2017-02-11 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:40:38 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
03:37:13 <Mechtilde> hello and Good Morning
03:37:55 <Mechtilde> I tried to use the actual online documentation "Concepts and Tutorial " in German
03:38:04 <Mechtilde> the link doesn't work
03:38:26 <Mechtilde> for the HTML version
04:12:49 <gjanssens> Hi Mechtilde
04:13:26 <gjanssens> From my pc I do see the German documentation when I click the html version
04:13:29 <Mechtilde> gjanssens, hello
04:13:43 <Mechtilde> also the nightly builds?
04:13:55 * gjanssens didn't check that
04:13:57 <gjanssens> One sec
04:14:31 <gjanssens> Right. These seem to be missing.
04:14:47 <gjanssens> Something warlord will have to look into when he wakes up...
04:14:52 <gjanssens> Thanks for pointing it out
04:15:57 <gjanssens> In fact all but the English nightly builds are missing.
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11:06:15 <fell> Mechtilde, I see http://code.gnucash.org/docs/de/gnucash-guide/
11:07:23 <Mechtilde> but not via http://gnucash.org/docs.phtml
11:07:39 <Mechtilde> when I choose the daily builds
11:08:02 <Mechtilde> I get Not Found
11:08:03 <Mechtilde> The requested URL /docs/de_DE/gnucash-guide/index.html was not found on this server.
11:08:17 <Mechtilde> gjanssens, confirmed it
11:08:29 <fell> Puh, then some link is broken, not my last commit.
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11:09:22 <Mechtilde> the Italian one is broken too
11:09:32 <fell> btw, can you rebase gnucash? I fixed de.po
11:09:45 <Mechtilde> and the Japanese one
11:09:52 <Mechtilde> fell, I will do it
11:14:19 <fell> OK. on the new server is no de_DE, only a de directory
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11:39:30 <fell> gjanssens, I believe tuwien.at mirrors only the packages because at www robots.txt contains "Disallow: /mirrors/"
11:58:03 <fell> www.gnucash.org sets the lang_cookie to "de_DE" for me. Do we really want that?
12:00:29 <fell> BTW EU rules require to inform users about the use of cookies.
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12:36:19 <fell> Ha, I changed LANG in docs-phtml, but it get reset in viewdocs.phtml
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12:59:06 <fell> viewdoc uses $locale from lang.php instead of $_GET["lang"]
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13:47:58 <fell> Mechtilde, I think, I fiexed it now. Can you check it?
13:48:17 <fell> fixed
13:49:07 <Mechtilde> yes it is fixed
13:49:16 <Mechtilde> thanks
13:49:29 <fell> Welcome
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14:03:32 <warlord> Mechtilde: I probably forgot to add some symlinks in the right place(s). What are the URLs that used to work but don't anymore?
14:03:47 <fell> Warlord, no need
14:04:38 <warlord> Okay.
14:04:48 <fell> but pt is missing in the nightlies
14:05:27 <fell> They a not on http://code.gnucash.org/docs/
14:06:41 <fell> Pedro worked hard on both
14:07:03 <warlord> Right, when we add new languages I have to manually update the script to copy them into place.
14:07:40 <warlord> It wouldn't have been on the old server, either.
14:07:59 <warlord> Anyways, script updated; pt will show up tonight.
14:08:11 <fell> I believe, I forgot to inform you
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14:08:58 <warlord> Okay, well, pt has been added as a language for both the help and guide
14:09:02 <warlord> they will show up tonight.
14:13:58 <fell> we have http://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/pt/ already, I will update docs.phtml
14:14:24 <warlord> fell: Sure, but not code/docs/pt
14:14:54 <fell> I think, it will appear tonight?
14:14:59 <warlord> Yes
14:16:18 <fell> A few hours of 404 should be acceptable in this case. ;-)
14:18:54 <warlord> Considering it didn't exist on the old server, Ithink it's fine.
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14:34:27 <fell> Nice: O documento pedido não está disponível para esse idioma. Será mostrada a versão inglesa.
14:35:58 <fell> But that remembers me, I have to change viewdoc too
14:45:42 <warlord> ok
14:46:32 <fell> The languages are realy stange implemented.
14:46:41 <fell> strange
14:47:03 <warlord> I'm sure.
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14:54:12 <fell> Warlord, do we store somewhere old API docs?
14:54:40 <warlord> fell: what do you mean by "old API docs"?
14:54:56 <fell> doxygen output
14:55:46 <fell> doxs.phtml talks in every section about "user documentation and developer documentation"
14:56:03 <fell> but there are only guide & help
14:56:33 <fell> I thougt. I will add links for MAINT/ and MASTER/
14:58:20 <fell> IMHO that is enough. Who raally needs an old api should build it from sources.
15:08:57 <warlord> Exactly
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16:23:49 <fell> Do you like the new nightly section in http://www.gnucash.org/docs.phtml?lang=C ?
16:27:52 <warlord> I'd change "git repository" to "source repository"-- just in case somewhere down the road we shift away from git.
16:32:48 <fell> done
16:33:52 <warlord> I wonder if we should https?
16:35:24 <fell> If you review the urls in all files ;-)
16:35:35 <warlord> Hahaha
16:35:47 <warlord> Well, any place we reference code or wiki we can use https
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19:49:35 <fell> I shouldn't have touched the webserver. It is a bottomless pit!
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20:03:09 <fell> @tell gjanssens Can you fix the IBAN at https://www.gnucash.org/donate.phtml?
20:03:09 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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20:31:14 <warlord> fell: hahaha
20:32:57 <fell> Because I changed a few strings, I thought, I should update the translation, but ...
20:33:58 <fell> I find outdated infos without any end.
20:46:05 <fell> BTW, warlord, shouldn't we remove Namazu?
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22:15:47 <fell> Hm. something is strange: while News is now translated again, "Need Help?"remains untranslated.
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22:23:24 <fell> At github I see the change, but not at www.gnucash.org.
22:30:51 <fell> Ok, then I will really compile the file, too. ;-)