2018-03-01 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:45:05 <gjanssens> .
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07:05:00 <nitpicker> suche nen schweizer kontenplan gemäss NRLG 2015 zum download und import in gnucash. kennt jemand eine quelle?
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07:22:18 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
07:25:24 <fell> Hallo nitpicker, ich glaube, so etwas modernes haben wir noch nicht...
07:26:45 <fell> Ich sehe da den chkmu: Kontenrahmen fuer Schweizer KMU gem Walher Sterchi publiziert vom schweizerischen Gewerbeverband
07:27:05 <nitpicker> ;-) ja, das müsste der vorgänger sein
07:27:29 <nitpicker> dann ĥilft nix, also zeile für zeile vergleichen
07:28:19 <fell> Wenn es da etwas Neueres gibt, müßte das mal von jemandem (Dir?) implementiert und eingereicht werden.
07:29:50 <nitpicker> das stimmt allerdings!
07:29:57 <fell> Falls du Interesse hast, lies mal https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation#How_to_translate_the_files_containing_the_new_account_hierarchies und https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Account_Hierarchy_Template
07:32:07 <fell> Wenn inhaltlich etwas unklar ist, melde dich auf https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de an und frag dort. Da da sind noch mehr Schweizer.
07:33:10 <nitpicker> super, sehr gut
07:35:09 <fell> Wenn auf den Wiki-Seiten etwas unklar ist, frag halt hier. Bin meist nachmittags/abends hier.
07:37:01 <nitpicker> du bist super. danke.
07:37:27 <fell> Bitteschön ;-)
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07:48:25 <fell> For the logs: nitpicker is interested in an update of our swiss chkmu template.
07:50:09 <nitpicker> is there a preferred language in here?
07:51:54 <fell> Not everybody speaks german here. We are from almost every continent here, so english is usual.
07:56:32 <nitpicker> perfect
07:58:13 * fell is wondering how to translate "Milchbüchlirechnung" to english ;-)
07:59:53 <fell> So it is sometimes easier, to translate only the abstract.
08:04:34 <nitpicker> "Einfache Buchhaltung"?
08:05:22 <fell> Not "Milk ledger accounting"?
08:08:03 <fell> google says "Milk book Statement"
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08:14:09 <nitpicker> i can't even translate Milchbüechlirechnung into German ;-)
08:15:11 <fell> Ich denke es entspricht in DE der EÜR: Einnahme-Überschuß-Rechnung
08:17:50 <nitpicker> die wird es wohl sein, aber das schöne Bild geht dabei verloren ;-)
08:18:15 <fell> Eben!
08:18:51 <fell> Aber wir haben ja auch nicht so viele lila Kühe. ;-)
08:19:53 <fell> eher Schwarz-bunte
08:21:47 <nitpicker> da fällt mir spontan Holstein ein
08:23:23 <fell> Da kommen die her, sind aber inzwischen im ganzen Flachland verbreitet.
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09:51:48 <nitpicker> trying to get acquainted with the tool. created a new file. the wizard helped me to import a pre-existing account chart. added a new bank account just to make some modification. saved. exported accounts. again created new file. tried to import the previously exported accounts. error.
09:54:27 <nitpicker> the idea was to modifiy an account chart, export it and make it a template for future use. you get the idea ;-)
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09:56:35 <nitpicker> i am sure there is something wrong in my assumptions ;-)
10:00:23 <nitpicker> anyway, could anybody shed some light on this? i admit that there might be RTFM-errors which go onto my account ;-)
10:01:05 <fell> Nitpicker, ich würde so rangehen:
10:01:08 <lmat> nitpicker: What version?
10:01:13 <fell> LANG=de_CH.utf8 gnucash
10:01:48 <lmat> Hmm, I wouldn't think it's a locale issue...but that's worth a shot.
10:02:22 <fell> you not but I
10:03:32 <fell> Datei neu, vor, vor, vor, KMU kontenrahmen, vor, vor anwenden.
10:04:10 <fell> Then you have a new file based on chKMU
10:05:24 <fell> Adjust the file: add, delete , move, adjust accounts
10:05:48 <fell> Save the file
10:08:02 <nitpicker> sorry for not mentioning the version: gnucash 2.6.12 on ubuntu. yes, i changed the order of precedence and get de_CH.UTF-8 in ubuntu and i end up in the proper account path /usr/share/gnucash/accounts/de_CH and can select the account charts provided ;-)
10:08:30 <lmat> excellent!
