2017-04-12 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:12 <gr8kodr> Using (paypal) USD/AUD as example ... create a Paypal account for each currency, on the last day at given rate, transfer funds to "home" currency to close out quoted lot at current rate ...
00:02:49 <gr8kodr> prior to entering the next foreign transaction, buy the same qty of USD (my home currency is AUD) at the new rate, this will give you a 'leftover' value in AUD - sweep this amount into realised P/L
00:05:04 <gr8kodr> not sure if it's the way I was entering, but prior to 'discovering' the above method, Auto-Scrub was giving me a $18.56 loss for a 0.53 USD lot ...
00:06:43 <gr8kodr> starting AUD valuation was 0.88 and value after re-quote was 0.85 - should have been a loss of 3 cents, not 18+ dollars ...
00:08:03 <gr8kodr> that was why I been asking all the dumb questions, the math was doin' my head in coz the P/L was always so far out and I couldn't work out where the problem was
00:08:53 <gr8kodr> lol, as is usually the case - Operator Error, I was doin' stuff the wrong way.
00:12:00 <gr8kodr> will still write up an article and add screenshots to show the working method
00:14:28 <gr8kodr> next silly question :) ... why does Price Editor keep morphing my prices?
00:15:59 <gr8kodr> I entered 1.6641713226 as my USD-> AUD rate, and when I went back to add the next quote it had been morphed to 3000/4993
00:17:09 <gr8kodr> ^ I may have the morph figure backwards, but you get the gist
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02:24:07 <gjanssens> .
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03:03:41 <gr8kodr> OCD Bookkeeper here ... are negative cent values in the trading accounts just an effect of rounding, or indicative of an error somewhere?
03:04:49 <gr8kodr> USD Currency trade account is showing -0.01 but all leger accounts are balanced
03:05:00 <gr8kodr> *ledger
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09:04:18 <seblin> Hello guys, 2 questions. What is the status on python bindings for gnucash, still active? Also another question that entered my mind coming from large ERP packages by profession... the possibility to extend the accounting transaction with financial objects like cost centers, profit centers and whatnot. I know there's no functionality for this as such in GnuCash, but the possibility to migrate or send across to larger group accounting pa
09:04:19 <seblin> ckages would help at least me a lot! :)
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17:41:36 <fell> @tell seblin You should stay longer or better use the user mailing list to discuss objects like cost center ...
17:41:36 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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21:37:04 <gr8kodr> nvm ... the imbalance has self corrected by EOM
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