2018-04-02 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:08:04 <iateadonut> the other problem is that one customer's checks sometimes need to be split between two invoices.
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04:36:55 <Mechtilde> .
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09:20:02 <chris> reviewing code - there's a lot of variables with the name 'basis' eg asset-basis - does anyone know the exact meaning of this word?
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11:24:56 <jralls> chris: In investment, "basis" is the cost of an asset.
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13:16:02 <kenota> Hello! I have been using Gnucash for quite a while, but recently I have encountered a problem. I am using it to track my stock investments and recently my broker was acquired and I had to transfer investments to another broker. They were transferred as stocks directly, without converting to cash. To reflect that in GnuCash I've created new account for new
13:16:54 <kenota> broker and same subaccounts for each stock holding. Then, just did a transaction of transfering stocks to these new accoutns. Problem is that now if I run "Advanced portfolio report" all these stocks are not shown there. Does anyone know how to fix it?
13:23:17 <jralls> kenota: I don't use the APR so I'm not familiar with its intricacies. The first thing to do, of course, is to look on the report options and make sure that the new accounts are included.
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13:25:32 <kenota> jrails: yep, I have checked and they are included in the Configuration section
13:27:54 <kenota> I have a feeling that I am missing some trick, like the one which needed to be used when tracking a dividend payment for a stock. To track it correctly in the Advanced Portfolio report, when making dividend transaction on the stock you need to put 1 as a Price, then this transaction will be accumulated under 'Income' column in report.
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13:30:26 <jralls> Like I said, I don't use the APR so I don't know the tricks.
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13:32:23 <kenota> sorry did not mean to pressure you, thank you for the tip about checking the settings :)
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13:56:34 <chris> kenota: Im guessing the APR will track prices/gains per stock account, i.e. if broker is changed then APR cannot handle dividend calculations in another account... Perhaps if the dividend calculations matter to you it'd be easier to just rename the broker parent account to the new one
13:56:47 <chris> or just reparent the BrokerA:stock to BrokerB:stock
13:57:07 <chris> all above my guesses, from cursory examination of Advanced Portfolio Report code
13:57:56 <chris> I'd assume you will have set all parent accounts as Stock/Mutual Fund as you should
13:58:20 <chris> jralls thank you, so basis = purchase-price or cost-price
14:01:22 <jralls> chris: Usually. A return of capital (common for master limited partnerships) will reduce the basis, and events like splits and stock dividends can affect it.
14:03:47 <kenota> chris: yes, all accounts are Stock/Mutual fund, and reports were working fine until the move
14:03:56 <kenota> btw, I am confused, what is APR ?
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14:08:25 <chris> APR = Advanced Portfolio Report for the lazy
14:10:31 <chris> I do know the APR tracks stock prices with every transaction, something like 'currency paid/sold divided by shares/units traded = share-price' and I think defines dividends as 'money transfered from income to stock-account without increase in shares amount' so you can guess it gets very confused if suddenly the balance becomes zero, and another account has a huge balance
14:11:43 <chris> APR will not really understand cases where shares become zero, moved to another stock account, means a change of ownership and we need to keep tracking share prices. I believe this is beyond its understanding.
14:14:39 <chris> I don't think I'm 100% right on this, but I think you get how complex this sounds to a simple reporting engine
14:16:36 <chris> think above, I guess if new stock account is receiving all funds from another stock account (rather than currency), the APR will not recognise this as a 'legitimate' source of funds
14:23:06 <kenota> i see
14:23:34 <kenota> hm.... i guess i can just rename the account. Not ideal, since it would be better to keep track of original history
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14:24:39 <kenota> I wonder what if I fake selling and repurchase at the same price? Then APR will think that stock was sold for profit/loss and bought again at certain price. May be it will process it correctly then, since it never "goes to zero" and "appears from nowhere" but rather goes to cash and appears from cash
14:31:39 <kenota> Gnucash is really amazing piece of software btw, when you need sensibly track assets in different currencies and also get quotes/rates updates :) I wish more people used it
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14:41:31 <chris> kenota: go for it, and do a write up, and report any bugs/inconsistencies you find along the way ^_
14:41:34 <chris> ^_^
14:42:01 <chris> this software has evolved thanks to people pushing the requirements constantly :)
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15:15:13 <Trel> Is there a way in the cash flow report to exclude transactions to a specific account?
15:15:25 <Trel> (or is there a different report that can do similar?)
