2018-03-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:22:19 <chris> conclusions from my experimentation - I'll use chartjs instead of chartist which requires learning css.
04:22:50 <chris> lmat chartJS will make responsive charts by default of course
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06:06:47 <lmat> @tell david this is a slow channel.
06:06:47 <gncbot> lmat: The operation succeeded.
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11:00:50 <chris> aha the urls facility in barchart is meant to allow 'drill down' of the 'Other' category to open up further accounts
11:01:28 <warlord> chris: Ah, yes, I forgot it did that.
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12:01:07 <jralls> .
12:01:07 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 1 day, 3 hours, and 14 minutes ago: <lmat> The new ones aren't getting saved as bayes, they're whole-strings. Oh, so they're not getting tokenized? I trust you have the Use Bayes setting on...
12:02:32 <jralls> lmat: Yes, it is on so I suspect that there might be a disconnect. Investigating that now.
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12:58:59 <jralls> lmat: Looks like the SQL backend doesn't load the imap-map-bayes/foo slots for some reason.
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15:25:22 <jralls> lmat: I think I've found the problem. You use GNC_FEATURE_FLAT_BAYESIAN to decide whether to convert an account. That works great on the first account that needs to be converted. If a user has more than one account with match data the remaining match data becomes inaccessible.
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15:32:21 <jralls> lmat: The flattening seems to have run on map entries that didn't have GUID accounts:
15:32:27 <jralls> lmat: select obj_guid, name, slot_type from slots where obj_guid = "c372c0c70526af01f61a4b6aacc0b65e";
15:32:49 <jralls> lmat: c372c0c70526af01f61a4b6aacc0b65e|import-map-bayes/FEE/Ordinary Expense:Misc|1
15:34:22 <jralls> lmat: The GUID was picked from near the end of the results of select distinct obj_guid from slots where name like "import-map-bayes/%/%";.
15:35:26 <jralls> lmat: Its parent is 87943da6c80ac9abb2e90097e302d221|import-map-bayes/FEE|9.
15:35:48 <jralls> lmat: slot_type 1 is int and slot_type 9 is frame.
15:49:25 <jralls> lmat: Sorry, that's all wrong, the file I was querying wasn't the one I thought it was.
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16:18:58 <bLind> Hello! Is there someone here who could maybe help me with a problem in German? Since there are alot of technical terms involved, I'd be unsure how to properly explain my situation ^.^ Cheers
16:21:56 <jralls> bLind: That would be fell. I hope he'll notice shortly.
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16:41:21 <mustang> Just exploring this service. Didn't have a question at this time.
16:41:26 <mustang> Thanks
16:41:42 <mustang> I'll be back!
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16:52:38 <jralls> lmat: I tested in xml where import matching and conversion works correctly, so the problem is either with SQL storage or retrieval.
17:05:40 <bLind> I'll try in English for now: I am managing the finances of a club. We have members who pay a membership fee and get their expenses paid when they do some work for us. The fee is added to an allowance account until it has been paid. The expenses are paid at the end of the year (as a Christmas present), so I add them to a liability account. If a memb
17:05:41 <bLind> er has enough expenses, I'll subtract the membership fee for the next year from the money they are given.
17:05:42 <bLind> Now at the end of the year, when I need to find out how much we owe them, I do a search to filter out all the corresponding transactions to create a custom report from the results. Then we pay them accordingly.
17:05:42 <bLind> Now to the fun part: I only recently started using gnu cash and created a new file for 2017 a few days ago. Now that I have entered all the transactions, I want to create reports to check if everything has been paid for all members. This works out fine for most members but not for two of them.
17:05:45 <bLind> To my understanding, the net change for the reports should be 0. I have entered the transactions for all members in the same pattern and had them double checked by a friend. I even created a new file for just one member to try to reproduce the problem - which worked out nicely.
17:05:49 <bLind> Thankfully the behavior can be reproduced with very few transactions in only a handful of accounts. So I did.
17:05:52 <bLind> The report can be found here: http://www.graycheddar.at/gnucash/memberA.html
17:05:53 <bLind> The whole minimalistic .gnucash file is here: www.graycheddar.at/gnucash/memberA.gnucash
17:05:55 <bLind> I created the report by searching for 'member A' and clicking 'Reports'>'Account Report'
17:05:58 <bLind> Thanks for your help!
17:07:30 <bLind> The question is: Am I doing something wrong, is the report incorrect or does the report function simply not do what I expect it to do?
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17:42:31 <jralls> bLind: I'd say it's the wrong report to use. The account report is for a single account (which might have subaccounts, but in that case it expects that they're all of the same type). You're running it effectively on the whole book and it's gotten totally confused.
