2018-01-22 GnuCash IRC logs
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11:11:30 <exarkun> I'm having trouble getting started with AqBanking. I got myself locked out by using the wrong password a few times. So I called my bank and got them to reset the lock. Then I tried setting up the account again and I didn't even get a chance to enter the new password, AqBanking just went ahead and got me locked out again.
11:11:46 <exarkun> Did the password get saved somewhere? I can't find any UI for resetting it.
11:15:15 <warlord> exarkun: did you quit gnucash and restart?
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12:06:47 <fell> exarkun: in your home directory is a hidden .aqbanking folder
12:07:19 <fell> which OS are you using?
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12:08:41 <fell> You might have a command line tool aqhbci-tool, which can edit your settings
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12:38:18 <exarkun> @warlord: I didn't
12:38:18 <gncbot> exarkun: Error: "warlord:" is not a valid command.
12:38:57 <exarkun> @fell: Yea, I do. I don't have an HBCI bank though ... OFX.
12:38:57 <gncbot> exarkun: Error: "fell:" is not a valid command.
12:39:48 <exarkun> I'm using Ubuntu 17.10
12:40:22 <exarkun> I see a lot of stuff in ~/.aqbanking but no password storage
12:40:32 <fell> Can you try it despite it's historical name?
12:41:35 <fell> Wait
12:41:44 <exarkun> Sure. `aqhbci-tool4 listusers` says "No users found." `listaccounts` produces no output at all.
12:42:11 <fell> There are also aqbanking-cli and aqbanking-config
12:42:39 <fell> I use them seldom
12:43:54 <exarkun> `aqbanking-config` looks like a build tool, maybe? `aqbanking-cli listaccs` also produces no output.
12:47:16 <warlord> exarkun: That's the issue -- gnucash DOES store it in RAM. Exit and restart and it will ask again.
12:47:19 <fell> Then you might search .aqbanking/config
12:56:33 <warlord> fell: AFAIK, AqB does not store the password. It's only stored in RAM.
12:57:28 <fell> PINs are stored in RAM, passwords I don't know
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13:05:23 <exarkun> Okay, thanks. Will restart and try again, after I get my bank on the phone again. :(
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16:15:43 <xxx> help me
16:16:36 <xxx> anyone here????????????????
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16:20:53 <warlord> well, geeze, not if you only stick around for 2 minutes!!!!!
16:21:32 <chf> 1:36
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17:05:24 <warlord> chf: Haha. I only have times to the minute.
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22:13:09 <jscinoz> Hi! I just upgraded to gnucash 2.7, and I see it uses gtk 3 now, which is great. However, I use the dark variant of the adawaita theme and this results in unreadable text on the register view (as it uses a light text colour against the alternating green/yellow background). Is there some way to customise the text colour it uses? I can make a custom gtk theme to do it, I just don't know what the
22:13:15 <jscinoz> appropriate selectors are for these UI elements
22:20:29 <jscinoz> I tried changing the background colours by adding new values for the register-primary and register-secondary classes, but this had no effect
22:24:32 <warlord> jscinoz: you do realize that 2.7 is an alpha test release, right?
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22:45:51 <jscinoz> warlord: I did not, my distro automatically installed it
22:46:14 <warlord> which distro?
22:46:20 <jscinoz> but it's just a plain old gtk 3 application, is it not? So I should be able to restyle parts of it via css in a custom theme, right?
22:46:24 <jscinoz> Gentoo
22:47:06 <jscinoz> they put it in the same keyword as 2.6 (~ rather than **), so it automatically upgraded from 2.6.19 to 2.7.3, it seems
22:47:46 <warlord> jscinoz: It's still in deveilopment
22:48:58 <jscinoz> Okay, but I don't imagine this will be any different once it's actually out, as issues like this seem pretty common with plenty of applications when dark themes are used; all I'm after is which css selectors correspond to the register rows
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22:52:03 <warlord> jscinoz: please file a bug report?
22:52:16 <jscinoz> ok
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22:59:43 <jscinoz> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=792809
23:01:12 <jscinoz> In the interim; is it possible for me to just override this in my theme's css? I'd prefer to use 2.7 if possible, as having it respect my theme is nice, but failing that I guess I can just go back to 2.6 for now
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23:15:32 <warlord> jscinoz: 2.6.19 is the current stable release.
23:18:33 <jscinoz> Yes, I understand that. I am not sure why you can't just give me a straight answer though
23:18:47 <jscinoz> Never mind, I'll just look at the source and figure it out >_<
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23:58:58 <jscinoz> For reference, if anyone else ends up here with the same problem. If you don't mind just patching it yourself, you can edit the colours in gnucash/gnucash-320.css