2017-09-07 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:19:06 <jralls> @tell gjanssens The build script is fixed up and tested satisfactorily on my Win10 VM, so it's ready to try on warlord's VM. I have Habitat tomorrow and probably won't have time on Friday. If you want to try, go for it; otherwise I'll try it Saturday.
01:19:06 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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03:19:19 *** gncbot sets mode: +o gjanssens
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03:19:30 <gjanssens> .
03:19:30 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 9 hours and 44 minutes ago: <lmat> travis builds with docker aren't so bad: https://travis-ci.org/limitedAtonement/gnucash/builds/272666276 (hopefully that one will succeed ^_^)
03:19:31 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 9 hours and 9 minutes ago: <lmat> The error in the autotools build is http://sprunge.us/NiiT syntax error in python? Perhaps this test isn't running in the cmake builds?
03:19:32 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 2 hours ago: <jralls> The build script is fixed up and tested satisfactorily on my Win10 VM, so it's ready to try on warlord's VM. I have Habitat tomorrow and probably won't have time on Friday. If you want to try, go for it; otherwise I'll try it Saturday.
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06:54:04 <gjanssens> lmat: nice work on the travis/docker
06:54:39 <gjanssens> The issue with the failing autotools build is probably because gnucash hasn't been adjusted for python 3 just yet
06:54:49 <gjanssens> And indeed cmake is currently not running python tests
06:55:21 <gjanssens> Or at least there are known issues with python bindings in cmake
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06:58:54 <gjanssens> So you gave me another reason to keep autotools for now :)
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07:19:06 <lmat> gjanssens: ahh. What version of python?
07:19:34 <warlord> .
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07:38:06 <gjanssens> lmat: gnucash' python bindings are targetting python 2.x
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07:45:17 <Chris> @gjanssens I'm sorry to be spamming your github, but this scheme is addictive
07:45:17 <gncbot> Chris: Error: "gjanssens" is not a valid command.
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07:54:23 <gjanssens> Chris: don't worry. Just enjoy :)
07:55:17 <Chris> gjanssens: I'm currently working on that $0.00 vs (null) business and hopefully I'll reach somewhere soon
07:55:41 <gjanssens> Chris: good!
07:56:32 <gjanssens> lmat: re docker - is there a way to run multiple docker instances ?
07:56:53 <gjanssens> I suppose we can play with different env parameter combinations of course
07:57:36 <gjanssens> It looks like we can't have both the traditional travis environment *and* a docker environment in one travis run or can we ?
07:58:07 <gjanssens> If not we'd need at least a docker set up for Ubuntu 14.04 (as oldest baseline we support)
07:58:38 <gjanssens> And all others - like your arch docker instance - as bonuses
07:59:09 <gjanssens> Oh, and it seems you dropped the after_failure step I had introduced to report details in case of failure
08:05:15 <gjanssens> And lastly it looks like we will be having a bunch of files to manage travis so I'd probably be useful to create a separate directory for it under util/
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09:10:09 <lmat> gjanssens: Yes, a ci subdirectory would be a good idea.
09:10:29 <lmat> gjanssens: it seems like it would be no trouble to use Travis's "usual" situation, and another docker Ubuntu 14.04, and whatever.
09:11:12 <lmat> gjanssens: You don't want to see a "root level" ci directory?
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10:52:57 <lmat> gjanssens: I am surprised travis would encourage users to use docker over their own virtual machine. It seems so resource intensive. Obviously they have it under control.
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11:08:14 <warlord> My understanding is that a docker instance is much less overhead than a full VM.
11:09:14 <gjanssens> lmat, warlord: that's how I see it as well
11:09:37 <lmat> warlord: But the docker container runs in the Travis VM :-/
11:09:45 <gjanssens> In addition it seems the Travis folks can't keep up with distributions
11:09:56 <gjanssens> Their own offering starts running behind
11:10:23 <gjanssens> By offering docker they delegate the issue of setting up a viable test environment to their users/customers
11:10:24 <warlord> lmat: yes, I understand that, but spinning up a SECOND travis VM is *more* overhead than running a docker instance inside the current one.
11:10:49 <lmat> gjanssens: Perhaps that's the main pitfall: they don't want to have to maintain several flavors of GNU/Linux (etc). "Get whatever flavor of Linux you want from docker so we don't have to worry about it."
11:10:55 <lmat> gjanssens: yes, exactly.
