2018-01-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:47:42 <pabl0> Hi. at the start of last year, I decided to stop creating a new gnc file for each accounting period (year), but just use the close books feature and continue using the same file. now it's the time to close the books again, but turns out that the general journal report does not support date ranges
00:49:38 <pabl0> how can I print the journal for just year 2017 when my file has accounting data from 2016-01-01?
00:52:55 <pabl0> (the general ledger supports date ranges just fine, but even there it has the peculiar problem that the totals are still calculated using the data from the beginning of time but not sure if that really matters)
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03:00:05 <gjanssens> .
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09:27:58 <warlord> .
09:31:42 <chris> Hi warlord!
09:32:52 <chris> If I may bother the core devs for a few minutes...
09:33:42 <warlord> Sure, chris. What's up? (not that I'm doing much dev work these days)
09:33:59 <chris> I'm fully aware that the general direction in the future will be to remove scheme from general code
09:34:05 <chris> leaving it for reports
09:34:19 <chris> (and this is supported by my f2f conversation with rgmerk)
09:34:38 <chris> (he also agrees convert C to C++) ;)
09:34:54 <warlord> Other than the qif importer and reports, where is scheme currently used in the main code?
09:35:05 <chris> well I actually have no idea
09:35:24 <warlord> as far as I know it's mostly been removed from everywhere else.
09:35:28 <chris> ok
09:35:42 <warlord> It used to be used for the options dialog, but I'm fairly sure gjanssens fixed that.
09:36:18 <chris> ok
09:36:38 <chris> I still have a few scaffolding upgrades I'd like to offer - the next gen TR will have an oft-requested 'time-series' view which simply tabulates subtotals, which requires some new data structures I haven't encountered in code elsewhere
09:37:25 <chris> so, I wonder if there's interest in further scheme scaffolding work for now
09:41:51 <warlord> You would have to really ask jralls_afk and gjanssens ..
09:42:08 <warlord> they have those plans in there. I suspect they would want the code framework in C or C++ with scheme wrappers.
09:44:58 <chris> Ok
09:45:15 <chris> I think I'll just continue to do what 'feels best'
09:45:54 <chris> just a preview of time series grid -> https://imgur.com/a/unDAD - I'm sure it'll be well liked
09:46:47 <warlord> chris: nice!
09:47:12 <warlord> Is this something that would easily apply to any table-based report?
09:47:23 <chris> yes
09:47:32 <warlord> sweet
09:48:49 <chris> well I could get technical and bore everyone else, but I really needed this grid datastructure which collects subtotals from the regular TR and places them in cells randomly, and the grid->html simply collects all rows and columns to display properly
09:49:59 <chris> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/christopherlam/gnucash/time64-income-gst-rewrite/gnucash/report/standard-reports/transaction.scm has some details - the relevant part is the (make-grid) section and I'd wish it to be modularised
09:54:42 <warlord> Hmm. Is this specific to reports?
09:54:50 <warlord> If so, it *might* just stay in scheme
09:56:15 <chris> Ok
09:57:32 <chris> further, for gjanssens mainly, the (infobox) section has been 'generalized' and can now be embedded in every other report, to show 'options-changed-by-user', and can also be modularised... I guess into report-utilities.scm
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09:59:34 <chris> so I'd vote for scheme to stay ^_^
09:59:42 <chris> for reports
10:00:48 <Ranomier> Hi :) Friendly people. I come from germany i installed gnucash on a windows 10 OS. i wan't to do HBCI/FinTS, but the menu item is missing. Your wiki suggest it is in there. I'm using the build from chocolatey. Maybe they did something wrong.
10:01:17 <Ranomier> https://chocolatey.org/packages/gnucash
10:01:48 <fell> Moin!
10:02:24 <Ranomier> Should i talk german?
10:02:56 <fell> Wie du magst
10:03:49 <warlord> chris: the report system might still be rewritten one day.
