2017-10-26 GnuCash IRC logs
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14:41:51 <carwynnelson> I have a git question
14:41:51 <gncbot> carwynnelson: Sent 20 hours and 10 minutes ago: <lmat> Glad you got that sorted!
14:42:23 <carwynnelson> I have these commits https://github.com/CarwynNelson/gnucash/pull/1/commits and I want to squash them into one commit
14:42:33 <carwynnelson> I know how to rebase and reset soft under normal conditions
14:42:51 <carwynnelson> but for some reason when I do a git log I have commits in between my changes
14:43:05 <carwynnelson> so if I were to do a git rebase or a reset --soft wouldn't the commits in between get messed up?
14:43:32 <carwynnelson> oh wait
14:43:35 <carwynnelson> I'm looking at the wrong branch
14:43:36 <carwynnelson> ignore me
14:43:38 <carwynnelson> duh
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15:39:37 <jralls> gjanssens: I finally found the right question to ask: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46688200/mixing-c-and-c-causing-exceptions-to-terminate
15:40:10 <jralls> gjanssens: And it works! So with that fixed I propose to release 2.7.1 this weekend.
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16:02:32 <gjanssens> jralls: excellent!
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16:02:52 <gjanssens> 2.7.1 this weekend is good
16:03:46 <gjanssens> I've been holding off my reworked about dialog for some more feedback from core
16:04:11 <gjanssens> But I'll commit what I have tomorrow. Future changes are easily done.
16:04:20 <jralls> I don't think you're going to get any. Go ahead and push it.
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16:07:18 <gjanssens> jralls: I saw you committed your code to guard against memory allocation in for the throw message as well. That isn't covered by the the fix from the SO article I suppose ?
16:07:47 <jralls> Oh, crap. I thought I'd rebased that away.
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16:20:45 <lmat> jralls: Congratulations!
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16:27:31 <carwynnelson> Probably one for jralls / gjanssens. Maybe I read this incorrectly but I was under the impression from reading the wiki that the intention was to move away from QOF at some point. Is this the case?
16:27:31 <gncbot> carwynnelson: Sent 51 minutes ago: <lmat> By the way, jralls earlier said: Having AQBanking enabled is good. You need development packages for dependencies, so gwenhywfar-dev rather than gwenhywfar-tools. `apt-get build-deps gnucash` should get you everything you need for maint, and then add boost and goggletest for unstable/master.
16:35:59 <jralls> carwynnelson: Sort of. QOF is kind of a jumble. We want to replace QOFQuery with SQL, using the SQL as a proper database instead of loading the whole thing into memory.
16:36:52 <carwynnelson> So does QOFQuery sort of act like a query builder at the moment? Or do we just write raw sql queries that are ansi-sql compatible?
16:37:18 <jralls> We'd also like to change the core QofModules into normal convenience libraries to speed up load time.
16:37:47 <gjanssens> jralls: can you elaborate on that one ?
16:38:04 <gjanssens> What's a convenience library, and how is QofModules not one ?
16:39:03 <gjanssens> Oh and regarding me pushing my about dialog changes, do you want me to wait for you to revert the mem allocation workaround ?
16:40:11 <jralls> gjanssens: A convenience library is a library that separates out section of code in a larger application. It's not intended to be used apart from the application. Examples for GnuCash might be the Register or all of the separate pieces that go into making libgnucash.
16:41:33 <jralls> Libtool likes to make convenience libraries into shared libraries, but more normal practice is to just make them into ranlib archives that are all compiled into a single executable.
16:42:31 <jralls> What we have now is a bunch of loadable modules that have to be dlopened at runtime. That makes sense if the loadable modules are runtime optional but Gnucash's are mostly so interlocked that they all have to be loaded anyway.
16:44:53 <jralls> gjanssens: As for reverting the malloc workaround, I just pushed it.
16:45:01 <jralls> Had to test first...
16:45:38 <jralls> The loadable module situation is made even worse by the fact that we're getting Guile to do it.
16:46:05 <jralls> Worse from a performance point of view, that is.
16:47:09 <jralls> But that also makes it harder to undo because the structure of our Guile integration seems to depend on the loadable module aspect.
16:47:16 <gjanssens> Ok, that's more clear to me now.
16:48:33 <gjanssens> True, which is why we want guile code out of the core library...
16:54:05 <lmat> hear, hear!
16:54:29 <jralls> carwynnelson: Currently GnuCash loads everyting into memory and creates a sort of hard-linked database using GHashTables. QofQuery searches that in-memory database.
16:55:33 <carwynnelson> cool
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16:56:01 <carwynnelson> I would give a better response but I'm still trying to understand all this :P
16:56:15 <gjanssens> :)
16:56:24 <carwynnelson> gjanssens: When you say remove guile from the core libs does that mean remove guile entirely?
16:56:40 <carwynnelson> Also does that mean providing more than scheme scripting support?
16:56:54 <gjanssens> No, at least not in the forseeable future.
