2017-01-22 GnuCash IRC logs
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11:45:41 <jralls> gjanssens: I just pushed the GncNumeric changes we discussed last week to https://github.com/jralls/gnucash/tree/numeric. I still need to redo the gnc_numeric implementation and tidy up GncRational, but could you do a sanity check on the API?
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13:26:06 <gjanssens> jralls: I took a first look at the API just now
13:26:19 <gjanssens> Most of it looks ok IMO
13:26:59 <gjanssens> I'm hesitating on the choice of string conversion constraints
13:27:16 <gjanssens> I think we should make sure our implementation is symmetric as much as possible
13:27:36 <gjanssens> String and stream handling I mean here
13:28:08 <gjanssens> If we write a GncNumeric to a stream, will it adhere to locale settings like for thousands separator ?
13:28:26 <jralls> gjanssens: You mean the fact that the string constructor can handle spaces and operator>> can't?
13:28:29 <gjanssens> If so, our stream reading should as well. At least if that's feasibale
13:28:42 <gjanssens> That part as well, yes
13:29:37 <gjanssens> What made you decide to ignore thousands separators and treat . and , both as decimal separator ?
13:30:21 <gjanssens> I suppose this is ok for most internal uses.
13:31:05 <jralls> Operator>> has a limitation on handling spaces. The istream by default tokenizes on whitespace, and once one is in operator>> one can look ahead only one character at a time.
13:31:07 <gjanssens> I'm thinking about external inputs like from import files, or when a user pastes a number from somewhere in an amount cell
13:31:52 <gjanssens> Ok, so for input operations it would become pretty difficult to accept space as a thousands separator
13:33:02 <jralls> OTOH, the built-in numeric operator>> that's called in GncNumeric::operator>> knows about the locale if the caller imbues the stream first. It will recognize and operator>> will emit localized thousands separators if you tell it to.
13:34:34 <gjanssens> Hmm, imbueing is something new for me. I'm not sure how that works (yet).
13:34:36 <jralls> I need to expand the tests for operator>> and operator<< to exercise that and make sure it works.
13:36:42 <jralls> Josuttis chapter 16. It's a bit complicated. There are also stream manipulators that one can inject into the stream to control formatting.
13:37:55 <jralls> Adding localization to the string constructor and to_string() is something I considered, but I'm inclined to keep those more simple and to say that one should use the stream interface if one needs to get fancy.
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13:43:01 <gjanssens> Josuttis - do you mean The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference ?
13:43:23 <gjanssens> (Found a link to it on the web)
13:43:52 <gjanssens> Is that a good companion for Meyers ?
13:44:56 <gjanssens> As for string vs stream interface, I think we should just be practical here.
13:45:15 <gjanssens> So yes, keep the string interface simple and a strong stream interface
13:45:42 <gjanssens> Should future work in gnucash require a more fancy string handling, we can add it then as well
13:45:44 <jralls> re; Josuttis, yes. It's the go-to reference for the standard library.
13:46:06 <gjanssens> Ok, I'll add it to my list of books to shop for :)
13:47:47 <gjanssens> API wise, more in general, you have added templated round functions, one for each rounding type we support. Should they be public api, or rather internal to the implementation of GncNumeric/GncRational ?
13:49:50 <gjanssens> They're cleverly implemented by the way
13:53:40 <jralls> Unfortunately templates have to be exposed publicly. They're invoked at compile time in every compilation unit. So for example when you call x.convert<RonudType::half_pu>(gnc_commodity_get_scu(coommodity)) somewhere, the compiler has to see the templates for GncNumeric::convert and for the round types that it invokes.
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13:59:06 <jralls> The cleverness is Andrei Alexandrescu's, not mine. Another book to consider: "Modern C++ Design", though I wouldn't say it's must-have. Most of it makes my head hurt.
13:59:55 <gjanssens> :D
14:00:28 <gjanssens> I'll wait a bit for that. I'm having enough on my head already with modern c++ as it is.