10:04:25 <Ranomier> Ok. Deutsch wäre leichter. Also ich glaube die chocolatey leute laden das von der der gnucash website runter. (also von source forge)
10:04:29 <chris> hmm ok
10:05:09 <fell> Was ist denn das Besondere bei denen?
10:05:10 <Ranomier> momentan sind die eine version hinten. Die liefern 2.6.18 aus.
10:05:37 <Ranomier> Naja ist ein package manager für windows. Es ist für den verein von meinem dad und ich möchte nicht alles einzeln updaten.
10:08:33 <fell> Lies mal, was Andrew Baumann • 3 months ago schrieb: the trace file contains "Could not locate optional module gnucash/import-export/aqbanking interface
10:09:22 <Ranomier> Ich benutze momentan mibbit. Falls das zum klicken gedacht war geht das nicht sorry xD.
10:09:52 <Ranomier> ok, aber von dem text. scheint so als ob was fehlen würde, mmmh
10:10:10 <fell> Nein, wars nicht. In den Kommentaren auf obiger Seite.
10:12:00 <Ranomier> ok verstehe, danke. Leider hat ihm keiner geantwortet. Naja, ok dann schau ich mal wie ich das löse. Trotzdem Danke ;)
10:12:23 <Ranomier> Scheint ja nicht eure schuld zu sein.
10:12:58 <fell> Nimm doch erstmal unser Paket von SF, bis die das repariert haben.
10:17:19 <Ranomier> Jup, wieß bescheid. Danke dafür. Noch eine Frage, kann man erzwingen das für jede buchung alle felder ausgefüllt werden?
10:19:37 <fell> Leider nicht. Oft recht ja Datum, Beschreibung, Konten und Beträge.
10:23:23 <Ranomier> Naja, man kann sogar das konto wecklassen. Dann erstellt er automatisch eins. https://imgur.com/a/bpWkl
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10:25:29 <fell> Ja, es kann ja mal vorkommen, daß man noch klären muß, wo ein Betrag steuerlich hingehört.
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10:31:53 <fell> Die Existenz von Ausgleichs- oder Ausbuchungskonten ist immer ein Indikator, das man irgendetwas noch nicht richtig gemacht hat.
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12:14:50 <jralls> chris, warlord: The most egregious use of scheme outside of reports and the qif importer is the options database in app-utils, but there's more. Just look for .scm files outside of gnucash/report to find them all.
12:17:42 <jralls> warlord: gjanssens rewrote preferences, not options.
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12:26:13 <jralls> lmat: Do you have an Arch installation that duplicates the Travis fails from yesterday?
12:29:13 <Robert> I have made a pastebin of the gdb run results from the re-run log file crash that I am experiencing in GnuCash 2.6.18 in Windows. see https://pastebin.com/V1itqK8e.
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13:02:05 <jralls> Robert: OK. It's crashing because of a bad date-time string. Check the file to make sure that all of the dates are in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and that the values are reasonable.
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13:20:20 <Robert> is 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000 -0600 a reasonable date?
13:21:45 <Robert> there are scads of transactions with that date in the log file
13:27:08 <Robert> I am about 85% confident that the log file was created by release 2.6.18 in windows, although the same file has also been touched frequently by release 2.6.11 in Linux. I think it was created when I was out of the house but before my computer went into hibernation and later failed to re-start Gnucash when it woke up
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13:38:17 <Robert> that date appears in a lot of recent log files
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13:47:24 <Robert> I see that appears to be a reconcile date for unreconciled split lines. So I do not know how to identify one that GnuCash choked on
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13:55:58 <Mechtilde> hello gjanssens fell what can I do with my PR
13:56:50 <fell> let me see ...
13:57:33 <Mechtilde> there are some conflicts after gjanssens' changes
13:58:21 <fell> can you try to resolve them?
