2017-04-15 GnuCash IRC logs
01:11:27 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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01:56:36 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
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01:58:57 <gjanssens> .
01:58:57 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 5 hours and 50 minutes ago: <jralls> I've fixed up and kluged gnucash-on-windows so that it will build successfully. There's a hand-built master at http://code.gnucash.org/builds/win32/master/gnucash-2.6.99-2017-04-14-git-c7226dd+5-setup.exe that loads cleanly.
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04:27:04 <gr8kodr> where do I save newly created Chart of Accounts to so that they are selectable as a preset on opening a new book? or is it only possible to create a blank "Master" book and then open and 'save as ...'?
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04:32:48 <gjanssens> jralls: thanks for fixing up the nightly master build on windows! I'm downloading it right now to check how the new csv importer will perform on that platform
04:35:41 <gjanssens> gr8kodr: That's an interesting approach you are trying. Unfortunately adding account chart templates as a user was never considered in the design :(
04:37:29 <gjanssens> You didn't state your OS so I'll speak generally. The new template should be added in a subdirectory of wherever gnucash is installed, more precisely in the share/gnucash/accounts/<your-language> subdirectory
04:37:47 <gr8kodr> gjanssens: I'm actually trying to setup a 'basic' CoA with a Bias towards Australian Accounting, the ones provided seem to have a US bias
04:38:00 <gr8kodr> OS = Windows
04:38:32 <gjanssens> In most scenarios you'll need admin rights to do so, and when you install a gnucash update, your template will probably be overwritten/removed
04:39:02 <gr8kodr> I am the Admin :) so admin rights won't be a problem
04:39:06 <gjanssens> On the other hand, if you are willing to share your work, we can include it in a future gnucash release for the benefit of other Australian users
04:39:36 <gjanssens> Also note that an account chart template is not the same as a saved, empty book
04:39:50 <gr8kodr> If I can get it setup, I'm happy to share :)
04:40:28 <gr8kodr> hmm ... I didn't realise that - how do I create and save a chart template then?
04:40:38 <gjanssens> It needs some tweaks. You can find a more complete explanation here: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Account_Hierarchy_Template
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04:42:00 <gr8kodr> ty ... if I can figure out the tweaks, I will attempt to update and post an update to my site for revision before messing with the accepted content :)
04:42:56 <gjanssens> Great. Good luck!
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06:33:18 <mikee> Hi Geert. Just got your mail. Fedora is a clean install but my $HOME is a new clean dir, I 'm copying stuff from old-home, missing out most of hidden dirs/files. I have a out of source build and the dir is clean.
06:34:05 <mikee> I seem to remember something about guile cache files but these aught not be present on the new system.
06:36:04 <mikee> I have guile-2.0.13 and compat-guile18 installed.
06:38:46 <mikee> Doing dnf remove compat-guile18 compat-guile18-devel...
06:40:33 <mikee> More errors now. Mostly scm_i_deprecated_*
06:46:26 <mikee> Have to go now.
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08:55:25 *** Dezgo has joined #gnucash
09:06:48 <Dezgo> I'm keen to automate my workflow a bit, and I'm thinking https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/C_API might be a good place to start. Ideally I'd like to grab some output from my bank and get it into GNUCash automatically rather than going through the Qif import process each time. In a perfect world it'd have a program running which polls the bank regularly
09:06:48 <Dezgo> and updates GNUCash when something new comes in. Trouble is I know next to nothing about C! So I found https://sourceforge.net/projects/jgnucashlib/ which seemed a bit more accessible. I managed to open it as a project in Eclipse and run the Viewer program, but it failed when trying to open my GNUCash datafile - https://pastebin.com/Sqn9EJVE . Lo
09:06:49 <Dezgo> oking at it closely maybe there's some corruption in the file, there's all these control characters there. But GNUCash seems happy enough with it. Anyway looking for suggestions about best approach here. I may be able to wrestle with Java and work out how to get that jGnucashLib library working. Or should I try to work out how to use the API functi
09:06:53 <Dezgo> ons directly (I'm not sure I'll work it out though without examples), or some other option?
