2017-04-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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10:12:57 <seanh> Hi, am I right in thinking there's currently no way to set the transfer account when importing from CSV? That is, I have a Python script that can pre-process my CSV files and add a column to them specifying the Transfer account for each row. But then when importing the CSV into GnuCash, in the CSV transaction import wizard there's a column type for Account
10:12:57 <seanh> but none for Transfer
10:37:34 <seanh> I'm pretty sure I need to use the QIF importer instead, so off I go looking for a good way to write QIF files from Python...
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13:51:33 <gjanssens> seanh: indeed. The current csv importer is rather limited. The next major release will come with a much improved csv importer that will allow this (amongst others)
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15:11:10 <seanh> gjanssens: Cool. Currently I export CSVs from banks, run a Python script to process them (mostly assigning the transfer account: Expenses:Books etc based on the payee), and then convert the CSV to ledger format (the ledger cli accounting program). I think I may keep doing that for now, and wait until the next GnuCash comes out at which point I should be able
15:11:10 <seanh> to import my script's CSVs into GnuCash. I did look into converting the CSVs to QIF for GnuCash import but that seems to be a bit of a pain, the QIF format looks awkward and I didn't find a wonderfully quick and easy Python lib for it. Thanks
15:13:00 <gjanssens> seanh: depending on your OS you might also consider importing directly using Python
15:13:22 <gjanssens> Rather than making a detour via CSV or qif
15:13:44 <gjanssens> Gnucash has python bindings on linux.
15:26:19 <seanh> Is it fairly easy to call the gnucash bindings, in order to import transactions? (Any docs?)
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15:56:07 <gpto> Anyone knows how to prevent gnucash from sorting the account names alphabetically when I open it? I have already tried disabling the "Save window size and position" check box from Edix.>Preferences->Windows but had no luck
16:19:33 <jralls> gpto: The only way is to have it sort on a different column. You can show more columns by clicking on the green arrow at the right side of the column headers. Once you've set the sort order you can hide the column again.
16:21:06 <jralls> gpto: Beware that any sort that doesn't reflect the hierarchy will look strange and be hard to use.
16:22:22 <jralls> gpto: I suggest assigning codes to each account in a sensible numbering system so that the codes reflect the structure. E.g. 1000 is Assets, 1100 is Assets:Current, etc.
16:37:41 <gjanssens> seanh: There's not much documentation unfortunately. There are a couple of example scripts that may get you going: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/tree/master/src/optional/python-bindings/example_scripts
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