14:00:30 <jralls> Josuttis has another book, BTW, "C++ Templates: The Complete Guide", with David Vandevoorde. I've been holding off on buying it because there are rumors that they're working on a new edition.
14:01:14 <jralls> The current one is from 2002.
14:01:25 <gjanssens> Understood about the requirement of having the round templates in public api
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14:04:57 <jralls> warlord: It's 2PM EST. Have you started the switchover?
14:12:18 <gjanssens> Yeah, we're all on the front row ready for the show :-P
14:12:38 <gjanssens> fell: did you get any further with your build ?
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14:15:02 <gjanssens> fell: gnc_dmy2timespec_neutral was only introduced in gnucash 2.6.14.
14:15:44 <gjanssens> If you get link errors because this function isn't found, it looks like your tests are linking against your system installed gnucash (2.6.7)
14:15:54 <warlord> jralls: no, sorry. Was dealing with some family stuff with my m-i-l. Just got back and starting right now.
14:16:13 * gjanssens still hasn't figured out how this can be avoided
14:16:27 <jralls> warlord: NP. Real life does have a habit of intervening.
14:16:30 <gjanssens> We have bug reports about the same thing from time to time
14:17:02 <gjanssens> warlord: sure, I was obviously joking as well :)
14:17:27 <warlord> Hahaha
14:17:36 <warlord> Me either.
14:17:44 <warlord> Anyways, email is off for now.
14:18:18 <gjanssens> jralls,warlord: do you understand the mechanics of library discovery and why sometimes system libraries are found before the ones in the build directories ?
14:18:27 <gjanssens> That just remains a mystery for me
14:20:12 <gjanssens> Is this because of our dynamic library loading in gnc_module that works differently from normal shared library loading?
14:20:25 <gjanssens> Do they consult different library paths ?
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14:20:54 <jralls> It depends on the dynamic linker in question. IIRC it's supposed to look at the -L directories first, then the paths in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and finally in the system library list, which IIRC is controlled by /etc/ld.conf.
14:21:11 <jralls> That's for Linux.
14:23:21 <jralls> There's another variable, though: The order of the libraries on the command line can be important because the linker collects a set of symbols it needs to resolve as it moves through the command line and resolves them in libraries it looks at later. It's not smart enough to remember that it already saw a symbol in an earlier library.
14:24:01 <jralls> The BSD and Apple linkers *are* smarter about that, so library order isn't as important.
14:24:43 <jralls> And the MinGW linker is especially stupid, breaking far more often than Linux if the order isn't just right.
14:26:02 <gjanssens> To be clear you mean if it encounters an unresolved symbol earlier it will not resolve it if it finds it in a later library ?
14:26:37 <jralls> Now that applies to libraries that are linked with a -lfoo flag. Most of the time, particularly in test programs, we specify a particular library by explicit path, but we might have missed one.
14:27:05 <gjanssens> Well, if so that would be me, because it's my csv-import test that's failing for fell
14:28:04 <jralls> No, other way around. If it encounters a new symbol in a later library that was defined in an earlier one it won't be able to resolve it unless the earlier library gets visited again, i.e. shows up on the list twice.
14:28:07 <warlord> Okay, IPv4 address down. (ipv6 seems to have stayed -- need to turn that off)
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14:30:01 <gjanssens> jralls: a bit counterintuitive at first sight...
14:30:09 <jralls> The other problem we have in our code is that we over-use dlopen. This is mostly guile's fault. I don't think that that's the problem here, though, because it would cause a symbol lookup failure at runtime.
14:30:44 <gjanssens> So the unresolved references have to appear earlier on the command line than the symbol definitions themselves.
14:30:49 <jralls> Think of it as the linker collecting a list of symbols to be resolved rather than one that lists available symbols.
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14:31:10 <gjanssens> Yes, that's the rule of thumb I was trying to get at.
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14:35:32 <jralls> warlord: Is that gncbot on the "new" code?
14:35:44 <warlord> No.
14:35:51 <warlord> That's the old-code.
14:35:57 <warlord> I'll migrate gncbot shortly.
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14:37:07 <gjanssens> Hmm, but there's not test making use of gnc_dmy2timespec_neutral in the engine tests either...
