2017-07-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:12:58 *** jotrago has joined #gnucash
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00:27:51 <mib_9k2vl3> Having trouble retrieving quotes for a canadian mutual fund ... I ran the finance-quote installer and it seems to be working, but I keep getting the 'unable to retrieve quotes' message from the price editor. What am I missing? Thanks.
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07:39:29 <fell> mib_9k2vl3: Which source with which symbol are you trying?
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07:42:36 <fell> ... or what is the output of gnc-fq-dump -v <yourSource> <yourSymbol>
07:49:17 <fell> ping warlord
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09:29:27 <warlord> fell: I'm here now. What's up?
09:29:27 <gncbot> warlord: Sent 17 hours and 57 minutes ago: <fell> Did you cc the list? I neither see your answer in the archive nor in my inbox.
09:29:58 <warlord> mib_9k2vl3: what does gnc-fq-dump say about your source/symbol combo?
09:30:17 <warlord> fell: I *thought* I did.
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09:42:00 <mib_9k2vl3> I was trying to get INI230. Tried different sources and adding ,MF ,T or .TO or whatever other examples I could find. I'm not sure what gnc-fq-dumb -v means.
09:43:33 <fell> mib_9k2vl3: It is a command line tool to fetch quotes
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09:44:39 <mib_9k2vl3> How do I use it?
09:44:55 <mib_9k2vl3> Command prompt?
09:45:46 <fell> gnc-fq-dump --help
09:46:28 <mib_9k2vl3> Am I meant to enter that into Command Prompt? I'm running Windows 7.
09:46:40 <fell> start cmd.exe
09:46:51 <fell> then enter the command
09:47:36 <mib_9k2vl3> gnc-fq-dump --help is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
09:48:30 <fell> cd to the directory, where gnucash.exe is stored
09:49:07 <fell> or add that path in front of the program
09:50:04 <fell> Something like C:\Programs (x86)\GnuCash
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09:51:04 <mib_9k2vl3> I'm not too experienced in command prompt ... how do I change the path? I think my install location matches what you said.
09:51:42 <fell> can you verify that path in your file explorer
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09:52:26 <mib_9k2vl3> Yeah the gnucash folder is in program files x86
09:53:10 <fell> cd <Path\to\Gnucash>
09:53:33 <fell> Copy & Paste it from the explore
09:53:36 <fell> r
09:55:15 <mib_9k2vl3> can't seem to paste into command prompt ... let me keep trying maybe I can get it right
09:55:47 <fell> (I am no regular win user)
09:59:19 <mib_9k2vl3> I think I got the pathing right, but I still get the same message. I have C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash>gnc-fq-dump --help
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10:00:52 <fell> "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash"\gnc-fq-dump"
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10:01:36 <mib_9k2vl3> oh, you said where the gnucash.exe is stored, I may have to go \gnucash\bin for that
10:01:37 <fell> or some other quoting of the spaces in "Program Files (x86)"
10:01:50 <fell> yep
10:02:16 <fell> There should also be some gnc-* files
10:03:27 <mib_9k2vl3> Yeah I can see gnc- files in that folder including gnc-fq-dump. Still not able to get the command line just right, still trying.
10:08:05 <fell> try gnc-fq-dump -v fundlibrary 28776
10:08:52 <fell> That is Tangerine Balanced Growth Portfolio
10:08:56 <mib_9k2vl3> gnc-fq-dump still not recognized
10:09:31 <mib_9k2vl3> found another pathing example to try. It still might be an issue with program files (x86)
10:09:33 <fell> .\gnc-fq-dump -v fundlibrary 28776
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10:12:02 <mib_9k2vl3> gah, still missing something .... :(
10:12:46 <warlord> oops, missed all this, and I need to leave. I'll read it tonight.
10:12:49 <warlord> (or in a few hours)
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10:14:15 <fell> I there are no windows users here around, you could ask on the gnucash-user mailing list
10:15:23 <mib_9k2vl3> Is there a way to search the mailing list to see if this has been explained before?
