2017-11-05 GnuCash IRC logs
01:33:33 *** carwynnelson has joined #gnucash
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03:45:55 <gjanssens> .
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05:30:50 <chris> gjanssens/jralls - I can present the refactored/fat-free transaction.scm - I do think this is satisfactory. Comments welcome :) https://github.com/christopherlam/gnucash/pull/6
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08:57:46 <ChattyMan> Hi Guys. Qu: Does the financial online quote function work for you? I was told that Yahoo was down at the moment.
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09:00:17 <Silly> hmmm, is there somewhere that gives a quick summary of the major changes between version 2.4 and 2.6?
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09:05:42 <Silly> and is there anything I need to take note of in upgrading from 2.4 to 2.6.x
09:05:43 <Silly> ?
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09:07:31 <ChattyMan> where do i register?
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09:35:59 <ChattyMan> Me... back again.... this time registered :-)
09:36:58 <carwynnelson> Silly: There should be a changelog on the website
09:36:58 <gncbot> carwynnelson: Sent 1 day, 13 hours, and 22 minutes ago: <lmat> How did cutecash get your attention?
09:38:14 <carwynnelson> lmat: Cutecash got my attention because it was mentioned in the wiki near the c++ conversion stuff. Cutecash itself isn't the interesting part, it's the idea of having multiple front ends to the application. As we've discussed before gnucash could easily expose an html front-end or even an http api
09:38:17 <ChattyMan> Same QU: In GnuCash is the internet quote feature working as I understand the yahoo financial quote site was down?
09:39:46 <carwynnelson> ChattyMan: I've been reading the user mailing list and as I understand it the Yahoo api isn't just down it's been discontinued
09:44:01 <ChattyMan> carwynnelson: Thx. I understand Gnucash quote script is hard-wired to yahoo so will need amending in order for us to obtain quotes in the future. Is that a true statement or can I reliably go else where for quotes. To date I've not found a good one.
09:45:23 <carwynnelson> ChattyMan: I'm not familiar with the internals of that script, but from reading the user mailing list it would appear that gnucash actually uses a third part service which is hard linked to Yahoo. Assuming that third party service updates then gnucash will be fine. This could be incorrect though. One of the core maintainers (maybe gjanssens?) might be able to give you a better answer.
09:45:34 <carwynnelson> third party*
09:46:58 <ChattyMan> Carwynnelson: Very helpful, thx
09:47:52 <carwynnelson> Your welcome
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10:58:35 <gjanssens> carwynnelson: what you said to ChattyMan is largely correct
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10:59:04 <gjanssens> The "third-party" service is not really a service but an open source tool called "Finance::Quote"
10:59:10 <gjanssens> It's written in perl
11:00:03 <gjanssens> In theory it polls several online services for quotes, one of which was the Yahoo service.
11:01:02 <gjanssens> It appears this service was the most important one and most modules that interact with other online services have also fallen behind or the services have been discontinued as well.
11:01:49 <gjanssens> End result is there are currently hardly any price sources available via Finance::Quote at this moment.
11:02:29 <gjanssens> We'll have to see what the Finance::Quote developers will do from here.
11:02:53 <gjanssens> In theory other price sources could be used but it needs someone to write/fix the proper module in Finance::Quote for this.
11:03:30 <gjanssens> This can be an existing Finance::Quote developer or someone else that cares enough to provide a patch to that project.
11:04:03 <gjanssens> It won't be me in this case though. I've got my hands full with other things and I don't even use online quotes.
11:04:37 <gjanssens> chris: I will try to get some time next week to check out your work.
11:05:20 <gjanssens> Note that jralls won't see your message as he wasn't online when you wrote it (he still isn't by the way) unless he scans the irc logs.
11:05:23 <ChattyMan> So loosing Yahoo should not kill the service completely, though in my case it has. Searched but none of the other providers are able to provide the information being sort; such as BT and Virgin which in my opinion are big players and should be common. Thx anyway, I guess I'm going to have to wait out.
11:05:33 <gjanssens> So you may want to shout out again when you see him appear online
11:06:55 <gjanssens> ChattyMan: indeed. It's unfortunate to depend on arbitrary decisions made by big companies, but that's the current situation.
11:07:08 <gjanssens> I also hope there will be a solution soon.
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11:52:24 <carwynnelson> gjanssens: How does Yahoo get the data in the first place? Is there any way somebody in the community can just build such a service themselves? So that we are not relying on a corporation
11:52:39 <carwynnelson> I say *just* build a service. I imagine there is some challenge to it
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12:12:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o jralls
12:12:54 * jralls does read the logs when he's been not-connected.
12:15:09 <jralls> chris: But why not make the PR on the Gnucash repo? That way github takes care of notifying all of the core devs about the creation and discussion on the PR.
12:17:16 <jralls> @tell carwynnelson The big search providers like Google and Yahoo! contract with the stock exchanges for data feeds and then present that data to users as a way to show them advertising and to collect information about them.
12:17:16 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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13:35:26 <Silly> I seem to be unable to find the changelog.
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16:04:59 <Henry> I've been using GNUCash for 14 years and really like the program. I wanted to look at some of the code on matching accounts on import, so I'm trying to build from source on Windows 10 version 1703. When running .\setup-mingw64.ps1 I get the error "Cannot find path 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\HTML Help Workshop'" (the error is logged twice, early and then later). It continues on, but doesn't get
16:04:59 <Henry> the source for src\gnucash-on-windows.git. Is there something I need to install specifically as a prerequisite for this to work? I don't see anything on troubleshooting this issue in the documentation. (I only have a PI and an old laptop with Linux.) Thanks!
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16:45:54 <chris> jralls: I considered this branch very much experimental and wasn't sure I'd do it well. I'll create PR this week.
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19:55:52 <Henry> I got it. I had to run the /c/gcdev64/downloads/htmlhelp.exe and rerun the power shell script. Thanks!
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