21 <jralls> chf: What aren't yet in Bugzilla?
14:02:47 <fell> If you would use tax keys, tables ... they would be lost by export, I assume.
14:03:54 <chf> Versions 2.6.20 and 2.6.21 as a choice in the list to report bugs for.
14:04:04 <fell> OK, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795237
14:04:39 <fell> Now you can retreat and rewrite part 1 of your mail.
14:05:59 <chf> I did not use tax tables, because I don't need them personally, and haven't understood yet how to do this, the approach being somewhat US-specific, as it seems.
14:06:21 <chf> Why rewrite part 1?
14:06:58 <fell> No, in SKR04 we have keys of USTVA
14:07:23 <jralls> chf: Use 2.6.x. I'll consolidate all of the other 2.6 bugs into that in a couple of months.
14:08:38 <jralls> But in general users who have new bugs should upgrade to the current 3.x and see if the bug still exists there. If it does, then file the bug against that release. If it doesn't, it's fixed already.
14:08:41 <chf> I see, jralls; I used "unspecified" for my template, because templalates aren't version specific – at least I hope so.
14:08:57 <fell> and jo.wetzig offered his Einkommensteuer
14:09:31 <jralls> chf: If you're offering a patch, it's better to do a Github PR anyway.
14:09:39 <chf> That's more an issue for the SKR49 which I'm also working on.
14:11:26 <chf> No patch, jralls, it can simply be overwritten with the new version, I think – after converting it to template format from the normal Gnucash file.
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14:15:55 <chf> Most landlords aren't required to deal with VAT in Germany, this applies only to big companies and people owning commercial buildings (with offices, shops) AND more than a certain amount of income from that.
14:17:11 <chf> Or hotels/holiday flats…
14:20:11 <warlord> jralls: This bodes well: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/jsonrpc.cgi?method=Product.get¶ms=[{%22names%22:[%22gnucash%22]}]
14:21:06 <jralls> chf: Even a complete replacement is a patch. https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development#Submitting_Patches
14:21:58 <jralls> warlord: Yes, I think we can get much of what we want with the API. I'm pursuing the SQL query route nonetheless.
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14:23:29 <warlord> jralls: That of course might be faster (in terms of data transfer), but more complicated. I think we should explore both options. The hardest part would be transferring users.
14:23:42 <warlord> I'm pretty sure I can pull down all bugs in the gnucash project.
14:23:45 <jralls> Andre's being helpful. He suggested #sysadmin, and I asked there... he followed me and pinged averi and olaf as possible suspects.
14:24:32 <warlord> That's useful! I wonder if we could get access to the script they are using to migrate data from BZ to Gitlab? Maybe we can plug the "pull" portion of that into BZ::Migrate
14:25:19 <jralls> warlord: You should be able to. It appears that you then need to get all of the comments and attachments separately. Then the results have to be scripted into INSERT queries, and we need to set up all of the other data and create the foreign keys.
14:26:15 <warlord> There is a migrate.pl script that I believe is supposed to do that, but the only "source" it has is Gnats
14:27:47 <jralls> Ewww. But that was probably what Mozilla used before they wrote Bugzilla.
14:27:58 <warlord> possibly
14:28:37 <warlord> c.f. https://github.com/GNOME/bugzilla-gnome-org-upstream/blob/master/migrate.pl
14:28:53 <warlord> (Granted, 6 years old)
14:30:01 <jralls> Oh, that's what some-ranodm-body used to migrate their Gnats DB into Gnome. I thought you'd found something on Mozilla.org.
14:31:04 <warlord> But I think this is actually from upstream -- Bugzilla::Migrate seems to be an actual Bugzilla module system
14:31:14 <warlord> c.f. https://www.bugzilla.org/docs/4.0/en/html/api/Bugzilla/Migrate.html
14:31:24 <jralls> https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/sysadmin-bin is my first guess about where they'll have the bz-gitlab scripts.
14:32:00 <jralls> Yes, Bugzilla::Migrate is part of Bugzilla.
14:34:08 <warlord> The migrate.pl is just a wrapper around it.
14:35:17 <warlord> But it may be overkill for us, or may not be able to limit to just our product.
14:37:56 <warlord> Oh, good -- looks like I have to implement "read_users" and "read_products" -- so I can limit it only to the set I need.
14:41:08 <warlord> So maybe BZ::Migrate is the way to go. I'll look into it.
14:42:46 <jralls> warlord: I don't think you can run BZ::Migrate on Gnome's BZ. You'd use it on *our* BZ to process the XML/JSON data you retrieve from Gnome.
