2017-02-04 GnuCash IRC logs
01:17:16 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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03:28:43 <gjanssens> .
03:34:33 <movedx> :)
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04:47:35 <tom> Hi. I'm importing a stament from HSBC uk in ofx format, but it is only showing transactions that were imported last time. I've double checked and more recent transactions are in the file, (using grep), but not in the list to be imported.
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05:40:58 <tom> I've tried importing it into a blank project, and all the transactions, old and new show up.
05:50:46 <tom> no matter what I do the import page doesn't show the new transactions. Only ones I have already imported.
05:51:46 <tom> I'll try upgrading gnucash from the version that came with ubuntu....
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06:15:54 <tom_> ugh
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06:21:26 <movedx> tom_: Sorry, not sure my self.
06:25:17 <tom> seeing errors in the trace. * 11:24:00 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
06:25:20 <tom> not sure if it is related.
06:26:43 <movedx> Possibly. Do the monetary values look right to you?
06:28:10 <tom_> they look fine.
06:29:15 <tom_> when I do an import that doesn't work into my existing set of accounts I see one different log message, from when it does work (import to a new blank set of account).
06:29:18 <tom_> LibOFX INFO: libofx_proc_file(): File format not specified, autodetecting...
06:29:20 <tom_> (Above message occured on Line 18446744073709551615, Column 18446744073709551615)
06:30:05 <tom_> Right now, I'm wondering if I can export my all my transactions and import them into a new .gnucash file.
06:30:57 <tom_____> well. I see the message both times, just the line numbers are normal.
06:34:04 <tom_____> * 11:33:08 INFO <gnc.account> [xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency] baln=-1/0
06:34:07 <tom_____> * 11:33:08 WARN <gnc.gui> [PrintAmountInternal()] Bad numeric: GNC_ERROR_ARG.
06:34:17 <tom_____> is what I see in the trace.
06:34:23 <tom_____> now I'm in debug.
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08:18:14 <warlord> fell_: yes, it looks like HitCounter was removed from Mediawiki core.
08:19:57 <fell_> they suggest to use google analytics instead
08:20:18 <warlord> fell_: yes, it looks like I had a short-term network outage to my upstream ISP at around 20:00 EST last night, which is probably what you saw.
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08:21:32 <fell> Yes, that was the time.
08:21:38 <warlord> movedx: thanks. Linas finally got back to me late last night -- he's going to look at it today. He doesn't think it's a firewall issue.
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19:58:46 <warlord> fell: regarding HitCounter -- do you want me to add the extension? I've certainly lost all the old data because it was destroying during the upgrade.
20:00:06 <fell> What do you think, warlord?
20:00:55 <fell> Sometimes it is useful
20:01:42 <warlord> I can download and install the extension, but we'll have lost all the data so it would re-start everything from 0. Apparently I would have needed to have upgraded through 1.25 and added the extension at that time.
20:02:33 <fell> Ahem. which extension are you talking about?
20:03:02 <warlord> HitCounter
20:03:25 <fell> The google analytics extension seems to have more future
20:05:07 <fell> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Google_Analytics_Integration
20:05:59 <fell> But some dislike tracking
20:06:23 <warlord> I dislike google analytics, personally.
20:06:33 <warlord> I have it blocled.
20:10:03 <fell> I iunderstand that very well.
20:10:22 <fell> OK, the let us try hitcounter
20:13:22 <fell> from https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:HitCounters: A fresh install in MW 1.26 and higher is not possible!
20:16:23 <fell> But the discussion page is more precise
20:34:00 <warlord> Okay, installed. Now need to configure it.
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20:43:18 <warlord> And... done.
21:10:03 *** Demann has joined #gnucash
21:12:38 <Demann> Trying to use the Windows version. Went through the wizard and now I'm trying to input some transactions. First one is a split transaction. Using the cash in wallet tab, not the general ledger. When I hit enter the entire transaction disappears. Not sure what is going on. Any clue?
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21:14:34 <fell> Demann, did you set some filter?
21:14:40 <warlord> Demann: 1) only hit "enter" once you are done done.
21:15:01 <Demann> Pretty sure I didn't. This is a pretty fresh install.
21:15:07 <warlord> 2) Did you include a split with the *current account* before you hit enter? If not, then the transaction will disappear because there is no split tying it to the current account.
21:16:01 <Demann> warlord: I thought I was done done when I hit enter. I'm confused on what you mean by "current account" in point 2.
21:16:59 <warlord> Demann: what part confused you? Which account register did you have open?
21:18:10 <Demann> I think I'm just not up on the correct terminology. I double-clicked on "cash in wallet," so I believe that is the account register I have open.
21:19:25 <warlord> Okay.
21:19:28 <warlord> (yes).
21:19:35 <warlord> So, did you include that account in your split transaction?
21:21:02 <Demann> I don't think I did. In what section would I include that and why do I need to include it if I'm in that account's register? I would understand why if I was using the general ledger.
21:22:44 <warlord> A split transaction in any register acts just like the GL. You are specifying all splits, debits and credits. If the transaction doesn't include a split into the "current" account, then when you commit it it will disappear because it shouldn't show up in the current account.
21:23:36 <warlord> i.e., if you are in account A, and create a split transaction between accounts B, C, D, and E... When you commit it will disappear because there's no account A split... So an account A view shouldn't show that txn.
21:23:44 <warlord> Is that more clear?
21:28:29 <Demann> I think so. So I used cash to buy smokes and alcohol from the liquor store. I used cash. So I go into the "cash in wallet" account register, put in a memo, put in "Current Assets: Cash in wallet" as the account, put in the total spent in the spend column, then I put in "Expenses:Cigarettes" and the amount spent on those in the receive column, and then on the next line put "Expenses:Liquor" as the other account, put in the amount spent
21:30:26 <warlord> Demann: ended at "put "Expenses:Liquor" as the other account, put in the amount spent". But so far so good.
21:31:30 <Demann> Didn't realize there was a size limit. Here's the rest of it: ...put in the amount spent on liquor and then hit enter. Did I get that right?
21:31:47 <Demann> I think I got it right because it didn't disappear when I hit enter this time.
21:34:02 <warlord> *nods*
21:35:15 <Demann> Cool. Thanks for the help. I swear the interface wasn't nearly as confusing about ten years ago (about the last time I'd use GnuCash). LOL
21:35:43 <warlord> Hahahah
21:38:06 <warlord> Glad it worked.
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22:40:05 <warlord> looks like linas fixed www.
23:00:29 <movedx> warlord: Good to hear about the website.
23:02:51 <warlord> Yeah. Hopefully linas will let me know what the issue was
23:03:26 <warlord> but I no longer get blocked.
23:04:22 <movedx> I'm happy to help if need be. OK, off out. laters.
23:09:00 <warlord> I'm not sure how you could help.
23:09:05 <warlord> But thanks for the offer.