2018-04-12 GnuCash IRC logs
07:16:20 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
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07:18:51 <warlord> thardin_: where does it replace non-ascii characters with ?? In reports?
07:19:42 <warlord> GnuCash, even 2.6, should be UTF-8 safe, except perhaps the reports. But of course it all depends on your locale setting. If you're not in a UTF8 locale then it could potentially cause problems.
07:23:53 *** warlord sets mode: +o fell
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09:14:55 <thardin_> yeah in reports
09:14:59 <thardin_> works fine everywhere else
09:15:25 <thardin_> locale is either sv_SE.UTF-8 or en_US.UTF-8
09:15:59 <chris> thardin: which OS do you use?
09:19:20 <thardin_> debian stretch
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09:20:31 <warlord> thardin_: You might want to try 3.0, which has upgraded to a more modern webkit
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09:23:43 <thardin_> alright, sounds like that might be worth a shot
09:41:31 <warlord> Let us know how it goes
09:45:43 <fell> thardin_: For the reports check, which stylesheet they are using and then in the stylesheet, which font. Has the font svensker Characters defined?
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09:49:50 <fell> warlord: for windows users 3.0 has become more worse. Windows seems to use now CP1292 there.
09:50:17 <warlord> :( That's unfortunate.
09:50:43 <warlord> Although I thought CP1292 has been the windows default forever?
09:50:50 <warlord> I'm surprised the code does not handle that.
09:51:29 <thardin_> installing deps is a nightmare as usual
09:51:37 <fell> It seems something changed between GTK2 and 3
09:52:02 <warlord> thardin_: are you trying to build it? or just install a GetDeb backport?
09:52:28 <thardin_> build. but I guess backports is a good idea
09:53:15 *** fell sets mode: +o warlord
09:57:11 <thardin_> getdeb doesn't seem to have 3.0
09:57:18 <thardin_> http://www.getdeb.net/app/Gnucash
09:57:50 <fell> It might betoo fresh
09:58:11 <warlord> Yeah, I was thinking that -- it might be too new to have been packaged, yet.
09:59:06 <bertbob> it's in experimental '
10:00:19 <warlord> Ok
10:00:36 <thardin_> ah, I'll try adding experimental to my sources.list.d
10:00:43 <bertbob> I tried it on one machine and it crashed when loading the data file
10:04:26 <bertbob> it worked with --nofile just fine though, and could load an older data file
10:07:54 <thardin_> still bork, Build ID: git 3.0+ (2018-04-01)
10:08:14 <thardin_> meaning if I use swedish locale it works but if I switch to en_US.UTF-8 i get ??
10:09:51 <chris> I wonder if the transition to guile-2.0 is culprit here - I know gjanssens had to do setlocale in guile unit tests to run correctly on US-based travis
10:11:02 <thardin_> it's a bit baffling since you typically have to put in effort to screw up utf-8
10:11:50 <thardin_> the reason I want en_US is mostly because all the guides are in english. plus the translation is spotty
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10:15:20 <thardin_> next up: figuring out how to generate some nice report for filling out tax forms
10:20:17 <fell> thardin_ to get swedish settings, but english for the GUI, you might test LANGUAGE=C
10:20:51 <fell> and LANG=sv_SE.UTF-8
10:23:33 <thardin_> that works :)
10:23:55 <thardin_> had to re-save my report configurations, but other than that no worries
10:27:21 <warlord> Glad you got it working.
10:27:48 <thardin_> yeah this will work for now. thanks for all the help (:
10:28:03 <thardin_> python-gnucash sounds interesting too
10:28:35 <fell> Warlord: on -devel cicko coplained again, he can not add links to the wiki because of the broken Captcha)
10:29:43 <warlord> fell: I am away at a conference, but let me see what it will take to update that.
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10:34:50 <warlord> fell, looks like I need to change to the ReCaptcha (NoCaptcha) service
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10:44:44 <warlord> fell: Well, updating was easier than expected. Can you try now?