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14:46:56 <warlord> jralls: Well, I'd implement a real-time json fetch from gnome-bz as our backend.
14:47:20 <warlord> So yes, it would be run locally, but would pull (in real-time) from gnome-bz.
14:47:42 <jralls> warlord: OK.
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14:48:23 <warlord> At least that's my theory. I just need to test it (after I implement it)
14:54:32 <warlord> jralls: what's your gnome bz email address?
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14:57:34 <jralls> warlord: jralls at ceridwen dot fremont dot ca dot us.
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14:58:55 <jralls> warlord: You can get all of the userids from https://bugzilla.gnome.org/editusers.cgi?action=list&matchvalue=login_name&matchstr=&matchtype=substr&grouprestrict=1&groupid=249&enabled_only=1.
15:04:09 <warlord> what is groupid 249?
15:05:07 <jralls> Gnucash developers.
15:05:13 <warlord> So the good news is that I can extract real name, email (name), and id from the json. I can't pull down passwords, so everyone will need to do a password reset.
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15:05:33 <warlord> Ah, but I think I want more than that -- I want all users that have submitted or comments on gnucash bugs.
15:05:39 <jralls> That's as it should be.
15:06:35 <warlord> But yes, I will need to pull down the group(s) too.
15:07:38 <jralls> I think we'll probably want to set up our own groups.
15:08:17 <warlord> Sure, but I think the first step is the ability to pull down to gnome-bz
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15:28:45 <fell> export accounts does not include the following lines:
15:28:50 <fell> <gnc:count-data cd:type="book">1</gnc:count-data>
15:28:52 <fell> <gnc:book version="2.0.0">
15:28:53 <fell> <book:id type="guid">63936f570aec6de4287998c8cfb57779</book:id>
15:28:55 <fell> <book:slots>
15:30:01 <fell> ...</book:slots> and </gnc:book>
15:30:54 <warlord> Hmm.. Either BZ::Client nor JSON::RPC appears to properly talk to bugzilla.
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15:50:59 <fell> I just saw, our templates all have xmlns:act and xmlns:gnc-act.
15:51:32 <fell> I assume the latter is obsolete?
15:52:17 <jralls> fell: Didn't the xmlns: references just get added?
15:52:45 <fell> yep, based on https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Account_Hierarchy_Template
15:53:43 <warlord> Hmm, get a 500 error when I try to "post". But GET seems to work okay. Odd.
15:53:58 <jralls> fell: Which has both.
15:55:16 <fell> but real books do not have that line.
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15:56:02 <jralls> fell: That's because gnc-act is used for the template elements title, short-description, logn-description, exclude-from-select-all.
15:56:21 <jralls> act is used for children of gnc:account.
15:57:07 <jralls> That's from the example. Is there a DTD or schema for the templates?
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16:00:21 <fell> shouldn't it then appear in libgnucash/doc/xml/gnucash-v2.rnc?
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16:05:52 <fell> OK, we have it in /contrib/xslt/gnc2xea.xsl and libgnucash/backend/xml/io-example-account.cpp, but no dtd or similar.
16:06:06 <jralls> fell: I don't think so. That's for a normal data file. Account templates should have their own schema, which can include gnucash-v2.rnc for brevity.
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17:02:26 <chf> I've tried a conversion, but I'm not quite sure whether this is correct: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=370913
17:04:04 <fell> chf: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Account_Hierarchy_Template#Extensible_Stylesheet_Language_Transformations
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17:05:14 <fell> I just wrote it. I didn't know the tool until today.
17:06:30 <chf> But where do I get "gnc2xea.xsl" from?
17:07:06 <fell> in contrib/xslt
17:07:22 <chf> Mine is made from the manual conversion description.
17:09:58 <fell> First impression: Well
17:10:50 <fell> Perhaps add a remark "based on Hammonia ..."
17:10:56 <chf> The file is not packaged in Debian, at least not with 2.6.11.
17:11:52 <fell> And we removed the emacs mode comment at the end recently from all templates.
17:11:59 <chf> Yes, that would be fair. I've got their OK by E-Mail also somewhere.
17:12:28 <chf> (2018-04-13 23:10:55) chf: The file "gnc2xea.xsl" I mean…
17:13:04 <fell> in git it is ...
17:13:05 <chf> Where can I find that? It seems to make the work much easier.
17:14:34 <chf> I've just discovered a 2012 Version, and the most recent book seems to be from 2016, so perhaps a few additions might come…
17:15:30 <fell> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/tree/maint/contrib/xslt
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18:22:11 <chf> The XSLT leaves "guid" as is, and doesn't change that into "new".
