2017-11-26 GnuCash IRC logs

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00:52:21 <CDB-Away> <xi> hrm i have dozens of stocks set up to use yahoo, do I need to go through all individually in the security editor, or is there a way to switch everything to alphavantage?
00:52:29 <CDB-Away> I went through about 50 stocks manually
00:52:39 <CDB-Away> if there's a way to do it en masse, I'm not the one to ask :P
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07:04:02 <chris> gjanssens: just a question about internationalisation and options -- if the option name strings are translated, does this means the saved-options strings are also internationalised? the options.scm dynamic options renaming doesn't seem to need (N_ ) internationalising?
07:06:05 <chris> and I can upgrade the options.scm to support new section names, I guess will require another PR from maint?
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07:08:09 <gjanssens> chris: the saved-options strings are not internationalized. That's why the strings are marked with (N_ ) rather than (_ )
07:08:56 <chris> ah this is me puzzled between (N_ ) and (_ ) - I'll do another PR to upgrade it from maint
07:08:57 <gjanssens> (N_ ) is only a marker this string should be added to the list of translatable strings, but it will not be translated at that very moment
07:09:24 <gjanssens> Only in places where (_ ) is used the translated value will be inserted.
07:09:45 <gjanssens> What do you want to upgrade from maint ?
07:10:03 <chris> the options.scm's lookup-option, to allow it to look at new section names
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07:11:29 <gjanssens> Ok, so that's a PR against unstable, right ?
07:11:34 <chris> in #229 I can't state that I've been aware exact difference (N_ ) or (_ ) so will need to look again
07:11:46 <gjanssens> Ok
07:11:46 <chris> Ok can do unstable PR
07:14:21 <gjanssens> What we also should do if we haven't yet, is to bump the saved-reports version number. The option changes won't be backwards compatible in any case, so we should prevent older versions from reading newly saved reports.
07:15:24 <gjanssens> I can take care of that in one of the next days though.
07:16:01 <chris> hmm I'll pr a options.scm upgrade for your scrutiny anyway
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07:58:10 <chris> gjanssens: I'm rather overwhelmed trying to think about rewriting history; so many parallel changes were made, and so many reorganisations within 1 file
08:09:59 <gjanssens> chris: I understand
08:10:39 <gjanssens> You can start simple: use git rebase -i to improve commit comments, so at least your comments explain what's happening in the commit
08:11:46 <gjanssens> rebase -i has the 'reword' command for that.
08:12:21 <gjanssens> shuffling commits around would definitely be more challenging indeed...
08:15:26 <chris> ok; will improve all commit messages in PR at least.
08:17:49 <gjanssens> The best thing to do when rewriting history is making a new branch pointing at the same branch head as the one you want to rewrite
08:18:16 <gjanssens> Then if things go wrong you can issue a hard reset to that branch to start over
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09:34:05 <fell> Chris: _() is an alias for gettext() and N_() for NoOp()
09:34:59 <chris> fell: hmm don't quite get it - what's the difference in how to use it?
09:35:04 <chris> especially in reports?
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09:36:40 <fell> e.g. in a constant array you can not use a function. There N_ is used.
09:37:47 <fell> and later in the print or str command _() must be used then.
09:39:37 <fell> Or, if we want to store the untranslated key in dconf
09:40:25 <fell> it should not be translated.
09:41:19 <fell> But displaying the same key in edit preferences, the user expects its tranlation.
09:42:30 <chris> so report options should really use N_ whereas general UI / text should use _
09:43:08 <chris> and the N_ ensures that the string is not translated for e.g. saved report options
09:45:25 <fell> N_() means the string is marked translation - will be collected by make pot - but the tranlation is not applied in the current position of code.
09:46:27 <chris> thank you :)
09:46:47 <fell> when later _() is used, it will be translated.
09:47:29 <fell> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation#Tips_for_Developers
09:50:03 <chris> checked it, but was still somewhat confused. looking through reports, there's no reason that tooltips/helpstrings should be tagged N_
09:51:15 <fell> Most reports were created by copy and modify, so errrors were muliplied, too. :-(
09:52:25 <fell> And most modifiers did not really understand the gettext theme
09:52:30 <chris> lol
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09:53:59 <chris> so if N_ is for e.g. saved options, and _ is for UI/reports, there's really no harm using N_ everywhere then.
09:55:05 <fell> Lets assume, you define N_("OptionX")
09:55:53 <fell> as o
09:57:32 <fell> Then in the GUi use _(o)
09:58:20 <fell> and the user will see the translation of "OptionX"
10:02:32 <fell> but in the backends (dconf, xml, SQL, ...) just use o
10:03:23 <fell> else it would break, when the user changes it's locale
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10:05:09 <fell> we has the issue, where currency suddenly was translated in the price db
10:06:08 <warlord> Why are we getting so much spam in this channel these days?
10:07:21 <fell> It seems altRight is becoming more and more offensive.
10:07:55 <warlord> As if they weren't already offensive enough?
10:08:21 <fell> Sponsored by Putin and protected by Tr...
10:09:38 <warlord> LOL
10:09:39 <warlord> Yeah. :(
10:11:51 <chris> ok in any case in reports I'll change tooltips to (_ text)
10:14:36 <fell> Yep, I *believe* there are many occurrences where (N constant) ... (_ ...) is overkill,
10:15:07 <fell> but you should test it afterwards by changing LANG
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12:24:24 <fell> Warlord: probably the server ops could do something against the spammers, if they enter very much channels in short time.
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12:28:11 <fell> the only pattern, which I see here: They use until now in most cases 3 letter nicks.
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