14:37:34 <gjanssens> So who knows would be using system libraries on fell's machine as well, but we just don't see it
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14:37:46 <gjanssens> Because all used functions are in the old library as well.
14:45:07 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
14:45:21 <warlord> And new supybot is online...
14:45:25 <warlord> (on temporary IP)
14:47:16 <fell> From my POV it would be nice if you could add an intro to the ld stuff and the list of above mentioned C books somewhere to the wiki.
14:47:48 <jralls> fell: The books are already on the C++ page.
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14:48:24 <gjanssens> hi gncbot ! Welcome to your new home :)
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15:04:20 <warlord> Welcome back, gncbot
15:04:24 <gjanssens> Welcome back gncbot
15:04:30 <gjanssens> You beat me to it warlord :)
15:04:40 <warlord> :-D
15:04:51 <warlord> I was expecting it. AND the logs are working.
15:05:03 <warlord> Okay, new server should be up and running. Please bang on it?
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15:06:08 <gjanssens> wiki is accessible
15:06:15 <gjanssens> and very responsive
15:06:21 <warlord> Does it appear faster?
15:06:26 <warlord> ah, great.
15:06:50 <gjanssens> Very much so \o/
15:06:55 <warlord> Yay.
15:07:00 <warlord> Okay, now to forward old email..
15:07:13 <warlord> Well, in a bit.. Copying some old backups.
15:07:20 <gjanssens> Just received a new mail on the user list, so that appears to be working as well
15:07:39 <warlord> *nods*
15:07:41 <warlord> Saw that.
15:08:54 <gjanssens> I have just sent two mails to the list myself. No errors while sending, but didn't arrive just yet in my inbox.
15:08:58 <warlord> And a quick response from Colin
15:09:08 <gjanssens> Do you do greylisting ?
15:09:30 <warlord> Yes...
15:09:40 <warlord> I can't check the logs right now.
15:09:54 <gjanssens> Np, let it do the whole process
15:10:11 <warlord> Just got an email from you.
15:10:17 <warlord> How to pay a sales tax invoice
15:10:35 <gjanssens> Yep that's one
15:10:42 <warlord> It's in my inbox.
15:10:53 <gjanssens> And the second one just arrived as well
15:11:04 <gjanssens> So user mailing list is definitively working
15:11:26 <gjanssens> warlord: what's the easiest way to reset the known host keys for the new server ?
15:11:33 <gjanssens> I don't think I can ssh in directly can I?
15:11:38 <warlord> edit your .ssh/known_hosts file
15:11:48 <warlord> then just 'git pull'
15:11:56 <warlord> (or some other git command that causes an ssh connection)
15:12:16 <warlord> OOOH... We're going to need to reset the web server, I think --- unless it down a git pull from github?
15:13:02 <gjanssens> Hmm, good point
15:13:22 <gjanssens> I'll check in a minute after I have corrected my ssh keys
15:13:23 <warlord> do you have access to do that? Or do we need to get linas' attention?
15:13:38 <jralls> warlord: Just did a git fetch successfully.
15:13:40 <warlord> Oh, we will also need to reset the builder.
15:14:02 <gjanssens> Not sure. It's been a while since I logged in on the web server
15:14:02 <warlord> we'll need to test a git push, but I'll do that when I update the website news..
15:16:19 <warlord> Next thing I need to do is swap over to 'letsencrypt' for certs. But I can do that in a bit; current certs are still valid.
15:16:50 <warlord> Only 132 entries in the mail queue on the old server. So not too bad!
15:18:19 <jralls> warlord: Attmepted to connect from builder with ssh after deleting the known host, and it failed with permission denied instead of the usual "shell access not allowed".
15:19:08 <gjanssens> Ok, known host key reset, going to check on the web server
15:19:53 <warlord> jralls: hmm...
15:20:34 <warlord> jralls: what ssh command did you attempt?
15:20:42 <jralls> ssh.
15:20:58 <warlord> i mean, what full ssh command?