15:17:32 <Trel> Basically, I have a monthly checking account listing and a long term bank account, at the beginning of each month, I move what's left in the monthly to the long term before my pay from the current month comes in. The problem I'm having is, with the cash flow, that shows up, so I'm trying to find a way (or a different report option) that would let me exclue transaction between those two
15:17:34 <Trel> accounts.
15:18:30 <kenota> Trel: I think each report has a settings window with Accounts tab where you can select accounts which are participating in the report
15:18:57 <kenota> Generate report then click on Piece of paper with a wrench button -> you will get to settings window with different tabs
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15:20:54 <Trel> Yeah, I was looking there, and I THINK I just found a way to do that, but it's a bit counter-intuitive as to how.
15:21:28 <Trel> I have to select both asset accounts (long term and monthly bank) and then it doesn't count transactions between the two as cash leaving.
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15:29:33 <kenota> Trel: Sorry not sure how to help :)
15:31:17 <kenota> chris: Alright, converting to cash explicitly did not work either. I found another solution, I have changed the ownership of the stock account to new broker parent account. This still keeps the dividend history paid as cash to previous broker, but there is now continiuity in APR
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15:34:34 <Trel> kenota: no help needed, it works in that weird way, I just need to include both asset accounts, otherwise, it counts the transfer as cash out. If I include both, it doesn't.
15:34:44 <Trel> I found that about 3 seconds after asking
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17:36:35 *** jralls changes topic to " Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! (Possibly a few hours!!) || publicly-logged channel || latest stable: 3.0 || www.gnucash.org || wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
17:38:50 <Cuare> GnuCash 3.0 released thanks for all the hard work.
17:49:37 <jralls> Cuare: I'm glad to have it out: Taxes are due in 2 weeks and I haven't started...
17:50:09 <jralls> fell: Does our wiki installation support templates? Changing versions all over the place is a pain.
17:51:16 <fell> Jralls: Sure, but I did not test, if we can put them also in URLs.
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17:53:44 <jralls> fell: The Gramps wiki uses them in URLs. They also use mediawiki.
17:54:10 <fell> Can you give me an example?
17:55:15 <jralls> <big><u>[{{github_url}}/releases/download/v{{version_Mac}}/{{Filename_mac_intel}}.dmg Intel {{version_Mac}}]</u></big>
17:55:15 <jralls>
17:55:34 <jralls> The bits in double-braces are templates.
17:56:15 <jralls> It's from https://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Download#Mac_OS_X.
17:57:32 <jralls> And one of the template pages is https://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Version_Mac.
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17:59:48 <fell> OK, I will go for the wiki update and you can care for new bugs. ;-)
18:00:42 <jralls> Like I told Cuare, I need to care for my Uncle in DC first! :-/
18:01:56 <Cuare> te he he
18:02:16 <fell> Is he serious ill?
18:03:41 <jralls> Seriously addled. I'm sure the news has reached Germany. ;-) (You do know what I'm talking about, right? I always worry about cross-cultural metaphors.)
18:15:23 <fell> I remember the Crown Prince of Bavaria ordered the deportation of the grandparents, when they applied to get the citizenship back.
18:17:03 <fell> They were from the same town as ketchup Heinz.
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18:31:58 <fell> jralls, we will not have 3.1, 3.2 ... for docs?
18:32:40 <jralls> fell: We will, but they'll be minor versions like 2.6.20. The middle digit is gone from version numbers.
18:33:06 <jralls> The next major version in ~3 years will be 4.0.
18:33:36 <fell> So we will update v3 then
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18:39:35 <fell> I like dropping the region code from the docs, but www needs some adjustment.
18:41:13 <jralls> OK. The docs probably do, too. ISTR some of them still had the region codes in gnucash-foo.xml.
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20:09:56 <arahael> I did some more research into an iPad version of Gnucash, my conclusion was that a binary version is not possible, due to the license. A source-only version (where each person compiles it themselves to put onto their own iPad) is very likely possible.
20:10:36 <arahael> A workaround *could* be a web version.
20:10:50 <arahael> But I don't really like the web for ipads. :)
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21:06:22 <fell> I am wondering, if we could reverse the order on https://code.gnucash.org/builds/win32/maint/
21:07:50 <fell> and are they still win32 or switched we sometimes to 64?
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21:28:59 * fell is wondering if jralls likes the new https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Process#Update_Release_Version
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23:06:46 <fell> Next time we should remove the 2. dot from gnucash-3.0.-setup.exe
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