10:16:49 <mib_9k2vl3> the path seems right because if I type DIR I get all the files, including gnc-fq-dump
10:17:17 <fell> e.g. https://www.google.de/search?q=site%3Alists.gnucash.org+gnc-fqdump+windows
10:18:32 <fell> 1 "- " missing above
10:19:39 <mib_9k2vl3> got it, needed to add perl first
10:21:25 <mib_9k2vl3> How did you find that INI230=28776?
10:21:42 <fell> by google
10:24:19 <fell> All sources use different symbols: Morningstar F000000S6A, finance.google.ca MUTF_CA:INI230, ...
10:26:11 <mib_9k2vl3> Ok I think I got it, so INI220 would be 28774 in fund library
10:26:27 <fell> If it is the right fund, you will have the choice between Morningstar and fundlibrary
10:26:40 <fell> as source.
10:28:49 <mib_9k2vl3> I put in Morningstar F000000S6A and it wasn't happy with that. Did I miss something or is fund library the only working option?
10:30:48 <fell> FQs Morningstar is morningstar.se, not .ca
10:31:25 <fell> The swedish guy might not be interested in canadian funds,
10:33:11 <mib_9k2vl3> oh ok. I wonder if TSX would also have a working option. I did get the fund library 28776 option to work in gnucash and return the fund price and put a value on that account. Thank you so much for your help and patience!!
10:33:56 <fell> What was your working gnc-* command?
10:34:12 <fell> I wish to note it in the wiki
10:35:21 <mib_9k2vl3> perl gnc-fq-dump -v fundlibrary 28776
10:35:43 <fell> Thanks!
10:36:26 <mib_9k2vl3> If I wanted to figure out the formatting for other sources for future, is there a way to get a clue what it wants by source?
10:36:37 <mib_9k2vl3> TSX for example.
10:37:37 <fell> Most of my knowledge is in https://wiki.gnucash.org/docs/C/gnucash-help/tips.html
10:39:29 <fell> As European I am successful in most cases with yahoo ISIN +currency or exchange
10:40:28 <fell> German funds use usually WKN, the local security number
10:44:25 <fell> If you find some general rule for Canada, feel free to inform me and I will add a country specific list of thumb rules.
10:47:17 <mib_9k2vl3> Where are you putting the gnc command in the wiki? I might need to remind myself later :)
10:55:05 <fell> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes
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11:21:18 <anotheryou> Hi. How can I generate a simple bar-chart with what goes in and out of my bank account each month? I think I imported my transaction history correctly (average balance produces correct looking charts), but don't know what report shows money going in and out
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11:58:05 <fell> jralls or other MacOS users: would gnc-fq-update work under MacOS?
11:59:29 <jralls> fell: It does: /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-update from a Terminal prompt. There's also an applet that runs it from Finder in the dmg.
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12:17:45 <fell> Thanks, added a section to https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes#Finance::Quote
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12:21:20 <fell> Mechtilde can not decide to stay or leave?
12:21:54 <Mechtilde> all things are ok
12:21:54 <gncbot> Mechtilde: Sent 1 day, 7 hours, and 39 minutes ago: <fell> CStim was the guy, who maintained the aqbanking interface. If nobody else will can take it, I will do, but it will need much very time.
12:22:04 <Mechtilde> had to close the laptop
12:24:50 <fell> BTW, do you have the equipment to test flicker codes, Mechtilde?
12:25:03 <jralls> fell: WRT tan_hhd_uc_v14.pdf, Translate does a good enough job that I get the general idea, but some of the specifics aren't quite clear enough. I do understand now why it's called "flicker".
12:25:13 <Mechtilde> fell, yes
12:27:37 <fell> In general we need a window to show an animated gif, play flash, execute JS or java
12:30:19 <fell> by the use of webkit we have already a java dependency
12:31:32 <jralls> Not quite. Those are just example ways of displaying the image in a web browser. And no, WebKit satisfies the Javascript dependency and it can display an animated GIF. Java is separate.