17:43:13 <bLind> jralls: Okay, cool. Do you know of any other way to do what I want?
17:44:37 <fell> bLind: ann erzähl mal!
17:44:46 <jralls> Well, the Balance Sheet is the report that's supposed to balance, but that won't get you per-member balances.
17:45:08 <fell> bLind: ann erzähl mal!
17:45:48 <jralls> You could use the business subsystem, billing members for their dues and issuing credit notes for the work. That will get you a net report showing who owes how much to whom.
17:45:52 <bLind> fell: Hi! jralls hat mir schon eine Antwort auf meine Basisfrage gegeben, jetzt ist nur die Frage, ob es eine andere Möglichkeit gibt, das zu erreichen, was ich gerne hätte :P
17:49:24 * fell reads the log
17:50:18 <bLind> jralls: I thing I read about that at one point and just checked it out in the application. Seems to be quite an effort, doesn't it?
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17:53:35 <bLind> jralls: Also it is kinda weird that it works for all the other members ^^
17:53:53 <jralls> bLind: Yes, it would be a bit of work. The alternative is keeping sub-accounts for each member under Assets and Liabilities (don't make them A/R or A/P, those are special account types used by the business subsystem).
17:55:23 <jralls> Then you can use the Balance Sheet Report options to select just one member's subaccounts to balance.
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17:56:29 <luc14n0> Hey guys, where is the 2.7.6 branch? It was there a couple days ago.
17:57:07 <jralls> luc14n0: No, there's never been a 2.7.6 branch. Just a tag on unstable.
17:58:40 <luc14n0> Ah, but even the tag and the release is not there anymore. Am I getting crazy?
17:59:13 <bLind> jralls: That might work, but it would add an extra layer (of confusion), since I have a liablity sub-account for each event we are doing... And then every transaction would need to go through both accounts.
17:59:45 <bLind> jralls: Any idea how much work it would be to create a custom report? :D
18:00:17 <bLind> fell: Hast du ne Idee? ^^
18:00:35 <jralls> bLind: A lot, especially if you're not fluent in Scheme.
18:01:16 <bLind> jralls: So A LOT, I've only heard about Scheme during my research regarding this problem xD
18:02:12 <fell> Ich versuchs noch z verstehen. Bin eben aufgewacht,
18:02:32 <bLind> fell: Kann ich was klarifizieren? :P
18:05:05 <fell> Da ist das mit dem Enlischen noch was langsam.
18:05:31 <jralls> luc14n0: Looks like the tag got lost. I just retagged and pushed it.
18:05:31 <fell> Ich guck mal eben in deine Datei.
18:06:11 <luc14n0> jralls: Thanks for confirming my sanity.
18:07:08 <jralls> luc14n0: Let's not get carried away! ;-)
18:10:11 <luc14n0> Alright :~) Now I'd like to propose a little patch to make compilation of the gschemas switchable. In distro packages it's generally not wanted to compile it when packaging it. How does that sound?
18:13:22 <bLind> fell: Im Prinzip geht es darum, dass ich gerne einen Report hätte, der für die hochgeladenen Daten (also gefilterte Buchungen) eine Netto-Änderung von 0 ausspuckt. Scheinbar geht das mit dem 'Kontenbericht' nicht verlässlich..?
18:13:27 <jralls> What do you mean? Or perhaps more to the point, how does your distro (I've forgotten which BSD you maintain) handle gschemas.compiled? I think it needs to be recompiled every time schemas get added to the directory.
18:15:13 <bLind> fell: bzw. darum, ob der integrierte Kontenbericht einen Fehler enthält, oder ich ihn missbrauche ^.^
18:17:32 <fell> Also erstmal solltest du offene Poten nicht manuell bebuchen, sondern nur über Rechnung buchen/Zahlung verarbeiten.
18:17:44 <fell> Posten
18:18:53 <luc14n0> jralls: It's been years since I used BSD. I'm a openSUSE GNOME contributor. I mean when we package an app with rpm it get installed into a build root, thus the schema get compiled. RPM will take care of compiling the schema when a user installs the package.
18:19:30 <bLind> @fell: D.h. ich müsste für alle Mitgliedsbeiträge Rechnungen erstellen, so wie es jralls schon vorgeschlagen hat?
18:19:30 <gncbot> bLind: Error: "fell:" is not a valid command.
18:20:22 <fell> Dann haben die auch einen Beleg fürs Finanzamt, sofern ihr gemeinützig seid.
18:20:44 <jralls> luc14no: OK, I must have you confused with someone else. Anyway, so you want to have an option that prevents glib-compile-schemas from running during installation?
18:22:13 <luc14n0> Yeah, that will be easy to implement, just a couple of lines and an instruction in README file maybe.
