2017-12-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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14:28:40 <sborman> Hi all. I'm hoping that someone could please help me out with an issue with Finance::Quote resulting from the yahoo end of support for their API. I've gone through all the relevant posts on gnucash-user list and, many hours later, I'm still no closer to getting this sorted out. I'm hoping that someone here can point me in the right direction. I hope it's OK to ask for help here — if not please direct me to the appropriate resource.
14:44:27 <sborman> Summary: I got an Alphavantage API key. I set an environment variable in .bash_profile and in /Applications/Gnucash-2.6.18/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/etc/gnucash/ (yes, it's a Mac). From a shell I can successfully curl price quotes directly from Alphavantage (providing the API key in the URL). However, when I try gnc-fq-dump -v Alphavantage MSFT, however, I get an error. Likewise, quotes are not being fetched from within gnucash.
14:44:27 <sborman> Any ideas what might be wrong?
14:44:50 <sborman> Thanks in advance.
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15:01:42 <warlord> sbluhm: what error?
15:23:03 <warlord> sbluhm: also have you tried using yahoo_json instead of alphavantage?
15:23:15 <warlord> sborman: oops -- those two were to you
15:30:42 <sborman> warlord: :-) Error returned is: https://pastebin.com/GhEDFA1w . I have not tried yahoo_json. Will do that now. Thx!
15:31:49 <warlord> sborman: what version of F::Q?
15:35:23 <sborman> warlord: yahoo_json works! F::Q version is 1.47
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15:35:57 <warlord> Hmm, odd that alphavantage does not
15:38:00 <sborman> Indeed! I'm flummoxed! Hence my appearance on #gnucash, out of ideas!
15:40:27 <warlord> Are you sure that you have the environment variable set in the SHELL where you run gnc-fq-dump?
15:40:46 <warlord> (it doesn't read the /etc/gnucash/environment file)
15:41:15 <sborman> Yup. Pretty darn sure.
15:44:00 <sborman> I put it in .bash_profile and started a new shell. Doing "env" shows it.
15:48:18 <sborman> Do you know if F::Q has some debugging output that I can enable?
15:50:24 <warlord> I'm afraid I don't offhand.
15:50:43 <warlord> are you sure you spelled it correctly? And inserted the correct key?
15:50:52 <warlord> (spelled the variable correctly)?
15:51:21 <warlord> ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY
15:53:31 * warlord doesn't have an alphavantage key so can't test locally
15:54:23 <sborman> Yep… I was wondering the same thing so double checked the env var name and manually checked that the key worked.
15:55:13 <sborman> I did a CnP of the env var value into a curl string hitting the api — success.
15:55:41 <sborman> so alphavantage is definitely working, but something is going south with F::Q.
15:56:14 <warlord> WEIRD
15:56:35 <sborman> I know, right?
15:56:50 <warlord> Yeah. Too bad Erik doesn't hang out here.
15:57:12 <sborman> He's the F::Q maintainer?
15:57:30 <warlord> Yes
15:58:40 <sborman> I've seen him post on gnucash-user… I think it might be time to post something there in the hope that he notices.
15:59:02 <warlord> Sure. Feel free to CC him on your post.
15:59:23 <sborman> At least I know this isn't something totally obvious now :-)
16:00:06 <sborman> BTW, thanks a ton for all your heroic work on gnucash. I've been using it for many years and really appreciate your efforts and that of the larger community.
16:00:32 <warlord> Thank you!
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16:46:59 <sborman> warlord: I instrumented F::Q alphavantage.pm with some print statements. Problem appears to be related to failed SSL connection (probably certs) in LWP::Protocol::https::Socket. Good news is that the problem is almost certainly not with gnc or F::Q. Sigh…
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17:15:32 <warlord> Not sure htat's really good news. :-/
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21:04:30 <sborman> Warlord: I updated cpan modules and now gnc-fq-dump is working! Yahoo! (oh wait, not Yahoo!). Unfortunately quotes are not working from within gnucash though. Gnucash UI reports "There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes." Do you have any suggestions? e.g. where can I find logs and enable appropriate debugging? Thanks!
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