2017-03-07 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:59:35 <gjanssens> .
02:59:35 <gncbot`> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 7 hours, and 41 minutes ago: <jralls> I've got the WebKit2 branch as close as is reasonable. It won't display jsplot when fed html directly because it won't load the js script files, but it works OK with the write-a-file-and-load-that trick.
02:59:36 <gncbot`> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 7 hours, and 38 minutes ago: <jralls> I didn't set up the gnc-register uri scheme because I didn't want to mess around with a back-channel to GnuCash to open the register. That will be easy to set up once we have Gtk3 in place and we're back to a single process.
02:59:37 <gncbot`> gjanssens: Sent 1 day, 7 hours, and 30 minutes ago: <jralls> Now it's time to work a few bugs and get the release ready. Next month I'll start on a litehtml + V8 implementation. It seems that the webkit2 API changes rather often, and I'd like not to have to chase that.
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05:00:11 *** fell_ is now known as fell
05:02:30 <fell> Oops, no gncbot?gjanssens or mikee can you op me?
05:11:34 <mikee> fell: Morning, will do.
05:12:05 <fell> Good Morning, Mike
05:12:11 *** mikee is now known as gncbot
05:12:21 *** gncbot is now known as mikee
05:13:06 <fell> "/op <username>", IIRC
05:14:36 *** mikee sets mode: +o fell
05:15:05 *** fell sets mode: +o warlord
05:15:06 <mikee> Was trying to op the bot :(
05:15:42 *** fell sets mode: +o linas
05:15:53 *** fell sets mode: +o jralls_
05:16:19 <mikee> @nick gncbot
05:16:19 <gncbot`> mikee: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
05:16:40 <mikee> Oh well
05:20:07 *** fell sets mode: +o gncbot`
05:22:41 <fell> jralls_, I am wondering why you delayed Abhijit's request. He contributed already to FQ.
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05:44:23 <gjanssens> @nick gncbot
05:44:24 *** gncbot` is now known as gncbot
05:44:29 <gjanssens> there
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10:33:08 <warlord> okay, i'm going to have a network outage tomorrow. Whee.
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13:59:25 <jralls_> fell: To ask him what he wants to edit. I didn't remember him last night, though I do now after looking at his BOMSE repo.
13:59:35 *** jralls_ is now known as jralls
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14:00:36 <jralls> It would be nice if we could see the whole history on the review form so that you would have seen the message on the "hold" action.
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14:07:03 <WincoVan> hi jralls
14:07:18 <WincoVan> I had sent the request for the wiki edit
14:08:33 <WincoVan> I wanted to fix some of the broken links on the wiki
14:08:44 <jralls> WincoVan: OK. This'll be a good test of mediawiki. Did you get an email asking you want to edit?
14:08:53 <jralls> Which broken links?
14:08:55 <WincoVan> yes I replied to that email
14:09:23 <jralls> Hmm. What was the return address?
14:09:31 <WincoVan> I was reading up on the python bindings
14:09:51 <WincoVan> there are links to some old SVN repo which are broken
14:12:21 <jralls> Ah, OK. I just confirmed your account.
14:12:49 <WincoVan> Thanks!
14:14:11 <jralls> fell: The reply-to on the hold messages is webmaster@gnucash.org. I think that would go to Linas and he won't be able to do anything. Do you know where to change it?
14:14:57 <WincoVan> No I don't
14:15:19 <jralls> WincoVan: I wouldn't expect you to. That's why I asked fell.
14:16:17 <warlord> jralls, fell --- I have no idea how to get it to keep a history of that. I got his email reply (to webmaster)
14:16:59 <warlord> But I dont know how to change the 'from' address.
14:17:08 <warlord> .. .to make the reply-to address "work"
14:18:34 <jralls> warlord: Well, better you than Linas. Before changing it we need to decide where to send it. I guess of the existing lists "core" is the best choice. Otherwise a new wiki-bureaucrats list or maybe multi-address alias.
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16:31:28 <warlord> I would say the bureaucrats. But I honestly don't know how to change it.
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16:35:50 <warlord> jralls: if you figure out how to configure confirmaccount extension's "from" address.... I'm all for it.
16:36:53 <jralls> warlord: OK. I was hoping that fell knew, he seems to know the mediawiki settings pretty well. I'll go look in a bit.
16:40:38 <warlord> well, if fell knows....
16:46:58 <warlord> Looking at the code, it looks like it will require a code change. Right now it uses the "default" "from" address..
16:47:52 <warlord> Looks like there's a langauge-specific "emailsender" setting
16:48:00 <warlord> which is a global.
16:48:26 <warlord> I could change that so that *all* email from the wiki originates with this same address?
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17:08:37 <jralls> warlord: That actually sounds reasonable.
17:11:50 <warlord> Okay. That means I need to figure out where *that* is set...
17:15:47 <warlord> Ah, okay, that's easy to change. Need to change $wgPasswordSender
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