2017-09-06 GnuCash IRC logs
01:02:15 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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03:15:46 <gjanssens> .
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09:27:28 <warlord> .
09:27:54 <warlord> jralls: technically, no. But they don't have a bot for e.g. @tell
09:28:17 <warlord> But I can recover /op myself if we need it. No more crying for someone to /op gncbot
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09:53:25 <lmat> I have been using grep to find definitions, but I just set up ctags, and I'm surprised at how simple it is to use. What do you all use to navigate the code?
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10:40:08 <gjanssens> lmat: I don't know ctags. I'm using kdevelop and it comes with many navigational commands like jump to declaration, jump to definition,...
10:40:20 <gjanssens> I suppose ctags is something similar ?
10:41:32 <lmat> gjanssens: ctags generates a file, tags, that has a huge list of definitions along with their location in the code tree. vim (among many other editors) can read this file and navigate the source tree. When I want to see a function or other object definition, I place my cursor there, then CTRL+].
10:41:41 <gjanssens> jralls: I found why guile was autocompiling. The strict path notation was a red herring. I made a wrong assumption in the environment file about the location of the precompiled scheme files (GNC_LIB == GNC_BIN on Windows)
10:42:22 <gjanssens> lmat: ok. It's quite possible kdevelop uses this as well behind the scenes.
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11:20:06 *** Shapeless has joined #gnucash
11:24:56 <Shapeless> Good afternoon! I am using gnucash for a small association and I need to make a report. Specificly I need to know how much money from one account flows to others. (Bank account A --> Buying Merchandize | Income sales Merchandize | costs of advertisements | ...)
11:35:53 <Shapeless> Also If I make a book report and display the names of the 'to account' ['Gegenkonto' in german] I have several multi-part bookings All it displays is Multi-part booking as 'to account' and now the actual name where the money flows to. I need it to display that and just display multi part booking in the header of that entry. Is is possible to get such an report ?
11:36:52 <warlord> Shapeless: That sounds like the Cash Flow report, selecting Bank Account A.
11:37:17 <warlord> (at least the first question)
11:37:23 <warlord> I'm not sure what you want in the second.
11:48:13 <Shapeless> thanks warlord - the cash flow report did it for the first problem. Could not find that function.
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11:50:19 <warlord> I'm not sure what a "book report" is. If you mean "register report" -- it's literally showing you the register values. So you need to View -> Transaction Journal Mode in the register first, then run the register report, and it should show the multi-split transactions.
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12:05:56 <Shapeless> What I did earlier is I did an account summary and it only showed me the split transaction and know the Transfer from/to. What I want it basicly that is has a header which the sum and then parts of the split transaction with the correct transfer from/to depicted
12:16:55 <warlord> Shapeless: did you do what I just suggested? (i think you may want an actual Transaction report, and not a "register" or "transaction register" report)
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12:19:00 <Shapeless> Yes I can do that - but can I print that page out? The entire issue is that I need to print what I did for persons to check later on.
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13:01:56 <warlord> You can print out any report
13:13:42 <Shapeless> Okay I got the english GUI now so I have the UI set to english so we have the same terms: What I did is the Transaction report. In the lines with split transactions it does not show the correct Transfer from/to but just says split transaction for every line in the split transaction
13:21:08 <warlord> Shapeless: Okay, then go back to my original suggestion: Go to the account register, View -> Transaction Journal Mode, then Reports -> Account Report
13:21:21 <warlord> Feel free to limit the register view.
13:50:47 <Shapeless> Okay it is working now - It would just be more easy to read if it didn't display the full account names
13:57:48 <Shapeless> Thanks for helping me it took me a while to understand and set it to the language so I can understand your directions
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17:34:58 <lmat> @tell gjanssens travis builds with docker aren't so bad: https://travis-ci.org/limitedAtonement/gnucash/builds/272666276 (hopefully that one will succeed ^_^)
17:34:58 <gncbot> lmat: The operation succeeded.
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17:37:52 <marusich> I've noticed that the GnuCash website points to a few different code repositories: GitHub, code.gnucash.org, SourceForge... Is there a preferred repository for release packages? Is it the same as the preferred repositories for development?
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18:05:45 <lmat> marusich: I use github, but others here may have a more nuanced answer.
18:06:24 <lmat> code.gnucash.org forwards to https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GnuCash which isn't a repository at all.
18:07:45 <marusich> According to https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Git it seems like code.gnucash.org is the primary repository.
18:10:03 <lmat> @tell gjanssens The error in the autotools build is http://sprunge.us/NiiT syntax error in python? Perhaps this test isn't running in the cmake builds?
18:10:03 <gncbot> lmat: The operation succeeded.
18:11:12 <lmat> marusich: hmm, perhaps that was the case at one time? code.gnucash.org has a link: Gnucash at Github which links to https://github.com/Gnucash
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18:44:35 <jralls> marusich: code.gnucash.org hosts our canonical repository. It's accessible only by ssh and only core developers have registered keys. It automatically mirrors itself to github.com/Gnucash for public use.
18:46:07 <jralls> marusich: We use SourceForge only for distributing releases. We've never hosted our code there.
18:47:54 <jralls> marusich: So if you want to clone one of gnucash's repositories use github. If you just want to get a release tarball or a Mac or Windows AIO bundle you can get them from SourceForge or Github; there are links on https://www.gnucash.org.
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19:32:37 <warlord> marusich: official releases are on SF. code presents the nightly win32 builds. github has the sources.
19:33:23 <warlord> ... plus what jralls said
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