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18:37:50 <GillSam23> Hello - I just installed version 3.0 for Windows. GnuCash crashes when I try to load my .gnucash file from the previous version. Any thoughts?
19:02:08 <jralls> GillSam23: Do you have a saved-reports-2.4?
19:03:52 <GillSam23> I deleted it
19:06:11 <jralls> Are you sure you got the right one? It's moved in 3.0 to ~/AppData/Roaming/GnuCash.
19:08:23 <GillSam23> Ok, I I was looking at the wrong one
19:08:32 <GillSam23> I renamed that one, and it still crashed
19:11:33 <GillSam23> any other ideas?
19:11:55 <jralls> How about stylesheets?
19:12:16 <GillSam23> stylesheets-2.0?
19:12:49 <jralls> yes.
19:13:12 <GillSam23> yep, still crashed
19:14:36 <jralls> Any non-ASCII characters in any paths?
19:15:06 <GillSam23> I don't believe so
19:15:38 <jralls> Congratulations! You've found a new bug!
19:16:06 <GillSam23> haha thanks
19:16:10 <jralls> Have you looked at the tracefile?
19:16:30 <GillSam23> What is the best way to run that? I've seen =debug vs. trace
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19:19:03 <jralls> The tracefile is always written, and on windows each one gets a unique name. They're in ~/AppData/local/Temp.
19:20:10 <jralls> You can get a more detailed one by running GnuCash from the command line with --debug, as in "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnucash.exe" --debug
19:20:32 <GillSam23> http://mibpaste.com/yMShza
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19:22:45 <jralls> Hmm, I have seen that error go by. Now to remember where.
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19:27:45 <GillSam23> i think i found something about it http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/gnucash-3-0-crashes-opening-accounts-file-td4698931.html
19:29:10 <GillSam23> actually that doesn't look right
19:30:50 <jralls> Well, the uninstantiatable type error is. It's also in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795084 and a couple of other bugs, all associated with invoices.
19:31:25 <jralls> I don't think I've seen the ShowUnused before.
19:33:30 <GillSam23> hmmm, any thoughts?
19:36:27 <jralls> Yeah. In ~/AppData/Roaming/GnuCash/books there's a file named after your file with "gcm" on the extension. See if it has "show_unused" in it.
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19:37:58 <jralls> No, never mind, that's backwards. The error message is saying that it doesn't. That's only a warning. The uninstantiatable type error is from somewhere else.
19:38:17 <GillSam23> let me get the debug
19:38:25 <jralls> Yeah.
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19:42:35 <GillSam23> its too big to put in pastebin, so I'll give you the last few lines
19:43:04 <GillSam23> http://mibpaste.com/9u0mhZ
19:44:16 <GillSam23> other part of the file near the WARN
19:44:24 <GillSam23> http://mibpaste.com/M0Pcl4
19:46:20 <GillSam23> this is what the [Page 1] section of my gcm file looks like
19:46:42 <GillSam23> http://mibpaste.com/Mi1uSn
19:47:57 <jralls> OK, not a new bug after all. :-(
19:48:11 <jralls> It's https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795084.
19:49:13 <jralls> Also maybe https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=795031 and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=793768.
19:49:14 <GillSam23> wait, i got invalid Bug ID when I tried to open that
19:49:30 <GillSam23> nvrmind
19:51:55 <GillSam23> hmmm, looks like this could be it
19:52:08 <GillSam23> doesn't look like there is a resolution
19:54:48 <jralls> How many invoices do you have?
19:57:44 <GillSam23> jjust over 200, i think
19:58:52 <jralls> Not too awful, then. Reinstall 2.6.whatever and go through them all, checking carefully to make sure that the dates are all reasonable.
19:59:44 <jralls> The new date code is a lot pickier.
19:59:59 <GillSam23> so what could be the problem with the dates?
20:01:10 <GillSam23> a null date?
20:03:45 <jralls> A null date would do it. One that caused a crash was 206-01-02. It was supposed to be 2016-01-02, of course, the guy wasn't doing accounting for Marcus Aurelius. A bad month or day could do it, too, like 2018-02-31.
20:04:15 <jralls> I've got to go now, time to make dinner.
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20:05:18 <GillSam23> ok, thanks for your help!!!
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20:43:12 <chris> Well I can report that happily my Win10-Gnucash-3.0 upgrade went flawlessly :-/
20:44:28 <chris> only 12 months ago I was hacking .scm from Windows using Notepad++
20:52:38 <chris> jralls I need to rebase my PRs on what? unstable or master?
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23:34:59 <HEY_BUDDY> the.l0de.radio.hour.is.live!.http://youtube.com/l0de/live.call.in.motherfucker..
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