2018-01-23 GnuCash IRC logs

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03:54:54 <gjanssens> .
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08:02:17 <odecif> Hai
08:05:42 <odecif> I recently placed an issue on superuser, but I seem to have a problem regarding multi-platform GnuCash with mysql. I set up the database on a centos machine with MariaDB and used it with an Ubuntu client. Then I used a Windows 10 client successfully, but now I have issues with Linux clients. The issue is that I cannot add nor edit transactions. Is this a common issue? Thanks in advance
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08:55:15 <odecif> Sorry, disregard that issue. Apparently, I actually was running 2 different versions of GnuCash on the Windows and the Ubuntu-machine. Ubuntu/Lubuntu/Linux Mint had version 2.6.12 in the common repo, whilst the downloadable version on the website is 2.6.19.
08:55:52 <odecif> Although, is probably should be noted somewhere that the database is accustomed to a later version of GnuCash than the one you're connecting with
08:56:58 <odecif> So when I used the 2.6.19-version, it somehow updated the database to support version 2.6.19 and broke legacy
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11:00:33 *** bigon has joined #gnucash
11:00:38 <bigon> hi
11:01:07 <bigon> I just updated gnucash from 2.6.18 to 2.7.3 (in debian exp)
11:01:26 <bigon> and I get "User specifies source of 'num' field'; either transaction number or split action (requires at least GnuCash 2.5.0)"
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11:01:59 <bigon> when loading the accounts
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11:21:00 <jralls> bigon: Thanks. I trust that you understand that 2.7.3 is a pre-release and that you shouldn't use it for day-to-day work and only on a copy of your data file.
11:25:24 <jralls> bigon: Can you file a bug report? http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash
11:32:30 <bigon> I'm looking at borrowed/libc and I'm a bit surprised
11:34:43 <bigon> why are you including libc stuffs, might be necessary for windows, but I doubt it is for other platforms
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11:47:28 <jralls> bigon: The libc functions are built only if the build environment doesn't provide them... or there's a bug in the build system.
11:48:17 <bigon> I don't see any conditional in the inclusion of these files
11:48:31 <bigon> (same for goffice)
11:55:00 <jralls> bigon: That must be because you're not sufficiently familiar with the build system. They're conditionally added to certain sources (the condition is usually WIN32).
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11:57:19 <jralls> bigon: goffice is another matter. We only need a tiny bit of goffice for the CSV import assistant so we lifted those six files to get rid of the dependency on the whole monstrous thing.
11:58:44 <jralls> bigon: Consequently I'm inclined to close your bug as "won't fix", but I thought I'd give gjanssens a chance to respond first.
12:00:40 <bigon> regarding libc, it seems that a -Iborrow/libc is incuded unconditionally during the build, that's why I was asking
12:02:09 <jralls> bigon: So what? A -I doesn't build any code, it just adds a place for the preprocessor to look for headers when resolving #include directives.
12:05:55 <bigon> for goffice, well, distributions might not be happy code duplication
12:06:03 <bigon> jralls: you have defines in .h files
12:06:39 <jralls> bigon: Yes, of course we have defines in header files.
12:07:35 <jralls> bigon: Most packagers are happy to have fewer dependencies. None have complained about goffice yet.
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12:53:32 <warlord> @op
12:53:33 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
13:08:26 *** MrKeuner has joined #gnucash
13:10:17 <MrKeuner> I keep my ledger on a shared cloud drive. Being careful about closing the app when I leave the desk on any instance, it has been working rather well for me. Thank you. Is there a way to save open tabs (charts specifically) in the gnumeric file?
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14:11:21 <wol> Hallo
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14:12:14 <jralls> MrKreuner: gnumeric?
14:13:09 <jralls> MrKreuner: You need to move ~/.gnucash/ to your shared drive and set $GNC_DOT_DIR to point at it.
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15:07:36 <gjanssens> jralls: I agree with you about bigon's bug and have closed it accordingly
15:08:41 <gjanssens> I'd have hoped he would rather file a bug for the startup error he got. But I didn't see that...
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16:06:34 <jralls> gjanssens: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=792833
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16:40:34 <gjanssens> jralls: huh, turns out I wasn't watching the gnucash-general-maint bugzilla user...
16:40:52 <gjanssens> That's why I didn't see the bug in my mailbox
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16:41:57 <MrKeuner> jralls, I meant GnuCash :) Gnumeric is my another favorite tool.
16:42:56 <jralls> gjanssens: OK. I only started watching all of the virtual emails about a year ago when it soaked through my skull that it's pretty much just you and me for handling bugs.
16:43:00 <MrKeuner> Got it, I thought save reports configuration could have something to do with it for saving this info in the gnucash file.
16:46:01 <jralls> gjanssens: I had a run at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=761024 (MacOS open on double-clicking the file). It didn't work out because the run loop has to be running to get the notification. By that time we've already loaded the data file.
16:50:17 <gjanssens> jralls: so for a proper fix we'd have to rearrange the gnucash startup sequence to make it enter a run loop before it starts loading a file ?
16:50:30 <gjanssens> That would require a major overhaul indeed.
16:51:41 <gjanssens> But probably not impossible. Just too much for a quick fix.
16:53:31 <jralls> gjanssens: Yes. It's not that major an overhaul, but definitely not a quick fix. I think it's a matter of setting an idle event then starting the run loop.
16:54:03 <jralls> BTW, have you ever noticed that changing files brings back the splash screen and then leaves it?
16:54:10 <gjanssens> That could work as well.
16:54:16 <jralls> Leaves it displayed, that is.
16:54:58 <gjanssens> No, I didn't realize that. This may be a result of my attempts to fix the transient warnings related to dialogs popping up at startup.
16:55:19 <gjanssens> That needs some revision then as well.
16:55:26 <jralls> It's not new behavior. Maybe it only happens on a Mac.
16:56:38 <gjanssens> Quick check - it doesn't seem to be the case on F27 with unstable from a couple of days ago
16:57:19 <gjanssens> I opened gnucash, which brings up the splash and tears it down when the data is loaded
16:57:39 <gjanssens> Then I opened another file from the history menu, but no splash appeared.
16:58:04 * gjanssens is about to leave for the night...
16:58:11 <jralls> It might require a big file so that the progress bar gets activated.
16:58:24 <jralls> OK, good night. Dream about event loops... ;-)
16:59:12 <gjanssens> No I won't :p
16:59:14 <gjanssens> Bye
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