2017-12-31 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:24:42 <gjanssens> .
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06:45:55 <jerdef82> Hi guys, could you someone tell me whether 2073 is the only Num code in case of transactions? Are there any other ones?
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07:21:30 <lmat> chris: Happy New year? :-)
07:36:41 <lmat> my, what a trial. Changed transaction members from Timespec to time64. gobject property get/set is truly a black box...oh well, now I know.
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08:40:39 <lmat> @tell chris Hey! Look at you! I did a double take when I saw 63ec01ed029c9ad93c3ce4c07a015711297483cb
08:40:39 <gncbot> lmat: The operation succeeded.
08:41:04 <lmat> jralls: I just pushed the removal of timespec from transaction members.
08:41:31 <lmat> jralls: timespec is still used through gobject access. I think after timespec is removed elsewhere, gobject access should stop using it and qof query framework, too.
08:41:56 <lmat> jralls: As it is, it is unweildy to make some gobject access use time64 and some use timespec (same with qof query).
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09:19:52 <lmat> Looks like my cherry-pick onto chris's time64 didn't go well. I'll fix it.
09:39:02 <lmat> okay, should be good new.
09:39:07 <lmat> doh; s/new/now
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12:06:57 *** Robert has joined #gnucash
12:09:34 <Robert> I am searching for the method to update F:Q in Windows to get it working in GnuCash releases 2.6.12 thru 2.6.18, and I am only finding garbage so far.
12:09:59 <Robert> Can someone point me to a good rference?
12:12:10 <Robert> I am trying to search the user list using google and it is not finding what i need
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12:59:48 <lmat> Robert: I don't use Microsoft Windows, nor F:Q; I think the mailing list is the right place to look; there have been quite a few posts about it recently.
12:59:56 <lmat> Robert: Oh yeah, yahoo finance doesn't work anymore. Don't use it.
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13:03:42 <Robert> egg-zactly!!! I found a suggestion to run "Install Online Price Retrieval" command. I am trying that now
13:06:20 <Robert> It did not add the new quote sources without any re-starts soI think I need to re-start GnuCash and possibly more
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13:09:15 <Robert> I have Debian9 Linux in a VM which I am testing to see how well it can do
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13:15:17 <lmat> Robert: I think the quote source these days is alphadvantage.
13:15:29 <lmat> Robert: But it requires registration to use.
13:16:57 <Robert> Neither instance lists Alphadvantage tho both now have finance-quote 1.47
13:19:07 <Robert> I did acquire a key from them some time ago but now I don't remember what I should do with it
13:33:50 <lmat> Robert: I know no more, but I have reason to think it is outlined on the user mailing list.
13:45:12 <Robert> It gets deeper and deeper. I found that I need to edit the environment file in the gnucash subdirectory of program files x86 but I don't have admin privileges
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13:50:28 <lmat> Robert: This is on your VM?
13:52:39 <Robert> Right now I am working on the Windows instance which is on my laptop. I will get to the Debian later. I just edited the Environment and now I am waiting for GnuCash to restart
13:53:18 <Robert> btw, the windows instance is release 2.6.18
13:55:36 <lmat> jralls: it looks like there might be some dependency problem in our cmake scripts? After building, I run touch gnucash/import-export/assistant-qif-import.c; then run ninja or ninja check, and nothing is recompiled.
13:56:03 <Robert> That was not enough to make Alpha Vantage appear in the source list
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13:59:56 <Robert> Just found it by clicking unknown first. That means jumping to the bottom of the window...
14:02:42 <Robert> Now to work through a very long list....
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14:25:50 <jralls> lmat: Maybe because the file is gnucash/import-export/qif-imp/assistant-qif-import.c?
14:26:34 * jralls is off for a bike ride, back in a couple of hours.
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15:56:18 <Robert> :)Success! I am coolecting prices on 51 different securities for some reason, and I just got a short list of 9 that didn't come through this time
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16:07:57 *** jralls_afk is now known as jralls
16:09:01 <jralls> Robert: If they're not mainstream US stocks it's possible that alphavantage uses different symbols from yahoo.
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16:12:39 <Robert> It turns out that they all came through on a second try (all us mutual funds) except Currency:IEP (Irish Punt), which I did not change. There may be a different reason for that one.
16:12:58 <Simon> is there an update to the currency retrieval now that Yahoo's API has been disabled for 2 months?
16:14:38 <Robert> I posted a fresh reference to https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_doesn.27t_online_quoting_work.3F on the user maillist where I found the best help in getting this done. Thanks to you all and happy new year
16:14:42 <Simon> I can't even override the quote source in the UI :/
16:18:10 <Robert> Simon: try looking at https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_doesn.27t_online_quoting_work.3F
16:19:31 <Robert> that is mainly for stocks but some of it may apply to currencies too
16:20:41 <Robert> I just failed to get Currency:IEP and I have not had time to figure out why
16:24:47 <Simon> yes you've already given me that URL; the options to select a currency source are disabled on the GnuCash UI
16:25:25 <Robert> I see currency sources are not listed.
16:27:05 <Robert> that is all the help that I am able to offer.
16:33:04 <jralls> Robert: Ireland is on the Euro. There's no such thing as an Irish Punt anymore.
16:33:57 <Simon> :D
16:35:10 <jralls> Simon: Erik changed the "currency" source in F::Q to Alphavantage in 1.43 or so.
16:47:24 <Robert> I track IEP because I visited there once a few decades ago. I haven't been there recently:'(
16:47:50 <Robert> must be time to stop
16:50:22 <Robert> I see that I should have stopped tracking it in 2002
16:50:30 <Robert> oops
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18:43:00 <gjanssens> Happy new year from Belgium!
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18:44:07 <Mechtilde> and from Germany
19:07:00 <lmat> jralls: Yes, that explains why ninja -v; didn't notice the touch! But when touching the correct file, ninja -v check; doesn't compile. I guess this is okay since it's not used in any test.
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19:16:24 <jralls> lmat: I've noticed that the check target doesn't seem to be dependent on the imputed all target, but I'm not sure how to fix it in cmake.
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19:58:14 <lmat> jralls: I'm thinking it's not broken... if the goal is to run all the tests, and the prereqs for that is: make all the tests, prereq for that, make the necessary libraries, prereq: make all the objects, etc., etc. I guess it's a feature that objects that aren't required for tests aren't made :shrug:
19:58:56 <jralls> lmat: OK, I guess.
19:59:00 <lmat> jralls: It would be nice just to run ninja check and trust that everything's done. I guess we'll just need to make more tests \o/
19:59:33 <jralls> lmat: Well, yes, though it's a rather odd way to create the incentive. ;-)
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21:09:38 <lmat> @tell chris it looks like there is already a gnc_pricedb_lookup_day_t64 and a gnc_price_set_time64. I'm working on creating gncBillTermComputeDueDateTT.
21:09:38 <gncbot> lmat: The operation succeeded.
21:21:50 <lmat> It looks like our python bindings don't know about time64?
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23:57:02 <chris> .
23:57:02 <gncbot> chris: Sent 15 hours and 16 minutes ago: <lmat> Hey! Look at you! I did a double take when I saw 63ec01ed029c9ad93c3ce4c07a015711297483cb
23:57:03 <gncbot> chris: Sent 2 hours and 47 minutes ago: <lmat> it looks like there is already a gnc_pricedb_lookup_day_t64 and a gnc_price_set_time64. I'm working on creating gncBillTermComputeDueDateTT.