2017-02-01 GnuCash IRC logs

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02:03:17 <movedx> Agreed.
02:03:31 <movedx> Website's IP is unreachable, but ping-able. Odd.
02:05:43 <movedx> Single IP in DNS lookup isn't a good sign. Should be seeing two there really (from an outsider's perspective.)
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10:38:23 <warlord> Interesting. Almost all the mail in code's outgoing queue is 1 user.
10:41:06 <warlord> Out of 107 in the queue, 101 are from one site/user.
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13:42:40 * gjanssens thinks he has a new priority...
13:42:41 <gjanssens> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1375812
13:43:22 <gjanssens> I *really* should finish the gtk3 port as that blocks a more recent webkit
13:43:45 <gjanssens> Or we need to find an alternative for webkit, which is a big job as well.
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13:51:18 <warlord> WxWidgets? ;)
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14:34:21 <lmat> gjanssens: How much work is the gtk3 port?
14:35:03 <warlord> lmat: I suspect, a lot.
14:35:11 <warlord> The gtk1 -> gtk2 port was a TON of work.
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14:35:46 <gjanssens> warlord: WxWidgets means replacing *all* of gtk as well
14:36:12 <gjanssens> lmat: there's only one part blocking the migration to gtk3 - our register code
14:36:25 <lmat> gjanssens: Oh yes, that ^_^
14:36:31 <gjanssens> It's based on gnome-canvas, which is no longer available for gtk3
14:36:31 <lmat> gjanssens: In what way is it blocking the upgrade?
14:36:46 <gjanssens> There are two options to proceed
14:37:01 <gjanssens> Either replace gnome-canvas with another one such as goo-canvas
14:37:18 <gjanssens> Or switch to using a gtktreeview instead to build a register
14:37:33 <gjanssens> The register2 project was an attempt at the latter
14:37:54 <gjanssens> It was pretty far, but had serious performance problems
14:38:20 <gjanssens> The attempt by Robert Fewell to get these fixed took a wrong turn imo
14:38:42 <gjanssens> I plan to pick up where he left off and clean that up.
14:39:09 <gjanssens> Since it's been a while it may take me some time getting familiar with the code
14:39:38 <gjanssens> But right now I'm on an interrupt for the flickering reports several users are reporting
14:40:15 <gjanssens> Got most of that fixed, but I'm still testing a few additional tweaks on master
14:40:38 <gjanssens> And then it's high time for me to add the last bits to the csv importer so I can get merged
14:41:13 <gjanssens> And after that... (drum roll) GTK3 and webkit updates
14:46:36 <warlord> Sounds like fun.
14:46:47 <warlord> Is the flickering actually scrollbar-related?
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14:53:10 <gjanssens> warlord: yes
14:53:23 <gjanssens> Robert wat doing more than he should
14:53:46 <gjanssens> I ran a callback each time the visible status of the scrollbars changed
14:53:57 <gjanssens> In the callback he did a full page reload.
14:54:04 <warlord> Oh! Oops!
14:54:20 <gjanssens> This internally cleared the page, hiding any scrollbars that were visible
14:54:34 <gjanssens> And hence triggering the scrollbar callbacks again
14:54:39 <warlord> lather, rinse, repeat..
14:54:49 <gjanssens> Yep
14:54:49 <warlord> oops
14:55:30 <gjanssens> It's not clear why this was only happening in certain circumstances and that resizing the page could make it stop
14:55:38 <gjanssens> But I stopped searching
14:56:02 <gjanssens> I have dropped part of his PR and everything's back to normal
14:56:14 <warlord> ok
14:56:37 <gjanssens> Except for some weirdness in chart sizing I haven't figured out yet
14:56:55 <gjanssens> That is, when I load a book with some charts open
14:57:11 <gjanssens> only the chart on the very last tab is sized properly to full page width & height
14:57:46 <gjanssens> (this makes use of the new feature to set chart sizes in percentages iso absolute pixels)
14:58:01 <gjanssens> All charts on previous tabs are not
14:58:22 <gjanssens> It doesn't matter which tab will be the one that's visible while opening the book
14:58:26 <warlord> I wonder if the page size data isn't properly acquired on the previous tabs?
14:58:57 <gjanssens> Yes something like that
14:59:41 <gjanssens> But I'll just add my findings to the bug report I created for this. There are more urgent things to fix and perhaps a newer webkit will just solve it for us.
14:59:57 <warlord> That's where I would look first -- I'd add some debugging to print out the page geometry data for each page to see when the 'size' returns correctly.
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15:55:35 <warlord> gjanssens: I'm still wondering why the gitolite email gecos is pulling from the git user, even though the From address is the pusher?
15:57:39 <gjanssens> warlord: me too
15:58:38 <gjanssens> Which user is running the gitolite actions when a commit is pushed ? Is that the git user or the pusher ?
15:58:53 <gjanssens> Hmm, should be the pusher...
15:59:23 <gjanssens> Otherwise the mail should have apeared to come from the git user as well I suppose
15:59:37 <gjanssens> And not only be using the git user's gecos as name
15:59:47 <warlord> right...
16:00:07 <warlord> it sets envelopefrom=$GL_USER
16:00:13 <warlord> But that might not be sufficient.