16:57:03 <jralls> carwynnelson: "cool" isn't exactly the word that comes to my mind...
16:57:17 <carwynnelson> I more meant "cool" at the explanation
16:57:26 <gjanssens> Currently our core functionality is partly implemented in guile and partly in c(++)
16:57:37 <carwynnelson> sounds like moving away from that to just using it like a database would normally be used would be much much *much* more efficient
16:57:44 <gjanssens> This means a lot of jumping from one to the other, slowing down gnucash as well
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16:58:21 <gjanssens> The goal is to provide all core functionality in c++ only
16:58:30 <carwynnelson> ah - so is the intention to relegate scheme / guile to userland only?
16:58:37 <jralls> carwynnelson: If by remove Guile completely you're referring to libgnucash, then yes indeed... but we have to figure out that module thing to do it.
17:00:28 <gjanssens> Gnucash has got it's own module loading code in gnc-module. I'd like to move that bit by bit out of libgnucash
17:00:42 <gjanssens> But indeed we first need to get rid of guile in libgnucash for that
17:00:47 <gjanssens> as our guile code uses it
17:01:16 <gjanssens> I know you can load shared libraries directly in guile, so gnc-module is not strictly needed
17:02:11 <gjanssens> But I haven't determined yet whether using gnc-module is more convenient than loading a shared lib directly.
17:02:27 <gjanssens> That's someting the look at after 2.8 is out.
17:02:48 <carwynnelson> roughly how much of the gnucash code has been transitioned from c to c++ so far?
17:03:08 <gjanssens> My time's up for tonight. I'm off to bed...
17:03:15 <carwynnelson> night :)
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17:03:36 <jralls> gjanssens: I think that guile loads shared libraries as loadable modules. The two are interchangeable on Linux but are different formats on MacOS. Fortunately MacOS allows dlopening shared libraries but doesn't allow dynamic linking of loadable modules.
17:07:57 <jralls> carwynnelson: Not much. A few bits of Qof, the SQL backend, and the CSV importer.
17:11:39 <carwynnelson> unrelated to the previous discussion. the cmake flag ENABLE_DEBUG builds with debug symbols right?
17:11:49 <jralls> lmat: Can you change $HOME in the travis dockers to silence the "/root/.local/share is not a suitable base directory for the user data." warning?
17:17:11 <jralls> carwynnelson: I don't think it does, actually. The usual way to turn on debug in CMake is -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.
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17:17:19 <carwynnelson> for some reason I get a core dump when I launch gnucash (building master and account_to_cpp branch)
17:17:23 <carwynnelson> I'll give that a go
17:18:14 <carwynnelson> I'm trying to get a breakpoint in there so that I can figure out why it's crashing but qtcreator was complaining that it wasn't a debug build
17:18:25 <carwynnelson> fingers crossed it will give me a proper debug session this time
17:19:24 <jralls> Qtcreator?
17:19:44 <carwynnelson> Yeah - I normally edit code in vim but I'm not familiar with gdb yet so I'm doing debugging and some code exploration in qtcreator
17:21:54 <jralls> OK.
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17:26:29 <lmat> jralls: Sure thing.
17:27:17 <lmat> Also, account_to_cpp is kept in a ready state (all commits pass make check). I think it will fix the bayes import map problem now, but would appreciate some more eyes on it. It has a run-once conversion involved.
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17:35:57 <jralls> lmat: Do you mean PR222?
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19:06:53 <luciano_santos> Hey folks, any of you know what is causing this building failure: https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/home:luc14n0:branches:GNOME:Apps/gnucash/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/x86_64
19:08:04 <luciano_santos> I'm trying to compile the alpha 2.7.0 with cmake-make, all the requirements have been checked
19:14:46 <luciano_santos> And it's the release tarball.
19:39:21 <Chris> carwynnelson/jralls/gjanssens: there's talk of removing guile exactly when i've started to figure out scheme :(
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19:40:31 <jralls> Chris: Don't worry, it will be many years before we get to removing Scheme from reports. For now we're only looking at removing it from libgnucash
19:41:07 <Chris> if there's talk of removing qof-query, i'm itching to remove from the .scm files too, but not sure how to replace them. replace with direct API calls? xaccAccountGetSplitList?
19:42:11 <lmat> jralls: Well yes, but I found an issue with it, so don't accept the PR :(
19:42:33 <jralls> luciano_santos: Looks like an X!1 problem... which is something we should be delegating to Gtk.
19:43:07 <jralls> lmat: OK, I haven't even had time to review it yet, so I'll wait until you get the problem sorted.
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19:45:21 <luciano_santos> jralls: well, I wasn't expecting that
19:46:46 <luciano_santos> jralls: I look for the changes in gtk3 since gtk2
19:48:45 <jralls> That's independent of which Gtk. Look at the xlib.h that CMake found and see if its got XSetErrorHandler in it. If not, why not?
19:49:44 <luciano_santos> jralls: hm, I will.
19:50:06 <jralls> And with that I must go.
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