13:59:00 <Mechtilde> If I try a rebase locally I get conflicts too
13:59:18 <Mechtilde> because of the changes in the goffice part
14:00:12 <fell> I can imagine you translated something different than the gofficce guys
14:02:02 <Mechtilde> the other way is I save the file besides and do a new branch for the translation and repeat it
14:04:00 <fell> How many do you see?
14:04:28 <Mechtilde> how many what?
14:04:38 <fell> conflicts
14:06:27 <Mechtilde> I guess the diff is wrong because
14:07:30 <Mechtilde> it replaces lines from ../src/business/business-gnome with lines from ../borrowed/goffice
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14:08:19 <Mechtilde> I looked at /.git/rebase-apply/patch
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14:10:43 <fell> I can try to do it tomorrow.
14:11:51 <Mechtilde> ok
14:11:57 <fell> I have a bunch of changes on stable, which I will test tomorrow
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14:13:53 <fell> Then there is Dmitriys commit in stable.
14:14:42 <fell> All that has to be merged in unstable.
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14:17:21 <fell> I hope there are not too much conflicts...
14:17:58 <fell> But i believe we worked on very different parts.
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14:30:24 <fell> See you tomorrow ...
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14:34:40 <jralls> Robert: Yes, 1969-12-31 18:00:00 -0600 is time 0, it's pretty common.
14:36:53 <jralls> Robert: A log file should be touched only once, when it's created. When you use the XML backend then each file is normally touched three times: When it's written, when it is read, and on the next save when the file is renamed with a timestamp and a new file is created.
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14:40:09 <jralls> The log files are opened and written to during a session and reflect the changes to transactions and splits that occur during the session. It's generally useful only if there's a crash as it allows you to recreate the transactions that were lost because the file didn't get saved. However, the crash will have left the log file open and it may have garbage at the end, so check for that.
14:41:25 <jralls> Robert: Otherwise you're looking for files that aren't in the format I posted earlier, or which have clearly unreasonable values like 42 for day.
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14:48:36 <Robert> can i use a spreadsheet program or is there another way to pick out dates that might be suspect?
14:49:13 <Robert> wordpad helps a little, but it is still very hard to read
14:59:22 <Robert> libre calc seems to work. It does not show any bad dates in time_now, date-entered or date_posted
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15:05:28 <Robert> should I start trying things like replayin the same file in release 2.6.11 or other files known to be good in 2.6.18?
15:07:23 <jralls> How many rows are there in this log file?
15:09:47 <Robert> there are actually two files that have crashed. the one I am looking at is 497 rows
15:11:08 <Robert> empty rows appear as err 510
15:12:42 <Robert> which, i think, is a display discrepancy because those are the start and stop entries
15:15:18 <Robert> I think there are 165 actual entries
15:16:57 <jralls> 165 is a lot of changes between saves! Do you have auto-save disabled in preferences?
15:17:48 <jralls> That aside, how can there be two log files that need to be recovered? Did you have two crashes?
15:18:13 <Robert> no, it is set for 30 minutes with that annoying pop-up set to irritate me
15:19:13 <Robert> no, but there were two log files between full file backups and the had time stamps when I was not in the house
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15:21:51 <jralls> Robert: If you have a backup file after the log file then there's no need to replay the logfile. Even if your last backup is before the logfile, if the timestamp on the base file is after the log file then you don't need to replay it.
15:28:03 <Robert> I was not sure whether any data was lost because there was a lock file that I needed to override when I returned, and some spreadsheets got corrupted as well. There are some 20,015 KB or larger logs that may have appeared when I was crashing GnuCash
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15:29:43 <Robert> they are in a string of eight logfiles without a full backup
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15:33:54 <Robert> I think that I was doing a few OFX imports around that time and one or two of those were rather lengthy, but I think they were not lost.
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15:35:03 <jralls> Can't you just open the file in GnuCash and look to see if the transactions are present?
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15:36:43 <jralls> Remember, foo.gnucash is the most recently-saved file. foo.<timestamp>.gnucash are previous saves, a.k.a. backups, with the timestamp being the time the *next* file was saved.