09:08:36 <Dezgo> One more thing, ideally an email response to mail at derekgillett.com would be better than a message in this IRC channel. I'm using https://kiwiirc.com/client to send this and I don't see any previous messages, so I'm not sure I'll see any when I use it next time either. Or maybe I need to install a local IRC client.
09:12:49 <Dezgo> Also, I did unzip my datafile with 7zip and found GUID 278540ab227ffa58df065c6ebfc23d2b, and I see no such scrambled text like appears in that pastebin error output
09:17:36 <Dezgo> And I've found the public logs - http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/..... so if anyone can help I'm happy for you to reply here
09:29:35 <Dezgo> One more thing if it helps. I'm in Australia and using Windows 10, and GNUCash 2.6.16 (latest version right now)
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09:52:32 <gjanssens> Dezgo: gnucash offers a C api, a (limited) Python API and a (not tested in a long time) Guile API
09:53:21 <gjanssens> For what you want to do I'd be tempted to recommend the Python API. Unfortunately it's not available on Windows :(
09:54:20 <gjanssens> As for jgnucashlib, that's an independent project which I don't know anything about. I do notice on their sourceforge website the last update was in 2013, so when gnucash 2.4 was the stable release
09:55:10 <gjanssens> There are a few small data format changes in 2.6, so it's very well possible jgnucashlib is choking on one of those.
09:56:01 <gjanssens> You may be able to install gnucash on a linux VM, which will get you the Python API and work from there.
09:56:12 <gjanssens> On Windows I don't see many other options.
09:56:58 <gjanssens> You may also ask on our gnucash-user mailing list to learn whether/how others have dealt with similar situations.
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10:49:18 <gr8kodr> just checking ... since the GNUcash docs are copyrighted, (and the live docs were gone while the server was away) is it permissible to compile the existing docs into an eBook for my own reference?
10:50:29 <Mechtilde> the GnuCash docsare unter a free liceense
10:51:02 <gr8kodr> one main reason I ask is that 'compiling' the eBook would also allow me to store notes, which the live pages don't :)
10:52:52 <gr8kodr> Mechtilde: in the footer of the help manual, it states "
10:52:53 <gr8kodr> Copyright © 2001-2017 The GnuCash Project". so I just wanted to check
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10:55:12 <Mechtilde> sorry but I have only a very short timeline for internet
10:57:44 <Mechtilde> without copyright no copyleft
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11:43:32 <gjanssens> gr8kodr: you are free to use the documentation as you see fit. Only when you want to distribute a modified version of the docs some additional licence requirements kick in
11:44:03 <gjanssens> So feel free to convert them into an ebook and add notes for your convenience
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12:39:35 <gr8kodr> am I permitted to upload them to my domain "as is" so there's a backup if the main site goes down (again)?
12:42:11 <gr8kodr> ... having a backup location available may help others :)
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14:28:35 <nitin> Hi, I am just wondering how to setup something like this on gnucash. Lets say I have a mutual fund that I would be buying every month by investing a fixed amount $100. How can I setup scheduled transactions to do this transaction(with correct number of shares based on present cost of mutual fund) automatically every month?
14:29:16 <nitin> Currently, I can get the price of the mutual fund via price database.
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15:07:50 <jralls> nitin: You can't. The SX formula parser doesn't know how to query the pricedb. Your best bet is to create a variable for the number of shares and the Since Last Run dialog will ask you to fill it in each month.
15:09:02 <jralls> gjanssens: I'm looking at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows/Development and I think it's time to delete all of the history noise. What do you think?
15:16:40 <nitin> jralls: Would it be a cool feature to have?
15:18:30 <jralls> What, reading the pricedb in SX expressions? It would only work for open-end mutual funds whose price is stable throughout the day. For anything else the likelihood that the price in the pricedb is the same as the price you pay is nearly zero.
15:19:26 <jralls> I think that would cause more confusion than benefit.
15:22:02 <nitin> ok, cool
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16:40:24 <gjanssens> jralls: Yes, please do
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