15:21:25 <warlord> It feels like mail is being more responsive..
15:21:28 <jralls> `ssh code.gnucash.org`. It replied with the new host key, which I accepted.
15:21:38 <warlord> that should be all you need.
15:22:20 <warlord> Once my current rsync finishes I'll check on new-code.. Maybe I messed up the upload account
15:22:48 * jralls doing an ssh -vv to see if there's anything useful...
15:23:46 <movedx> Probably key issue. Make sure your private key's permissions aren't anything beyond 0600.
15:23:47 <warlord> So long as it doesn't ask you to accept the key again, that SHOULD be sufficient.
15:24:05 <warlord> movedx: this is on windows (client)
15:24:22 <movedx> Ah
15:24:48 <warlord> My shell on the server is busy with one more rsync so I can't check server logs.
15:24:50 <movedx> Still, Windows 10 has Ubuntu integration now, so the same applies.
15:25:42 <warlord> I believe that is an optional package, not installed by default.
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15:26:28 <gjanssens> warlord: I'm afraid I can't fix things on the web server
15:26:40 <warlord> what's 'git remote -v' say on the server?
15:26:55 <warlord> (or can't you run that?)
15:27:13 <gjanssens> Ever since linas migrated the system in 2015 I don't have direct access any more to the webserver directories
15:27:18 <warlord> linas: are you around?
15:27:18 <Stig> Hello!
15:27:30 <warlord> gjanssens: oh. :*
15:27:32 <warlord> :(
15:27:37 <jralls> movedx: It's actually an Msys shell. The local ssh is happy with the config and sends the key, the new code is rejecting it.
15:28:03 <gjanssens> The last conversation I had about this with linas ended with that perhaps he needed to set me up some additional privileges
15:28:14 <warlord> killing rsync -- I can run it later..
15:28:26 <gjanssens> The then went on a (long) business trip and we both forgot about it afterwards :(
15:28:40 <gjanssens> s/The/He/
15:28:48 <warlord> jralls: try ssh upload@code
15:29:39 * jralls slaps forehead. Yes, of course. That works fine.
15:29:50 <warlord> Okay.
15:29:55 <gjanssens> fell: I am trying to replicate your make check error, but I'm not successful at that
15:30:23 <gjanssens> I installed gnucash 2.6.13 system wide and am running a clean build on the master branch followed by make check
15:30:35 <gjanssens> On my Fedora 25 system this still works fine :(
15:30:51 <gjanssens> Well :) for me, but :( for you
15:35:53 <gjanssens> So the linker on your system seems to be either pickier or less smart than the one on my system. I'm not sure what to suggest other than try and temporarily remove your system wide gnucash and rerun make check to see what happens.
15:36:29 <warlord> Ooops, I think I lost a bunch of those queued emails.. Ah well.
15:40:21 <warlord> Anyways, I believe everything has been migrated.
15:40:29 <warlord> Anything appear to not be working?
15:40:42 <warlord> I'll test git push right now.
15:40:56 <movedx> warlord: Do you guys and gals need systems administration assistance at all? It seems like you've got a lot going on hehe
15:41:06 <movedx> And I'm happy to throw in some spare time.
15:42:57 <gjanssens> warlord: irc logs are fine as well :)
15:43:08 <gjanssens> Both address formats even
15:44:14 <gjanssens> List archives are there also
15:45:13 <gjanssens> Other than the webserver ssh key reset, I can't think of anything else to check
15:46:13 <warlord> Check if my website push made it to github?
15:46:18 <warlord> I think it did:
15:46:32 <warlord> remote: *** Mirror changes to origin (usually github)...
15:46:32 <warlord> remote: To ssh://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-htdocs.git
15:46:32 <warlord> remote: f0749cf..06b83b3 master -> master
15:46:32 <warlord> remote: 7860802..f0749cf origin/master -> origin/master
15:46:32 <warlord> remote: *** Update main website...
15:46:33 <warlord> remote: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
15:46:35 <warlord> remote: Ncat: Connection reset by peer.