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15:37:23 <Robert> I did, but I can't remember every last thing I did or if I lost a security price download, for example
15:39:10 <jralls> Logfiles record only transactions. No busines stuff, no prices, just transactions.
15:39:13 <Robert> While I normally do a manual save before and after those more major activities I sometmes forget
15:39:54 <jralls> But if you have autosave enabled at 30 minutes then you should get a save at that interval.
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15:42:14 <Robert> no, because I have it set to warn me so I can finish whatever I am half-way though before it shuts me down for a minute or two
15:43:40 <Robert> except the warning shuts me down too. the diiference being a shorter delay before finishing that one transaction edit
15:45:50 <jralls> Ah, so you ran a bunch of OFX imports and then wandered off, and when you came back the machine was frozen and had to be rebooted.
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15:47:01 <jralls> And the timestamps on a bunch of logfiles that are after the timestamp on the latest backup so you know that they're not saved (because that's the time of the last actual save).
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15:47:53 <jralls> But at least two of the timestamps crash 2.6.18.
15:48:10 <jralls> If the logfiles won't replay perhaps you can re-run the OFX imports.
15:48:43 <jralls> Sorry, at least two of the *log files* crash 2.6.18.
15:49:31 <Robert> That is as good a guess as I can make about what happened.
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15:49:55 <jralls> Well, there's no guessing about the timestamps. Is that part right?
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15:52:58 <Robert> yes the windows timestamps are later than the logfile names as you described, but I have not changed them
15:54:13 <Robert> even if there was nothing lost, Gnucash should still be able to replay the log without crashing
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15:58:24 <jralls> Yes, crashes are always bad.
15:58:58 <Robert> I have not looked at the four huge logs to see wh they exisr
15:59:13 <Robert> exist
16:03:14 <Robert> one of them seems to have about 30 lines of good data followed by mountains of garbage
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16:06:26 <Robert> Shortly after crashing 2.6.18 in Windows i went on to trying to import stock prices in 2.6.11 in Linux, unsuccessfully at first. Later I got that working
16:07:54 <jralls> The mountains of garbage would be a problem, of course. But that wasn't the file that crashed on playback, was it?
16:08:29 <Robert> correct, I did not try those huge files
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16:09:40 <jralls> So you operated on the file in Linux after crashing it in Windows?
16:10:06 <Robert> yes, with complete success
16:10:28 <Robert> but I did not replay logs
16:11:13 <jralls> Well, except for the part about the missing data. But that explains why you were looking at backup timestamps bracketting the log files's timestamps.
16:11:13 <Robert> and I did not need to go back ta a backup eiher
16:12:23 <jralls> You could try importing the log files in Linux. It's a lot more tractable for troubleshooting as it's easier to run from a command line.
16:12:57 <Robert> There may not be any missing data. I am not sure about that
16:13:34 <Robert> nothing has jumped out when I looked later
16:14:49 <jralls> If you pass --log gnc.tests=debug on the command line it will add two lines (Start and End) for each log file split it processes. That will at least indicate which line in the log file is crashing, if it does on Linux.
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16:18:18 <Robert> If the command should simply be to start gnucash with <gnucash --log gnc.tests=debug> I can close it and try that now
16:19:48 <jralls> Yes, that's it.
16:20:09 <jralls> The extra output will go into gnucash.trace.
16:23:06 <Robert> it takes a while to render reports, etc
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16:26:39 <Robert> Ok, it put a asterisk in front of the filename and made the Save button dark
16:26:59 <warlord> jralls, gjanssens, fell_afk -- I need to schedule some downtime for code in order to upgrade the VM software. I expect the upgrade to only take an hour or so. Could I schedule that tonight EST?
16:27:18 <warlord> (maybe like 2100 EST)
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16:27:38 <jralls> warlord: That's fine for me.
