2017-06-16 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:23:31 <monkeyhead> Hi all! Loving gnucash. But there are occasional glitches, encountered a weird corner case bug that was already known since 2006, etc (no big deal but it did corrupt my file). However, I have encountered what seems like a serious bug now.
06:24:55 <monkeyhead> I'm on OS X with the latest release. When I try to post a bill, the "Post to Account" dropdown only contains the default A/Payable account. I made a new A/Payable for a different currency but it does not appear. Therefore I can't post the bill in this 2nd currency!
06:25:16 <monkeyhead> Does anyone else get the full list of A/Payable accounts in the Post to Account dropdown?
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09:10:36 <monkeyhead> Hey any GnuCash users or devs here?
09:17:47 <warlord> monkeyhead: of course
09:18:36 <warlord> monkeyhead: you can only post to an A/Payable account of the same currency that the Bill's Customer is.. So it will only provide that option.
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09:35:00 <monkeyhead> Thanks warlord!
09:36:16 <monkeyhead> I assume you meant Vendor rather than Customer – it worked!
09:36:23 <monkeyhead> much obliged :D :D
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12:05:46 <jralls> gjanssens: I finally got GC to build all the way through on Mingw64 and pushed the changes to the mingw64 branch on my Github repo. There are I think some more patches to push to the corresponding gnucash-on-windows branch, and I'm working through getting the tests to compile now.
12:07:10 <jralls> gjanssens: But I need to set it aside to work on some regression fixes before the release in two weeks.
12:08:17 <jralls> gjanssens: Have you had time to work on reverting the account type change prohibition?
12:08:26 <gjanssens> jralls: that's good news! Well done
12:09:06 <gjanssens> jralls: just today I found some time again for gnucash after several weeks of hiatus
12:09:35 <gjanssens> I am currently focussing on the translation of the currency namespace so I can close that bug
12:09:45 <gjanssens> Next would be the account type change prohibition
12:09:54 <gjanssens> It should be ready before release in two weeks
12:10:06 <jralls> Well, sort of good news. It's a lot harder than expected. It looks like we won't be able to release 2.7.0 for at least another month.
12:10:40 <gjanssens> True. And that may even delay it until August
12:11:02 <gjanssens> I'm on holidays during most of July so won't be able to work on it then
12:11:27 <gjanssens> And my gtk3 branch still needs further fixing before we can release
12:12:04 <jralls> And I'm off to Europe (Munich, Helsinki, and Prague) in August. Looks like we should slip the 2.8 release to next spring.
12:13:32 <gjanssens> Nice travel plans. I think slipping 2.8 would be a reasonable thing to do although that complicates matters on Fedora wrt to webkitgtk, isn't it ?
12:13:51 <gjanssens> By then they will have released Fedora 27 which drops webkit 1.x
12:15:06 <gjanssens> jralls: what are your plans on codesmythe's PR for dist and distcheck ?
12:15:19 <jralls> F27 releases in November. We wouldn't have 2.8 ready by then anyway. Besides Bill Nichols says he has a plan to bundle WebKit 2.4.
12:15:42 <gjanssens> I haven't had time to look into that PR (nor test it)
12:16:05 <gjanssens> That's Bill Nothingham, but otherwise that's correct.
12:16:13 <jralls> I haven't even had time to try it out, and it doesn't look like I will until after the release. I guess I should say that on the PR.
12:16:31 <gjanssens> Yes, that's ok.
12:16:40 <jralls> Nottingham. Right.
12:17:28 <gjanssens> I've delayed review of Bob's PR for deleting old prices on the same priority basis...
12:19:07 <jralls> Yet another reason to slip.
12:20:27 <jralls> Right now I need to run some errands. I'll be back in a couple of hours.
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21:02:03 <Cuare> quick question can i run GnuCash on two computers one at work and one at home using oneDrive cloud?
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