18:22:39 <luc14n0> it will continue to be compiling by default.
18:22:59 <luc14n0> compiled at installation*
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18:23:31 <fell> Alternative:Kontentyp ändern in Aktiva bzw Fremdkapital und für jedes Mitglied je ein Unterkonto.
18:24:48 <jralls> lic14n0: I can't think of a reason not to, but I also can't think of a reason to. It's not like glib-compile-schemas takes significant time.
18:25:09 <bLind> Ja das hatten wir auch schon, aber das will ich nicht. Insbesondere weil ich im echten File schon verschiedene Unterkonten für verschiedene Veranstaltungen drinnen hab.
18:25:20 <bLind> Werde dann wohl alles über Rechnungen machen.
18:25:27 <bLind> @jralls Thanks for you time :)
18:25:27 <gncbot> bLind: Error: "jralls" is not a valid command.
18:25:37 <bLind> fell: danke auch dir für deine Zeit!
18:25:48 <jralls> luc14n0: My fingers don't seem to want to type your handle right today!
18:26:02 <bLind> schade, dass es nicht einfacher geht^^
18:26:22 <jralls> bLind: You're welcome. Don't put a "@" in front of handles.
18:26:40 <bLind> jralls: I won't.. Again :P
18:27:12 <fell> Du könntest noch in diversen Buchhaltungsforen und oder der deutschen Mailingliste suchen/fragen, ogb da jemand eine elegante Lösung für hat.
18:27:37 <bLind> My IRC client shows suggestions when I use the \@ but sometimes I forgot to press the enter key ^^
18:28:31 <bLind> fell: Ich hatte halt gehofft, dass der Bericht ansich einen Fehler hat, nachdem er ja bei allen anderen Mitgliedern das 'richtige' ausspuckt :D
18:29:27 <fell> Es gibt so viele Berichte.
18:31:13 <bLind> fell: Na, der Kontenbericht, der bei einer Transaktionssuche erzeugt werden kann... Das hab ich so wie im Beispiel erklärt bei allen Mitgliedern gemacht, bei den meisten kommt wie erwartet 0 herau.
18:31:57 <fell> Du könntest mal mit dem Cash-flow Bericht oder dem demnächst verbesserten Transaktionsbericht spielen.
18:34:10 <bLind> fell: Das Problem ist, dass ich die alle nicht nach Mitglied sortieren, nachdem die Mitglieder alle nur in der Beschreibung genannt sind... Das geht klasse mit dem Kontenbericht, aber halt nicht verlässlich^^
18:34:20 <bLind> *kann
18:36:23 <bLind> fell: Ich werde das morgen mit den Kunden bzw. Mitarbeiter-Features versuchen und wenn das nicht klappt, dann such ich weiter. Muss jetzt ins Bett, vielen Dank nochmal!
18:37:12 <fell> OK, viel Spaß und Erfolg nach der gesegneten Nachtruhe!
18:37:22 <bLind> thx :)
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18:43:36 <luc14n0> jralls: Haha! It actually is just a facility for some distros which we could use some workarounds, but having a switch make things smoother. There is the ownership of gschemas.compiled to be considered too, we usually want only libgio as its owner. If we package the .compiled file it will mess the ownership.
18:46:00 <jralls> luc14n0: So don't package gschemas.compiled. ISTR another distro defines a dummy glib-compile-schemas for their package scripts, which is another option.
18:46:27 <jralls> luc14n0: I suppose that's one of the workarounds you're talking about.
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18:46:42 <fell> chf: habt ihr das Problem nicht, das bLind beschrieb?
18:46:57 <jralls> Is it common for apps that use gschemas to have such an option?
18:48:13 <luc14n0> Yes, I see many apps can switch off compilation of gschemas.
18:48:27 <luc14n0> s/can/that can
18:49:02 <jralls> OK. Go ahead and do a PR.
18:49:27 <luc14n0> Alright!
18:54:09 <luc14n0> jralls: BTW, in rpm based distros we have file triggers now. So we can set something to be triggered whenever an app installs something into a given directory -- i.e we have this set in our glib specfile: %filetriggerin -n glib2-tools -- %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas
18:54:10 <luc14n0> %{_bindir}/glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas
18:55:08 <luc14n0> so, whenever a schema is installed into /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas glib-compile-schemas will be run
18:55:53 <jralls> That sounds like a nice time-saver.
18:57:12 <luc14n0> You bet, there is a lot of stuff that can use file triggers, ldconfig is one of them when you install libs into standard locations.
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20:17:15 <chris> I'm doing good progress in chartjs
20:27:42 <chris> finish chartjs! now i'll try restore urls
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