16:01:43 <gjanssens> No it isn't
16:02:21 <gjanssens> When no From: line is present in the mail headers (not the envelope) postfix will insert a From: line automatically
16:02:43 <gjanssens> From what I understand it will use the username of the one calling sendmail for this
16:03:29 <gjanssens> So that would become From: username
16:03:40 <gjanssens> (username to be replaced with real usernames)
16:04:13 <gjanssens> In a later step (cleanup/trivial-rewrite) this will be detected as an incomplete address and so the hostname is appended
16:04:16 <warlord> the hook script sets envelopsender=$GL_USER, and then the email script calls sendmail -f $envelopesender
16:04:54 <gjanssens> I know. I have checked the e-mail script and it doesn't set a From: line
16:04:59 <gjanssens> So the above kicks in
16:05:11 <gjanssens> Apparently for old sendmail this was not a problem
16:05:18 <warlord> No, it doesn't. that gets added by the /usr/sbin/sendmail app, which is now Postfix vs Sendmail
16:05:45 <gjanssens> Exactly. That's what I was trying to say
16:06:29 <gjanssens> But perhaps postfix adds "From: <descriptive name> <username>" already, where later on username gets expanded
16:06:44 <gjanssens> and the descriptive name just stays
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16:07:00 <gjanssens> I don't know. That's probably a question for some postfix forum
16:07:18 <gjanssens> I didn't find details about the exact format of the automatically added From: line
16:07:36 <warlord> Yep, I'll go send email to the postfix group.
16:08:00 <warlord> I just tried as root: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f warlord
16:08:06 <warlord> And the email I got says:
16:08:18 <warlord> From: "root" <warlord@code.gnucash.org>
16:08:40 <warlord> So it's pulling the gecos data from the current user, not the 'from' user. That seems like a bug to me.
16:08:52 <warlord> I'll contact postfix people.
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16:09:44 <gjanssens> An interesting mix. So it uses the envelope sender togeter with the current user's gecos.
16:09:55 <gjanssens> That's something for the postfix people indeed.
16:10:29 <gjanssens> Of course we can tweak our mail script to add a From: line as well and be done with it for now
16:11:46 <warlord> True. We could read $5 out of /etc/passwd
16:11:58 <warlord> And set a full From: address in the email.
16:12:02 <warlord> It might be quicker
16:12:48 <warlord> e.g. grep warlord /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $5}'
16:13:40 <warlord> Of course the script would need to work regardless of whether there is a valid name or not.
16:22:26 <warlord> Yeah, sendmail's sendmal -f works correctly. Postfix's sendmail -f does not.
16:23:31 <gjanssens> I've got a mail script change ready to test
16:23:34 <warlord> I suppose I should contact Wietse
16:23:48 <warlord> Want to just push it? Or do you want to send me the diff first?
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16:26:52 <gjanssens> I've pushed it and did a dummy change in master to test
16:26:55 <gjanssens> Appears to work ok
16:27:30 <gjanssens> But please do a qa review in your local gitolite repo clone
16:27:42 <gjanssens> I'm testing whether an envelope sender is set
16:27:54 <gjanssens> If so a from line will be added
16:28:18 <gjanssens> Next I'll test if the envelope sender is in /etc/passwd
16:28:30 <gjanssens> And if so, extract the gecos information for that user
16:28:47 <gjanssens> Only if that is non-empty, it will be added to the from line
16:29:05 <gjanssens> And then the from line is completed with the found envelope sender
16:29:24 <gjanssens> And inserted in the mail header
16:29:39 <warlord> That looks like it'll work.
16:30:27 <warlord> And the fake change email says from you. Yay!
16:32:15 <warlord> I forgot that we dont email out changes to the admin repo
16:32:28 <warlord> Maybe I should have it at least email me? ;)
16:34:11 <warlord> Anyways, I sent mail to Wietse about postfix.
16:36:30 <gjanssens> Ok. Regarding the mails for the admin repo, I think all admins should receive it
16:37:13 <gjanssens> We can add our userid's as recipients for that repo
16:37:40 <gjanssens> Not sure though whether we have to do this manually or whether we can reuse the @admin macro
16:38:38 <gjanssens> hmm de @admins macro won't work as the recipients parameter is used verbatim
16:38:59 <gjanssens> I believe postfix wants commas between recipients at least
16:39:07 <gjanssens> Let me try something...
16:42:01 <gjanssens> warlord: that worked :)
16:42:09 <gjanssens> Right now you and I will receive updates
16:42:23 <lmat> How do I clear my guile cache? I'm pretty sure ctest is using older files...
16:42:40 <gjanssens> Shall I add jralls as well ?
16:42:52 <lmat> oh... find source/gnucash -name 'ccache' -type d; ?
16:43:11 <lmat> yeah, there it is!
16:43:47 <gjanssens> Got to leave. Feel free to add jralls at any time :)
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20:24:17 <warlord> @tell gjanssens Response was Wietse is that he wrote that program 20 years ago and not to expect any change.
20:24:17 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
20:30:36 <warlord> @tell gjanssens Regarding adding jralls, does he have write access to the admin repo? If so, then sure.
20:30:36 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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21:10:07 <Lil_Phil> is website down?
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21:20:26 <movedx> Lil_Phil: Has been a while now.
21:20:39 <movedx> Not sure if the web master is on to it - don't know who they are.
21:29:32 <Lil_Phil> movedx: thanks
21:30:34 <movedx> No problem.
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21:46:07 <warlord> movedx: the website is down??
21:46:44 <warlord> it was working a couple days ago..
21:47:16 <warlord> Huh! It is down. Nobody reported it before now.
21:47:39 <warlord> I'll contact linas.
21:51:41 <codesmythe> warlord: I reported it here last night at 10pm EST; was wondering why no one commented. :-)
21:52:49 <warlord> movedx: I dont see it in my personal log.
21:53:02 <warlord> movedx: why would you expect there to be two IP Addresses?
21:53:20 <warlord> (I'll note that this might change once I upgrade my network)
22:10:39 <quakestring> hi, is that possible to change gnucash default icon set? its very ugly.
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