12:33:44 <fell> The german Hibiscus wiki might be useful too
12:33:51 <fell> http://www.willuhn.de/wiki/doku.php?id=support:faq
12:35:07 <jralls> I hadn't thought of using a report window for the code, but I also didn't understand the animation aspect until now. Animating in Gtk2 isn't possible at all and in Gtk3 it requires an add-on called Clutter. Clutter and Gtk will be merged in the Gtk4 series, but that's not even close to ready for production use.
12:35:55 <jralls> So using a javascript-driven report is probably the best approach for now.
12:37:45 <fell> It is some kind of optical code transfer 1 nibble/beat
12:42:57 <jralls> Ah, so not a barcode at all. And at 2-20 Hz that means 8-80 bits per second. This is 1960's tech. Good grief.
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12:44:00 <fell> Hibiscus offers several settings to avoid errors: flicker speed, size, 1.3 compatibility
12:46:02 <fell> Yeah, they reinvent the wooden club
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12:48:27 <jralls> OK. Is there a Javascript implementation on their site? Java and Flash aren't feasible for us. We could make an animated GIF work but Javascript would be easier.
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12:52:00 <fell> hibiscus is a java app
12:52:17 <warlord> mib_9k2vl3: did you get gnc-fq-dump working?
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12:56:14 <mib_9k2vl3> yes I did, thanks. Had to put 'perl' in front.
12:57:54 <warlord> Ah.
12:57:57 <warlord> Ok
12:58:13 <warlord> so quotes are working for you now?
12:59:04 <mib_9k2vl3> using fundlibrary and their ID for the mutual fund I wanted, yes.
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13:03:17 <warlord> Great!
13:04:15 <jralls> Here we go: https://github.com/my-flow/fintex/blob/master/lib/tan/flicker_code.ex, MIT license.
13:08:08 <fell> How did you find this, jralls?
13:08:41 <jralls> By googling "chiptan flicker code javascript".
13:14:47 <fell> I found an english text about a hack in 2009: https://www.redteam-pentesting.de/en/publications/MitM-chipTAN-comfort/-man-in-the-middle-attacks-against-the-chiptan-comfort-online-banking-system
13:17:37 <fell> It has also a nice intro in PIN/TAN
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14:06:03 <fell> To get an impression how chipTAN should work, there are several videos like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7PnC1S-j4I
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14:11:59 <fell> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCmQFEGf-_k shows the initialization process
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14:33:26 <jralls> fell: Yeah, got it. I've opened https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=785411 with the spec and implementation URIs. We just need someone to code it up. There's nothing radical so it could go into a maintenance release.
14:37:09 <fell> jralls, we had already https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=667490
14:38:01 <fell> I will mark yours as duplicate, OK?
14:39:12 <jralls> Rats. Bushwacked by a space. Yes please, and copy the description to a comment. Also change the assigned and qa contacts to the defaults so that it shows up in bug mail.
14:40:26 <fell> And I started https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Flicker
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16:47:10 <ArtGravity> Is there a way to split an Accounts Receivable transaction against two customers?
16:48:03 <ArtGravity> e.g. Merchant processor batches out $850 so that shows up as one entry in my checking account
16:48:32 <ArtGravity> I used a split transaction to make a $500 and a $350 part for the gnucash Accounts Receivable
16:49:23 <ArtGravity> When I used the "apply payment" dialog on the $500 line, it applied the entire $850 to the first customer
16:49:35 <ArtGravity> I did not expect that, and don't know how to fix that
16:50:09 <ArtGravity> I've not had to apply one merchant deposit to multiple customers until now
16:51:25 <ArtGravity> Is there a way to remove that $850 payment from the customer and apply the payments correctly?
17:10:34 <ArtGravity> I was able to remove the payment by deleting it and recreating the entry in the checking account, but I still need to figure out a way to credit one deposit to two different customer invoices.
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17:11:17 <ArtGravity> As more customer payments are automated on the same billing date, this will become even more critical to be able to apply against the correct customers.
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17:18:39 <ArtGravity> After reading https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Business_Features_Issues it looks like the only option is to ignore the deposit amount from the merchant service batch transaction and use create separate deposits equal to each customers payment.
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