16:29:01 <jralls> Robert: What did? Just starting it with that flag set?
16:29:07 <Robert> how do you put the username of who you are talking to into your message?
16:29:52 <Robert> no, the asterisk did not appear until i replayed the log
16:30:41 <jralls> Ah, that's good. And the log didn't crash, so that means that it's either a regression between 2.6.11 and 2.6.18 or a Windows problem.
16:31:40 <Robert> well, we have eliminated something, at least
16:31:42 <jralls> OTOH it also means that we don't know what's causing the crash.
16:32:44 <Robert> whatever, it cannot be a common problem or someone else would have noticed by now
16:33:09 <jralls> I don't think that replaying log files is actually a common activity.
16:33:28 <Robert> true
16:34:45 <Robert> It would be good to resolve it to be sure it does not get carried into 3.0
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16:36:54 <jralls> Actually the whole date implementation has changed in unstable, so if it does crash it will be a different one.
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16:37:59 <Robert> I am guessing that a log file can only be replayed into the same data file or at least with a matching filename
16:39:51 <jralls> Pretty much just the same file. The GUIDs for accounts and so on have to match.
16:41:15 <Robert> what if the dates are changing somehow between reading the file and actually processing the record?
16:44:11 <jralls> That's not what's happening. The code reads a date string, splits it up into variables using that format I posted earlier, and passes the results to GDateTime to create a date. Then it tries to use the just created date and crashes because GDateTime returned a NULL because the values it was given were invalid.
16:45:03 <Robert> ok
16:47:13 <Robert> how do you know those variables that are passed to GDateTime match what was in the file?
16:48:12 <warlord> jralls: I sent email about it.
16:50:35 <Robert> did I give you my email address?
16:51:01 <jralls> I could only be sure by running code with debug symbols in the debugger. However, the line that extracts the values from the date string is the C standard library's sscanf. A more likely cause of trouble would be it getting passed the wrong piece of the string.
16:53:22 <Robert> You are getting into details beyond my training
16:53:55 <jralls> You asked! ;-)
16:54:14 <Robert> I wanted to see if you had an answer
16:54:34 <Robert> I didn't expect to understand it
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17:01:26 <Robert> can I run any more tests to help figure this out? I don't relate well to this keyboard, it keeps dropping letters
17:02:06 <jralls> No, I don't think that there is.
17:02:51 <Robert> should I create a bug report?
17:03:29 <Robert> or is it too vague to be useful?
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17:07:20 <jralls> Yeah, if you're willing to upload one of the log files that crashes. Maybe I can make a fake file that I can test it with.
17:09:17 <jralls> I've got to go now.
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18:20:40 <gjanssens> warlord: yes your downtime window is fine for me.
18:21:15 <gjanssens> fell_afk: I am aware of the merge conflicts Mechtilde experiences and was in the process of handling them yesterday when I ran out of time
18:21:25 <gjanssens> I'll try again tomorrow.
18:21:51 <gjanssens> I had a few questions for Mechtilde as well, but was afk while she was online. Hopefully I can catch her tomorrow.
18:22:02 <gjanssens> Now it time to sleep here...
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20:28:48 <Robert> Hi, I have a new problem. I did a CSV transaction import into GnuCash 2.6.11 in Linux. I accidentally failed to notice that alternate lines were blank and I should have accounted for that in the configuration. It also happened that there were two lines with zero value, one with no existing transaction to match and the rest had matching existing transactions. When the import tried and failed to import the empty lines it also failed
20:28:49 <Robert> to complete the import process but it did leave the three transactions in the register. Now when I tried to correct those three transactions it tells me that they are being edited in another register but there is no ther register
20:29:27 <Robert> There is no other register
20:30:13 <Robert> It let me save the data file in that state
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20:48:09 <warlord> code is going down now. Should hopefully be back quickly.
20:48:24 <warlord> I'm also going to be disappearing, as will gncbot.
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