2017-10-02 GnuCash IRC logs
00:58:03 *** hoijui has joined #gnucash
01:02:01 <fell> warlord, were you successful? Wiki is a little slow.
01:08:40 *** Aussie_matt has joined #gnucash
01:29:10 *** CDB-Away has joined #gnucash
01:49:28 *** fell has quit IRC
01:50:36 *** fell has joined #gnucash
01:56:01 *** hoijui has quit IRC
02:01:50 <fell> jralls, mikee, warlord: can you /op gncbot, pls?
03:20:43 *** fekepp has joined #gnucash
03:24:14 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
03:24:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gjanssens
03:24:32 <gjanssens> .
03:24:45 *** gjanssens sets mode: +o gncbot
03:31:24 *** jotrago has quit IRC
03:51:17 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
03:52:51 <fell> gncbot dislikes to become op today ;-)
03:52:51 <gncbot> fell: Error: "dislikes" is not a valid command.
03:53:31 <fell> "gncbot" dislikes to become op today ;-)
04:01:46 <fell> gjanssens or jralls: it would be nice if the meaning and merge policy for "unstable" were mentioned in https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Git #Branches and #Branching_and_Merging
04:10:36 *** storyjesse has joined #gnucash
04:29:40 <fell> Warlord, FYI: while committing I got a false timeout error. Github shows my commit.
04:34:01 *** warlord has quit IRC
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04:59:19 *** fekepp has quit IRC
04:59:21 *** fekepp has joined #gnucash
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07:07:58 *** hoijui has joined #gnucash
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07:23:56 *** hoijui has quit IRC
07:43:01 *** mrklintscher1112 has joined #gnucash
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07:46:18 *** Aussie_matt has quit IRC
07:58:30 *** rickoehn has joined #gnucash
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08:42:32 *** jotrago has joined #gnucash
08:44:08 *** finster has joined #gnucash
08:51:04 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
08:51:39 *** Chris_ has joined #gnucash
08:51:53 *** jotrago has quit IRC
08:51:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo warlord warlord
08:52:02 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
08:52:47 <warlord> gjanssens, fell -- yeah , the network problem is apparently something on my network that's causing the upstream network to flake out. Its VERY weird. But if I unplug my switch and connect directly to my modem I don't see the problem.
08:53:39 <warlord> fell: what were you pushing? website or something else? It could be related to this network issue i'm having.
08:53:55 *** Chris has quit IRC
08:54:06 *** Chris_ is now known as Chris
09:04:20 <gjanssens> warlord: hace you had the opportunity to unplug everything from your swich already to figure out what is causing it ?
09:05:15 <warlord> gjanssens: No, i have not. I've unplugged a few things, but not systematically.
09:05:15 <warlord> I'm hoping to get to that today.
09:06:02 <warlord> I did unplug a few things.
12:32:29 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
12:32:51 <warlord> gjanssens: yes, it's a managed switch.
12:32:59 <warlord> (it does have a web interface)
12:33:04 <warlord> I'm not current logged into it.
12:34:27 <warlord> I'm going to go under the theory that it's being a reflector and try to isolate what is being reflected.
12:36:06 <warlord> I might disappear while this happens; I plan to disable my wifi AP for a bit to try to isolate some of those devices.
12:36:10 <warlord> BIAB...
12:39:12 *** warlord has quit IRC