2017-11-24 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:38:39 <gjanssens> .
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03:39:56 <opal> ✿ does gnucash use gnucache ❀
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09:11:01 <warlord> .
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11:55:31 <chris> lmat: moving to budget... need upgrading https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/037c93faea77f51a36d7391d0f3ef403b5036843/libgnucash/engine/gnc-budget.c#L592 onwards (I don't think we need timespec return anymore, let's just upgrade inplace to time64)
11:56:57 <chris> lmat: the charts are giving me a headache, can't figure out the date interval machinations
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12:19:18 <chris> lmat: or maybe the budget C code still requires timespec, which will mean additional funcs and swig hooks
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16:39:48 <gjanssens> jralls: I've been re-reading the release announcements for the 2.7.x series and I'm thinking we may have to reshuffle the presented information slightly.
16:40:29 <gjanssens> First of all, I think a separate section "Items requiring user attention" or similar would be useful
16:41:14 <gjanssens> It should be carried over from release to release explaining to the user how upgrading from the last stable series to this release may affect them
16:42:17 <gjanssens> For example it should contain the explanation that the General->Style option has been renamed to Display->Detail Level and users should review their saved reports
16:42:51 <gjanssens> I think we should repeat this in several releases because not all users will dig back to the very first release announcement.
16:43:52 <gjanssens> I propose to keep such a section for one major release. So all of the 2.7/2.8 release announcements should list the potential pitfalls during an upgrade from 2.6
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16:45:19 <gjanssens> It may also be worth repeating the big features from release to release for a while (gtk3/webkitgtk2,...)
16:46:22 <gjanssens> I'd first mention the changes in this release, then the big new features and then the user attention elements and finally our typical text like where to find the installers and such.
17:07:17 <jralls> gjanssens: We do need to get that information to users but I'm not sure that the release announcement is the right place for it. How about a wiki page with a pointer in the release announcement?
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17:08:59 <jralls> Or a page on www.gnucash.org?
17:18:51 <gjanssens> jralls: will users be mindful enough to click through ?
17:20:51 <gjanssens> I try to put myself into their position - if I'm not following the project that closely but I'm a happy user I may only cursory read through the what's new section somewhere and miss such hints.
17:21:17 <gjanssens> I've been bitten by such things in other applications I use, but am not too involved with
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17:22:52 <jralls> Roger. But the "cursory" part of that sentence is the problem. The release announcements are already pretty long.
17:23:03 <gjanssens> I'll need to think some more about this. I'll come back to it at some point (as in I'm getting too tired to think straight ATM :)
17:23:42 <gjanssens> In the ideal world, gnucash handles all behind the scenes changes transparently...
17:23:59 <gjanssens> So I may have to rethink how I handled the option name change for example
17:24:27 * gjanssens is reviewing chris's transaction report work, and there's a similar issue in there
17:24:48 <gjanssens> That's what triggered these reflections
17:25:03 <gjanssens> In the review I propose another solution for this particular case
17:25:27 <gjanssens> We could review the other cases where we expect user interaction and see if we can handle it more gracefully
17:25:42 <jralls> Within reason, yes. Some automagic conversions are possible. But there are some things that we can't do, like change the user's .gtkrc-2.0 to .gtkrc-3.0.
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17:25:59 <gjanssens> True.
17:26:03 <jralls> Which reminds me that we probably need to have a look at the windows pref tool.
17:26:13 <gjanssens> Right!
17:26:53 <jralls> Then there's the scripting changes that Sébastien brought up the other day.
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17:32:44 <gjanssens> jralls: do you mean the conversation about gnc-build-dotgnucash-path being renamed to gnc-build-userdata-path ?
17:32:57 <jralls> Yes.
17:33:20 <gjanssens> We can handle that more gracefully quite easily IMO
17:34:07 <gjanssens> Simply redefine gnc-build-dotgnucash-path, have it call gnc-build-userdata-path and emit a warning the function is deprecated
17:34:20 <gjanssens> Delete it permanently in gnucash 2.10
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17:35:20 <gjanssens> The thing is, while coding the functional changes, my mind is not always set on backward/forward compatibilty :(
17:35:24 <jralls> Damn. Too slow.
17:35:52 <gjanssens> I should add extra time (probably at a later moment) to fix that part
17:36:25 <gjanssens> yep, I didn't know what to do. Could I have kicked/banned xtq ?
17:36:39 <jralls> Right, I was going to make that point: We need to be thinking like library writers.
17:36:47 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
17:37:07 <jralls> Yeah, I tried to kick it but couldn't get my fingers to type straight fast enough.
17:37:49 <fell> gjanssens: that bot appears every night with a differnent nick and ip.
17:38:55 <fell> Only if you know a trick to catch it's message (CALL ..)
17:39:19 <jralls> Is it always the same phone number?
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17:42:44 <fell> It believe, yes.
17:44:53 <gjanssens> Ok, I was mostly wondering if I have permissions to kick someone. I was writing while the bot started it's spam, so I suppose I could have intervened with the proper permissions.
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17:45:47 <gjanssens> jralls: true on thinking as library writers
17:46:27 <gjanssens> But I'm calling it a day.
17:46:32 <gjanssens> TTYL
17:46:46 <jralls> Good night.
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17:56:34 *** twanny796 has joined #gnucash
17:57:31 <twanny796> how do I create a mysql database?
17:59:03 <fell> twanny796: did you setup a mysql/mariadb server?
17:59:35 <fell> then file->save as ...
18:01:15 <twanny796> fell: I have no gnucash database in the mariadb server.
18:01:39 <fell> file->save as should create one
18:02:03 <twanny796> fell: the mysql has no password. What should I give it root with no password?
18:02:08 <fell> but there might be a locale issue
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18:03:00 <fell> I don't know offhand.
18:03:55 <twanny796> fell: The server at URL mysql://root@ experienced an error or encountered bad or corrupt data.
18:04:22 <twanny796> fell: should I create the database *gnucash*
18:04:22 <fell> What is your language/region?
18:04:51 <twanny796> on the mysql server? how do I get those?
18:05:56 <fell> If you enter it's command interface, there is a set command
18:08:03 <fell> often it is en_US or the same as the settings of your OS.
18:11:03 <twanny796> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
18:11:03 <twanny796> 25 LANGUAGE=en_US:en
18:11:03 <twanny796>
18:11:51 <twanny796> is this it?
18:12:21 <fell> en_US has no problems
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18:17:33 <twanny796> nothing happened and there is nothing in the log files messages and mysql
18:20:27 <fell> IIRC your root user should be password protected and you should create a normal user "gnucash" granting the usual rights including create table etc.
18:21:32 <twanny796> trying
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19:37:34 <jralls> fell: The mysql or pgsql user needs CREATE DATABASE to work with GnuCash. But users like twanny796 should be discouraged from using server DBs because they're not skilled enough to do it safely.
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