15:46:37 <warlord> To ssh://git@code.gnucash.org/gnucash-htdocs.git
15:46:39 <warlord> f0749cf..06b83b3 master -> master
15:47:00 <warlord> So yeah i think the website failed. Let me email Linas.
15:47:10 <jralls> movedx: No, we have plenty of expertise. We're just busy today because we're migrating a server to a new machine.
15:47:51 <movedx> Ah right! Makes sense. You guys did seem busy. I'll let you get on with it. Cheers guys.
15:49:33 <jralls> warlord: It's good on github. Linas probably needs to reset the known_hosts key.
15:49:40 <gjanssens> warlord: your push did make it to the repo, but not the website.
15:50:07 <gjanssens> Ditto on the known_hosts key job for linas
15:50:20 <warlord> Yeah, I'm emailing him
15:51:54 <warlord> I got my email about the htdocs update.
15:53:16 <gjanssens> Ditto
15:54:58 <warlord> Okay, so only thing left is website.
15:56:07 <warlord> Took ~60s to process your latest email.
15:57:10 <warlord> arrived at 15:37:47 -- left at 15:38:51
15:57:51 <warlord> Not too bad, considering it went through a DKIM, ClamAv, and SpamAssassin test.
16:01:59 <warlord> Once this sync is done I'll test the port knocker manually.
16:03:51 <fell> gjanssens: I will try it later because I can not temporary remove it, only forever.
16:06:06 <warlord> So sad that I really only get ~10MB/s off the old server.
16:07:37 <gjanssens> fell: sure, whenever works best for you
16:08:03 <gjanssens> warlord: that's slow indeed
16:08:16 <warlord> Next upgrade: 1000/1000 network upgrade on Thursday.
16:08:59 <gjanssens> Internal network or public link ?
16:09:03 <warlord> gjanssens: yeah. I'm not sure if it's the network hardware on the old vm host or some other issue. But my rsync is only giving my ~80Mb/s
16:09:06 <warlord> internal
16:09:13 <warlord> Oh, the 1000/1000 is external link
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16:10:14 <gjanssens> That resembles a VDSL link here in Belgium
16:11:41 <gjanssens> Although... What do the 1000's stand for ?
16:12:05 <warlord> it's fiber.. and 1000mbps == 1gbps
16:12:49 <gjanssens> Heh, thought so... That's MUCH better than VDSL here
16:13:04 <warlord> *nods*
16:13:57 <warlord> WOW, that email was fast... Left my laptop at 16:11:02, arrived at my inbox at 16:11:36!
16:33:31 <warlord> Okay... I NEED to figure out which subscriber on -devel is Onofre
16:38:45 <warlord> Anything else for the new server? I'll keep the old server up for another couple days before I turn it off.
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17:04:29 <jralls> warlord: You only just noticed the stupid bounce messages from onofre?
17:04:51 <warlord> jralls: no, I've noticed them for a while, but I've received 4 of them today.
17:05:15 <jralls> Every time you post to gnucash-devel.
17:05:19 <warlord> I just need to figure out the right way to get it to work.
17:05:21 <warlord> Yes, I know..
17:06:11 <jralls> He probably reads on Nabble and just has a subscription to post.
17:06:51 <warlord> I think I need to use a script that sends out email with individualized From: headers inside the email. I don't think it uses the SMTP envelope From
17:10:00 <jralls> Can't you just search the user list for that email?
17:10:24 <warlord> It doesn't exist
17:10:56 <warlord> Someone is scribed using address A, and then when A receives a message it responds from Onofre, but A != Onofre or anything like it.
17:11:06 <warlord> There must be another level of redirection in there.
17:11:14 <warlord> And the monthly messages don't trigger it.
17:11:47 <jralls> Monthly messages? I don't get those either.
17:14:05 <jralls> Hmm, the originating host in eccmp.com. Maybe search the user list for that?
17:14:07 <kjetilho> warlord: and you don't get a copy of the full message with Received headers?
17:15:06 <warlord> jralls: not there.
17:15:23 <warlord> kjetilho: nope, they dont include the message sent to them in their response.
