2018-04-03 GnuCash IRC logs
00:29:19 *** josephcocoa has quit IRC
00:56:53 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
01:00:02 <fell> jralls, we have @sf gnucash-3.0.-setup.exe, gnucash-3.0.setup.exe (link of www.gnucash.org, SHA in announcement), gnucash-3.0-setup.exe (link in announcement)
01:02:28 *** pilotauto has quit IRC
01:03:43 *** pilotauto has joined #gnucash
01:10:27 <Mechtilde> .
01:10:38 <fell> Moin!
01:10:39 <Mechtilde> thanks for your work
01:10:46 <Mechtilde> for the new releasse
01:11:23 <fell> Yes, John was hard working
01:12:44 <Mechtilde> so wie should announce it in the social media
01:13:38 <fell> Kannst ja mal mit gnucash-de anfangen. ;-)
01:14:00 <fell> Ich räum noch auf den Servern auf.
01:14:06 <Mechtilde> ok
01:16:03 <fell> I renamed it at sf to gnucash-3.0-setup.exe, so the link will fit. I had forgotten that I had rights there.
01:21:18 <Mechtilde> I forwarded the announcement with a German comment
01:23:15 <fell> Thx
01:24:38 <fell> I just realized, 2.6.20 is the last version for Windows XP, or Windows Vista,
01:25:23 <Mechtilde> both versions are end of Live
01:25:37 <Mechtilde> but what happens with reactOs
01:26:15 <Mechtilde> so the questions is is it possible to install it but it isn't supported?
01:30:27 <fell> Somebody has to check its compatibility.
01:31:15 <Mechtilde> ok
01:31:28 <fell> If you have it somewhere installed, you could test it.
01:31:57 <fell> At first; i would try 2.6.20
01:33:12 <Mechtilde> If I get such I question I will try to find it out
01:33:22 <fell> https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnucash/files/gnucash%20%28stable%29/2.6.20/ is missing the README
01:33:55 <fell> :-)
01:34:46 <Mechtilde> afk
01:35:53 <fell> Viel Spaß!
01:37:51 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
01:49:48 *** fell has quit IRC
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02:13:34 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
02:28:44 *** harshitaneja has joined #gnucash
02:32:17 *** hoijui has joined #gnucash
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02:56:23 <fell> I don't know, where I saw 3.0-setup.exe: I is now 3.0.setup.exe
03:02:53 *** hoijui has quit IRC
03:06:46 *** Cuare has quit IRC
03:49:05 *** fekepp has joined #gnucash
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04:57:49 *** kus has joined #gnucash
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05:31:04 *** PaulW2U has joined #gnucash