2017-09-24 GnuCash IRC logs

13:19:15 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
13:19:26 *** jralls sets mode: +o gncbot
13:19:42 <warlord> What's up?
13:22:45 <warlord> jralls: were you looking for me? Obviously there are no logs since gncbot went missing for ~24 hours.
13:23:59 <jralls> warlord: Seconds before you logged in I said "Hmm, no gncbot or warlord. That can't be good." And *poof*, you appeared.
13:24:20 <jralls> Just as your nick would suggest. ;-)
13:26:11 <warlord> LOL.
13:26:24 <jralls> As for what else is up, the win32 release build failed because libgsf couldn't find gettext-tools, so I'm in the VM trying to fix it.
13:26:30 <warlord> Just good timing. Finally got back to my hotel after dinner.
13:26:42 <jralls> Ah. Where are you?
13:27:18 <warlord> Right now, Paris.. Heading to Marseilles tomorrow.
13:27:41 <jralls> Very nice.
13:27:52 <jralls> TGV or flying?
13:28:28 <warlord> TGV
13:28:35 <warlord> Giving a talk Tuesday.
13:28:43 <warlord> Train back thursday. Fly home friday
13:29:24 <jralls> Oh, so a work trip. I take it you flew in yesterday so not much time to enjoy France.
13:31:21 <warlord> yes work triip. but flew over thursday night
13:38:43 <jralls> Can you ssh into your VM host and see if something's loading it down? The Win32 VM is not responding well.
13:40:28 *** Groan has quit IRC
13:42:40 <warlord> Looks like some network issues
13:44:24 <jralls> So slow communication rather than system load? Sigh. Nothing much to be done about that.
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13:46:43 *** thecat has quit IRC
13:49:47 <jralls> Yes. First pass of ping to ihtfp had 50% packet loss. Then tired code, only 4%, back to ihtfp and 1% bug ping times still varying from ~400 to >2000.
13:53:38 <jralls> Looks like its your router. I get 84 ms ping time from, no response from the next host, then 1315ms from ovirt.
13:56:49 <jralls> Seems to be improving, most packets are now getting ~120.
13:57:07 *** mdf has joined #gnucash
13:57:24 <warlord> I think it's the upstream router.. Not my equipment but AT&Ts
13:58:41 <warlord> Actually, no, it DOES looks like it's my internal router!! I'm seeing 50% packet loss between my networks internally.. How... unsettling.
13:59:05 <jralls> Always happens when your away, of course.
14:02:39 <warlord> yeah.
14:08:47 <warlord> and it will fix itself by the time i get home.
14:10:33 <jralls> Fingers crossed on that...
14:13:23 *** frakturfreak has joined #gnucash
14:16:18 *** storyjesse has quit IRC
14:22:53 *** warlord has quit IRC
14:27:16 *** thecat has joined #gnucash
15:40:36 *** hoijui has quit IRC
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16:27:37 *** frakturfreak has quit IRC
17:38:37 *** fbruetting has quit IRC
17:41:01 <CDB-Away_> thecat: if your question hasn't been answered yet, you should repost it
17:44:57 *** jralls changes topic to " Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! (Possibly a few hours!!) || publicly-logged channel || latest stable: 2.6.18 || www.gnucash.org || wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
18:45:22 *** pilotauto has joined #gnucash
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19:11:25 <thecat> I want to install Gnucash on Debian Stretch
19:11:31 <thecat> as dependencies, it wants to install huge amounts of perl packages
19:11:36 <thecat> is the perl infrastructure essential component of Gnucash,
19:11:44 <thecat> or can I install Gnucash without perl dependencies ?
19:11:46 <thecat> I assume perl is needed only if I want to query yahoo finace and such ?
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20:43:37 <fell> thecat: perl is required by finance::quote to get online quotes, not gnucash itself.
20:45:49 <fell> So it should be a suggestion instead of a requirement. You might consider to report that to the debian maintainer.
20:48:01 *** kael has joined #gnucash
21:46:07 *** CDB-Man_ has quit IRC
22:02:55 <christopherlam> jralls: just wondering if you are online
22:09:41 <christopherlam> i think i've completed fix in transaction.scm and it could be applied to master/ and unstable/, but unsure if the blob of code should be switched on compulsorily or should be a checkbox in the Options. I tend to believe my code provides sane sorting/grouping options. moreover I think you'll find my style is slightly different to how historically it's been done.