17:16:24 <jralls> kjetilho: It's an auto-reply, not a bounce. "Hi, your message has been received, We'll contact you when we can.", except in Portuguese.
17:17:10 <warlord> BUT... I have a way to test it.. I just need to write a script where I email every user with a uniquified From: address such that when I receive the reply back I'll know which to: address I used.
17:18:08 <warlord> I just verified that that will work (my mailer properly accepts the uniqified address) So now I just need to write the script and send out the messages.
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17:24:36 <gjanssens> Ok, time for bed...
17:24:54 <gjanssens> warlord: congrats on the migration. It went rather smoothly
17:25:00 <gjanssens> See you all tomorrow
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17:32:25 <warlord> Okay, script written. Now to run it!
17:39:30 <fell> Onofre is a pharma spammer
17:40:03 * Simon needs to stop having to use cash for work expenses
17:40:48 <Simon> it makes my accounts far too complicated dealing with currency exchange
17:40:59 <Simon> s/cash/cash in a foreign currency/
17:41:54 <jralls> Simon: You should get a company credit card if you have lots of work-related expenses.
17:43:33 <Simon> my employer doesn't allow company credit cards
17:43:46 <Simon> and it's only cash that is awkward
17:44:47 <Simon> I cannot simultaneously be owed the money in both GBP and EUR... so the GBP it costs me I put in as an Asset and the EUR I get is a Liability until I spend it
17:47:05 <warlord> Okay, got the script going... OKAY, Onofre... Respond to me NOW! :-D
17:50:26 <warlord> AHA, I think I might've caught them!1
17:51:10 <warlord> GOT EM!!
17:51:19 <warlord> And the offender is:......
17:51:42 <warlord> campanhas@campanhas.bradescoseguros.com.br
17:52:18 <warlord> PLONK. removed from the list.
17:53:07 <warlord> Script saved for a later date.
17:56:23 <warlord> And message sent to -devel explaining what I just did.
18:00:58 <jralls> The ultimate test. Did you get an autoreply?
18:02:15 <jralls> BTW, I didn't get the probe message, but I did get the explanation.
18:05:11 <fell> I assume, he was starting with the oldest members. We are too young. ;-)
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18:05:44 <warlord> jralls: I did indeed.
18:06:19 <warlord> jralls: I'm sure you'll get it. (it came from me with a unique from address)
18:08:25 <warlord> jralls: Ah, you wont. Your server blocked it because the envelope from was bogus.
18:08:32 <fell> In your personal inbox, not the lists
18:08:39 <warlord> jralls: Jan 22 17:49:23 mail2 postfix/smtp[25787]: B9E0FE2159: to=<jralls@ceridwen.us>, relay=mx01.1and1.com[]:25, delay=1.5, delays=0.18/0/1.1/0.2, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host mx01.1and1.com[] said: 550-Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable 550 invalid DNS MX or A/AAAA resource record (in reply to MAIL FROM command))
18:09:09 <warlord> I'll have to fix that next time around, if there is a next time around.
18:10:53 <jralls> Ah, didn't even get to my server. That's the upstream that handles my MX because I got in trouble with Comcast many years ago. Some hacker broke through my relay defenses, and Comcast shut me off from port 25.
18:18:15 <jralls> warlord: So if you got an autoreply for your "explanation" doesn't that mean that the PITA is still on the list?
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19:01:00 <warlord> jralls: I'm pretty sure I didnt..
19:01:13 <warlord> Mail server shows I didn't..
19:02:07 <jralls> warlord: OK, but when I asked at 15:00 if you had, you replied "I did indeed". Perhaps that was something else?
19:02:20 <jralls> Eh, 1500 my time, 1800 yours.
19:03:18 <warlord> AH, sorry. I thought you were asking if I got an autoreply to my test email --- which I did.. I did NOT receive an auto-reply to my explanation email.
19:08:32 <jralls> Very good, then.
20:26:39 <warlord> Now I just need to deal with some rate-limiting issues I'm seeing from some daomins.
20:26:47 <warlord> (like rr.com and cableone.net)
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