10:45:11 <fell> No, I never get it
10:46:14 <warlord> Well, it's updated now (hopefully).
10:46:58 <warlord> I dont see a current message on -devel about it?
10:47:44 <fell> But you get now my asnwer?
10:48:23 <fell> It was a note in CSS subject
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10:53:58 <warlord> Ah, yes. I was looking for "wiki" or "captcha" in the subject. I see your response.
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10:56:32 <chris> new captcha works \o/
10:57:32 <warlord> YAY!
10:58:16 <warlord> Thanks for the confirmation, chris
10:58:45 <chris> you're welcome:)
10:59:33 <warlord> Honestly, it was pretty easy to update.
10:59:39 <warlord> Not sure why I didn't do it before.
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11:56:43 <chris> I've fixed Phil's YTD budget report from 2013 to a minimum acceptable standard to being not-embarrassing, but wary of submitting- I don't understand its purpose. https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/tree/master-ytd - PR?
12:02:04 <gour> chris: to carry over unspent budgeted amounts into new months. so that one can see how it performs at any time during the budgeting period. I GC's budget feature would have that option, it would be mot required, see e.g https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2017-September/072197.html
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12:05:34 <chris> well off to bed here. if devs are keen and phil agreeable I can submit PR.
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12:10:06 <jralls> .
12:12:38 <jralls> arahael: While I use VMs a lot--VMWare Fusion works very well indeed for me--You might try building the gtk-osx way. That's how I build the bundles. See https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/MacOSX/Quartz.
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12:40:20 <jralls> chris: I suspect guile-2.0 also. We read saved-reports-xx into a char* and pass that as unaltered bytes to eval-string.
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18:19:02 <jralls> warlord: When will you be back from your conference?
18:24:53 <arahael> jralls: Thanks for the reminder - I had missed the skip.append("icu") and that webkit doesn't compile for us with debugging. Can I disable webkit entirely?
18:26:18 <warlord> jralls: i fly back tomorrow night. why?
18:26:24 <jralls> arahael: No. There's no way to disable html generation in GnuCash.
18:27:10 <arahael> jralls: What particular version of webkit do you happen to use, btw? (And what version of XCode/OSX?)
18:27:30 <arahael> I'm on 10.13.3, using XCode 9.3
18:27:52 <jralls> warlord: It's time to move the Bugzilla thing off of top-dead-center, so I pinged on andre in IRC. But even if we get the info we can't go any further until you're home.
18:28:09 <warlord> AH. ok.
18:28:21 <warlord> I'm home all next week. The following week I'm busy in Europe
18:29:21 <jralls> warlord: OK.
18:30:06 <jralls> arahael: For GnuCash 3.x, webkit1gtk3 module which is webkitgtk-2.4.9, the last release that supported webkit1.
18:30:52 <arahael> jralls: Ah! I completely misunderstood the version numbering there.
18:31:13 <arahael> I'll try that one this weekend. :)
18:31:56 <jralls> arahael: The instructions in MacOSX/Quartz are for building 2.6.x on 10.5.
18:32:40 <arahael> I'm going to assume that means that's the version you're using - fair enough.
18:35:57 <jralls> arahael: That's what I've had to do to for 2.6.x. It doesn't actually work on recent MacOS releases; I had to build 2.6.21 on an old laptop with MacOS X 10.6.
18:36:44 <arahael> Ah... That's useful to know. :( Perhaps I'll start a linux VM to get more familiar with the codebase first.
18:37:06 <arahael> What about gnucash 2.7.x?
18:37:39 <jralls> GnuCash 3.x/unstable/master (we'll shuffle the branches soon and put 2.6.x out to pasture...) does build, though with a few hiccups. Read the comments in gnucash.modules.
18:38:12 <arahael> Awesome - I have to head to work now, hopefully I'll get back to this on the weekend. :)
18:38:14 <arahael> Thanks for your help.
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