2017-02-14 GnuCash IRC logs
00:27:42 *** O01eg has quit IRC
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01:06:06 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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01:15:20 <fell_> does dconf only store values different from default?
01:15:41 <fell_> I am searching translated strings there
01:23:20 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
01:26:30 *** fell_ is now known as fell
01:26:39 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
01:39:02 <fell> Guten Morgen, Mechtilde!
01:39:15 <Mechtilde> Guten Morgen
01:39:32 <Mechtilde> fell, hab Deine Mail von dieser Nach gesehen
01:39:48 <fell> I am not really happy with ""This setting allows certain accounts to have their balances reversed..."
01:40:19 <fell> Bin noch bei der Durchsicht.
01:41:51 <Mechtilde> ist noch fuzzy bei mir
01:41:53 <fell> War noch ein fuzzy-flag drin und so Kleinkram.
01:42:41 <Mechtilde> wahrscheinlich, weil ich damit auch noch nicht zufrieden war
01:47:53 <fell> Ich änder den Satz mal, daß er das Gemeinte eher trifft. Den kann man ja später noch schöner machen. ;-)
01:48:09 <Mechtilde> klar
01:49:07 <fell> Je nachdem misch ich nochmal neue Nachrichten rein.
01:56:06 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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04:32:26 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
04:32:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gjanssens
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04:45:12 <gjanssens> fell: I believe dconf only stored values if there different from default indeed
04:45:12 <gncbot> gjanssens: Sent 2 days, 8 hours, and 42 minutes ago: <fell> Can you fix the IBAN at https://www.gnucash.org/donate.phtml?
04:50:26 <gjanssens> fell: what do you want me to fix about the IBAN ?
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05:51:01 <fell> Hi, gjanssens!
05:51:42 <fell> htdocs/donate.phtml
05:52:42 <fell> it is missing the routing part
05:54:24 *** cartsoftware has quit IRC
05:56:03 <fell> in DE it would be "DE"<2digitCheckSum><Bank routing number>[filling zeros]<account number>
06:00:27 *** fabior has quit IRC
06:03:09 <fell> The syntax of that page is broken, too. Mismatch: <div id="content"> ... </p>
06:03:48 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
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06:13:42 <fell> Oops, the </div> is in the footer. Strange style.
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07:01:40 <gjanssens> fell: There is no routing information in Belgian IBAN numbers.
07:01:46 <gjanssens> What you see there is the complete number.
07:02:12 <gjanssens> The style is not my doing btw :)
07:04:44 <fell> Oh, yes. It differs almost everything from County to country, see e.g. https://www.naspa.de/firmenkunden/internationale-aktivitaeten/auslandszahlungsverkehr/ihre-internationale-bankadresse/iban-rechner/iban-uebersicht/
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07:34:05 <fell> Norway has the shortest an small Malta the longest in Europe
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09:27:39 <warlord> .
09:36:03 <gjanssens> .. ;P
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09:46:18 <warlord> well that was odd
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10:03:52 <gjanssens> warlord: ?
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10:08:49 <warlord> Lost connectivity for a bit and got kicked off.
10:22:56 <gjanssens> ok
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