2017-03-01 GnuCash IRC logs
00:19:54 *** O01eg has quit IRC
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17:32:17 <frozenjim> GnuCash on Win10 is frozen and will no doubt crash shortly. My system is very stable, is there any known issue that causes this lock-then-crash to happen periodically? It still consumes cpu cycles infrequently, but the windows are 100% unresponsive.
17:35:12 <warlord> frozenjim: what were you doing just before it started spinning?
17:36:25 <warlord> ( sorry frozenjim , I'm being kicked out of this room so need to shut down )
17:36:26 <frozenjim> Had two sets of books open to reconcile between them. Invoices open in both instances - on different monitors.
17:36:33 <frozenjim> kk. ciao.
17:36:43 <warlord> Hmm...
17:36:53 <warlord> Can't imagine why that would cause anything...
17:37:07 <frozenjim> I have not found a pattern. Happens about once eveyr two weeks.
17:37:08 <warlord> Unless there's a race condition / mutex lock in the preferences code?
17:37:21 <warlord> Always when you have two copies open?
17:37:36 <frozenjim> No. Seems random.
17:38:02 <warlord> Odd....
17:38:20 <warlord> Try to keep an eye on what you're doing when it crashes, and then email the -user or -devel mailing list?
17:38:22 <frozenjim> Yeah. I dont have enough info to be helpful. sigh... just wish I could save.
17:38:27 <warlord> Sorry, gotta run!
17:38:30 <warlord> Save early, save often...
17:38:33 <frozenjim> thanks. :-)
17:38:36 <warlord> Replay the log?
17:38:43 <warlord> (ttfn)
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17:58:29 *** User__ has joined #gnucash
18:25:11 *** IRC_User has joined #gnucash
18:26:29 <IRC_User> Trying to develop simple reports to quickly show net worth, working capital, cash buffer, and cash ratio, based on specific user-selected accounts. Kind of like the balance sheet, but using only specific assets/liabilities accounts, and applying some simple arithmetic.
18:26:31 <IRC_User> http://pastebin.com/BEjAEMcG
18:26:57 <IRC_User> At like 200.
18:27:00 <IRC_User> (gnc:html-markup-b asset-balance)))
18:27:01 <IRC_User> does not work
18:27:11 <IRC_User> (gnc:html-markup-b "test")))
18:27:12 <IRC_User> works
18:27:32 <IRC_User> So, I need to know how to actually read the data out of asset-balance .
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18:29:17 *** mirage335 has joined #gnucash
18:29:41 <mirage335> (Also, this is my real nickname, mirage335, not IRC_User.)
18:29:57 <mirage335> Please help!
18:36:56 *** CDB-Away_ has joined #gnucash
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21:42:28 <mirage335> Hey, does anyone here know what might be wrong with my scheme report script?
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