11:11:27 <warlord> I think Linas is using docker for www
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11:11:46 <warlord> I would have considered it, except I don't think one can run windows in docker.
11:12:31 <lmat> warlord: The docker container shares its kernel with the host.
11:12:41 <lmat> err... host shares its kernel...
11:17:34 <gjanssens> warlord: I believe linas is using lxc containers rather than docker
11:17:47 <warlord> Oh, that could be.
11:17:55 <warlord> lmat: right.
11:18:01 <warlord> which is why I can't use it :)
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11:28:34 <lmat> gjanssens: Oh yeah, I'm working on the ubuntu 14.04 docker image
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11:31:50 <gjanssens> lmat: ok
11:32:24 <lmat> gjanssens: Does this error look familiar to you? unknown type name 'WebKitNavigationAction'
11:32:37 <lmat> and implicit declaration of function 'webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigat...
11:32:44 <gjanssens> lmat: I'm wondering why you are running sudo docker commands in the install: section instead of normal docker commands in before_install as illustrated here: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/docker/
11:33:09 <gjanssens> lmat: no I haven't seen that one before
11:33:43 <lmat> gjanssens: The errors nearly look like there's a missing include for webkit. That isn't likely since it builds in the arch linux docker image.
11:34:33 <gjanssens> lmat: version mismatch ? Are you setting up the same prerequisites as we had on plain 14.04LTS ?
11:34:56 <lmat> gjanssens: No strong preference about that; it is not a pre-installation step, but the actual installation.
11:35:17 <lmat> gjanssens: I copied from there. Just a moment; I'll push to github and show you the results; perhaps you can spot something :-)
11:36:05 <lmat> gjanssens: It'll be a while: https://travis-ci.org/limitedAtonement/gnucash/builds/272950343
11:38:55 <gjanssens> lmat: what's the point of all the different exit numbers? Isn't it easy enoug to spot where the build exited by reading the logs ?
11:39:39 <lmat> gjanssens: Yes, it's quite easy. (I wasn't sure that it was going to be easy when I put them there.)
11:40:26 <gjanssens> Ah ok. But keep in mind to add set -e or add -e to the bash shebang or it won't be easy anymore...
11:46:19 <lmat> gjanssens: build 30 failed with a different failure than I saw locally. I was using cmake-make locally, so it stands to reason that things may have been done in a different order.
11:48:07 <gjanssens> lmat: indeed. The error you get on travis may be because the tmp directory is not properly defined in your docker instance
11:49:06 <lmat> Aha: Directory doesn't exist: /root/.local/share: Permission denied: "/root/.local/share"
11:50:17 <gjanssens> lmat: the code should continue to try /root/.gnucash next and if that doesn't exist continue to $TMP/gnucash
11:50:25 <lmat> I see
11:50:34 <lmat> TMP is not defined.
11:50:50 <gjanssens> This is due to my work to move the .gnucash directory, and perhaps it's still making wrong assumptions
11:55:00 <gjanssens> Well TMP doesn't have to be defined per se, it uses g_get_tmp_dir to get one. But apparently that returns either a non-existent directory or one with no write permissions
11:55:26 <gjanssens> lmat: it also slightly bothers me the whole thing is run as root in the docker container. Is that common practise ?
11:55:56 <lmat> gjanssens: yes.
11:56:17 <lmat> gjanssens: It bothers me, too :-) If you can get over it, it makes things convenient. It's just hard to get over it.
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12:23:11 <lmat> gjanssens: https://travis-ci.org/limitedAtonement/gnucash/builds/272963834
12:23:24 <lmat> gjanssens: It looks like adding /root/.gnucash wasn't good, but adding /root/.local/share was good enough.
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12:44:33 <lmat> gjanssens: https://travis-ci.org/limitedAtonement/gnucash/builds/272969515 Lots of tests passed, but not the python ones under autotools.
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13:35:30 <lmat> gjanssens: "is there a way to run multiple docker instances ?" Does my last link answer than affirmatively?
13:36:34 <lmat> gjanssens: In archlinux, python --version; returns Python 3.6.2. python2 --version; (and python2.7 --version) returns "Python 2.7.13".
13:45:08 <lmat> gjanssens: AM_PATH_PYTHON(<min-version>,...) doesn't allow one to specify a max version...
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15:35:08 <gjanssens> lmat: yes, your last PR illustrates it nicely, tx
15:35:36 <gjanssens> I'm unfortunately not available tonight to play more with it...
15:36:06 <lmat> no sweat
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