10:08:39 <fell> adjust the header and footer as shown in https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Account_Hierarchy_Template#Changing_the_Header
10:09:53 <fell> in a copy
10:10:36 <fell> which you then test after moving to /usr/share/gnucash/accounts/de_CH
10:12:58 <fell> You should name it acctchrt_nrlg2015.gnucash-xea
10:14:27 <nitpicker> checking. give me a sec ;-)
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10:20:39 <fell> lmat: my last change was conversion to utf-8 in 2010.
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11:19:31 <lmat> fell: I see!
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11:38:13 <nitpicker> thank you for the link to ...changing the header...
11:38:51 <nitpicker> had to fiddle a bit. need to check one more thing
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11:47:24 <nitpicker> it sort of works now ;-) but after all that fiddling around i d like to redo all the steps from scratch
11:49:05 <fell> Yeah, at first you should understand how it works.
11:55:45 <fell> BTW, refresh https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Account_Hierarchy_Template . I tried to formulate a few things more clear.
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12:25:57 <nitpicker> thank you for your assistance
12:41:01 <nitpicker> may i hint to an observation: the account charts like acctchrt_chkmu.gnucash-xea use tags like <act:id type="new"> whereas the export menu generates <act:id type="guid"> instead.
12:45:02 <nitpicker> so it's "new" vs. "guid". cannot judge if this is important or not, maybe old stuff vs. new stuff. in https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Account_Hierarchy_Template it says "new", so in my opinion that leads to some inconsistency. again, don't know if that matters at all.
12:45:36 <nitpicker> anyway, i need a break :-)
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14:22:24 <fell> gjanssens: do you remember <act:id type="new"> vs. "guid"?
14:23:41 <gjanssens> fell: unfortunately no.
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14:25:22 <fell> netpicker, IIRC in the templates it should be "new" and they will become "guid" in the data files.
14:26:43 <gjanssens> fell: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/unstable/libgnucash/backend/xml/sixtp-dom-parsers.cpp#L61
14:27:13 <gjanssens> Looks like they are treated exactly the same
14:28:20 <gjanssens> On the other hand: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/commit/1e303f5d211fa41
14:28:50 <gjanssens> So yes, I think a xea file should have "new" rather than "guid"
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14:42:52 <fell> thx, wiki updated.
15:20:59 <fell> gjanssens: we are not planning to backport the intltool drop?
15:21:58 <fell> Then I will set the target of the reated bugs to 2.7...
15:25:43 <gjanssens> fell: no, this is for 2.7/3.0 only
15:26:47 <fell> OK; I changed target milestone 2.7.0 to 2.7.x and will set it
15:27:42 <fell> because the reports were in maint or older
15:40:29 <nitpicker> thanks for the clarification!
16:03:10 <fell> with every new template we get the wiki text better. There are so many different approachs ...
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16:51:10 <Robert> Hello I just had GnuCash crash with a There is not enugh memoory error. Not sure how that can be on this Windows machine with 24 GIG of RAM. I had release 2.6.18 open and the error happened when I opened the GnuCash tutorial from the GnuCash menu
16:53:10 <Robert> seems like my o key is sticky
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17:00:54 <Robert> The last gnucash.trace.xxxxxx.log file doesn't have anything interesting in it but the previous one dated yesterday has a bunch Crit messages.
17:03:38 <Robert> There was a previous crash that I thought was a system rebooted with Gnucash still running problem
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17:27:28 <fell> Robert: as I am no windos user my suggestion is: upgrade to 2.6.19
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17:31:50 <fell> If you then still get crashes, continue with https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Troubleshooting_and_Improvements
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17:34:44 <arahael> Robert: Consider the 'not enough memory' error to be a variant of "EFileNotFound" - windows loves reusing error codes. Incidentially, even if you have 24GB of RAM, 32-bit applications are still limited to 2-4 GB of RAM (though each app can use it's own 2-4GB chunk)
17:35:44 <arahael> Robert: (That said, I'm not a gnucash dev, so I'm not likely to assist)
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