2017-09-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:08:02 <christopherlam> (btw the sorting/grouping options will mimic existing behaviour)
01:18:13 *** fell has quit IRC
01:19:24 *** fell has joined #gnucash
01:54:26 *** hoijui has joined #gnucash
01:55:48 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
02:00:56 <warlord> .
02:01:06 *** warlord has quit IRC
02:28:13 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
02:33:39 *** fell has quit IRC
02:37:01 *** fell has joined #gnucash
02:37:38 *** User has joined #gnucash
02:40:51 *** User has quit IRC
02:44:45 *** fekepp has joined #gnucash
02:47:21 *** storyjesse has joined #gnucash
02:47:33 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
03:33:01 *** mrklintscher1111 has joined #gnucash
03:41:33 *** hoijui has quit IRC
03:51:51 *** thecat has quit IRC
04:49:56 *** fekepp has quit IRC
04:49:58 *** fekepp has joined #gnucash
04:52:37 *** christopherlam has quit IRC
05:44:54 *** pilotauto has quit IRC
15:54:24 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
15:54:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo warlord warlord
15:54:58 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
15:57:42 <jralls> thecat: Not on GnuCash 2.6. GOffice 0.10 and later is Gtk3.
15:59:45 <thecat> I see. Thanks
16:28:42 *** frakturfreak has quit IRC
16:36:29 <gjanssens> thecat: gnucash 2.8 will no longer depend on goffice at all by the way.
16:41:37 *** gjanssens has quit IRC
16:45:31 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
16:53:08 <jralls> warlord: Are you able to whack the win32 VM from afar? The user panel "Shutdown VM" had no effect.
16:55:29 <warlord> jralls: so it's still hanging on something? :(
16:55:40 <jralls> Yeah.
16:56:09 <jralls> A spinner, and the cursor won't "grab".
16:56:22 <warlord> Darn. I thiought we fixied that
16:58:29 <warlord> Ok, it's down
17:02:38 <warlord> Did you restart it?
17:03:37 <jralls> Yes, and it's working. Thanks.
17:04:21 <warlord> okay.
17:04:24 <warlord> I'm off to bed.
17:04:28 <warlord> Good night!
17:09:42 <jralls> Good Night.
17:17:52 *** fabior has quit IRC
17:57:05 *** Barka0487 has joined #gnucash
18:01:16 *** Barka0487 has quit IRC