2017-01-20 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:50:27 <fell> The message "See src/import-export/csv-imp/test/test-suite.log" is misleading. In my case it is "build/src/...".
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08:50:05 <gjanssens> fell: where do you get that message ?
08:50:06 <warlord> fell: I think it assumes builddir=srcdir, which historically has been the way to build gnucash.
08:50:20 <gjanssens> hey warlod :)
08:50:42 <gjanssens> I have been thinking about the server migration
08:50:44 <warlord> gjanssens: FYI, I'm thinking 2pm EST Sunday (give or take) which would be 8pm for you. Is that okay?
08:50:51 <warlord> gjanssens: oh? and..??
08:50:54 <gjanssens> I can't think of other tests to run
08:50:55 <warlord> (I have ~10 m to chat right now)
08:51:11 <gjanssens> 2pm is ok
08:51:24 <warlord> I've tested pretty much everything I think, except git
08:51:26 <fell> For me too
08:51:34 <gjanssens> Your comment on the mail server migration got me thinking
08:51:38 <warlord> Great.
08:51:40 <warlord> Oh?
08:51:44 <gjanssens> Do you have much backlog in your mailq ?
08:52:01 <gjanssens> List messages appear quite fast after I send them, so I suspect not
08:52:11 <warlord> There are currently 326 messages in the queue
08:52:31 <gjanssens> How many of those are due to failures ?
08:52:37 <warlord> BUT... most of those are where there are connection timeouts, etc.
08:52:51 <warlord> Pretty much all of them. But this is down from ~500+ the other day when I looked.
08:53:15 <gjanssens> Just trying to estimate whether it's worth looking for ways to migrate the queue
08:53:24 <warlord> I think what I'm going to do is turn off email acceptance ~12 hours ahead of time. I'll send out an email about it and then turn off port 25
08:53:39 <gjanssens> I would do that in any case, yes
08:54:05 <gjanssens> Consider it a service window for the gnucash infrastructure
08:54:06 <warlord> That way there are no "fresh" messages in the queue... and anything that takes > 12 hours to get out most likely is a real failure and most likely wont make it in 5 days either.
08:54:22 <gjanssens> True
08:54:42 <warlord> Yes. I'll send out mail today to announce it, and then another email Saturday night before I turn off email. I'll also put something in the www news
08:54:44 <gjanssens> Hmm, which makes me wonder
08:55:08 <gjanssens> Perhaps you can reconnect the old mail server after the migration on a separate (temporary) name/ip address
08:55:24 <gjanssens> That way it will attempt to deliver the temporary failures by itself
08:55:36 <warlord> Oh, I plan to do that, but DNS will be broken which means SPF might fail.
08:56:25 <gjanssens> Indeed, unless you update DNS as well temporarily
08:56:34 <gjanssens> But that depends on linas I believe ?
08:56:49 <gjanssens> It's probably not worth that much effort
08:56:54 <warlord> Right.
08:57:20 <fell> or just forward them to the new server?
08:57:21 <warlord> Although perhaps I'll put it onto another public address instead of a private (NATed) address... *ponders*
08:57:36 <warlord> fell: that's an option, but I feel a bit... harder.. to execute.
08:57:52 <gjanssens> I don't know if that's very hard
08:57:57 <warlord> the server is not set up as a relay, so I'd have to reconfigure it to relay and then turn that off.
08:58:30 <gjanssens> You mean the new server isn't set up a a relay ? Or the old one ?
08:58:36 <warlord> both
08:58:46 <warlord> relaying is, generally, "bad"
08:59:04 <gjanssens> It is in general, but not for this specific use case IMO
08:59:06 <warlord> But I do like the idea of keeping it on a public IP.
08:59:33 <gjanssens> The postfix part of relaying would be pretty easy. You just have to add the old server's IP address to the trusted hosts
08:59:47 <gjanssens> I don't know how to configure a relay server in sendmail though
09:00:08 <warlord> That part is easy.. Just need to set up the smart-relay -- it's a quick reconfiguration.
09:00:21 <warlord> I need to run now, but I can look at that in a bit..
09:00:27 <gjanssens> So IMO the whole relay thing would be simple
09:00:35 <gjanssens> We can talk about this later if you like
09:00:40 <gjanssens> See you
09:00:44 <warlord> Yeah.
09:00:48 <warlord> BIAB.
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09:01:15 <gjanssens> fell: did you see my first question ? Where do you see this error message about the logs ?
09:01:34 <fell> in make check
09:02:25 <gjanssens> Ah. It's probably using relative pathnames.
09:02:49 <gjanssens> Since you start "make" in your builddir, the relative path from there starts with src/...
09:02:54 <gjanssens> Confusing indeed.
09:03:33 <fell> No, I start it in eclipse ;-)
09:03:35 <gjanssens> Unfortunately I think we don't control this error message. It comes from the autotools system in general.
09:03:46 <gjanssens> Right...
09:03:57 <gjanssens> That makes it even more confusing
09:04:22 <fell> So I don't know, how they start it.
09:04:43 <gjanssens> Same as you would on the command line
09:05:03 <gjanssens> Make builddir the current working directory and run make or make check
09:05:27 <fell> I will do
09:05:31 <gjanssens> The builddir is a parameter you can configure in your project properties somewhere
09:05:49 <fell> q
09:07:22 <fell> So, on the command line it is quite clear
09:07:30 <gjanssens> It's under Project->Properties->C++ Build, on that page you have an option called Build directory
09:07:54 <fell> I have it configuerd
09:07:59 <gjanssens> Good
09:08:19 * gjanssens is curious which errors you get in the csvimptest
09:08:25 <gjanssens> I wrote these tests...
09:09:29 <fell> trying make check in the top dir returns"make: *** No rule to make target 'check'. Schluss."
09:09:59 <fell> so I have to change in the build dir
09:10:14 <gjanssens> Yes
09:10:50 <gjanssens> make will only work in the build dir and after you have run configure from that directory at least once
09:11:12 <fell> But mostly using the IDE I forget it again
09:12:09 <gjanssens> Eclipse may already have run configure for you of course, if you use the same build dir in eclipse and on the command line
09:12:39 <gjanssens> On the command line, you can also go directly to $builddir/src/import-export/csv-imp
09:12:43 <gjanssens> and run make check there
09:12:49 <fell> date: /home/frank/workspace/Gnucash-Maint/build/src/import-export/csv-imp/test/.libs/test-csv-imp: symbol lookup error: /home/frank/workspace/Gnucash-Maint/build/src/import-export/csv-imp/.libs/libgncmod-csv-import.so: undefined symbol: gnc_dmy2timespec_neutral
09:13:02 <gjanssens> That will skip all the preceding errors
09:13:27 <gjanssens> Hmm, what branch are you on ?
09:13:35 <fell> maint
09:13:50 <gjanssens> I meant to say "That will skip tests in all other directories"
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09:14:58 <fell> It might be that I have to git clean.
09:15:41 <fell> I did not build it the last 2 month or longer
09:15:49 <gjanssens> Perhaps. gnc_dmy2timespec_neutral is in qof, so I don't know why your build isn't finding it
09:16:12 <gjanssens> Did you sync to the most recent state on github (using git pull) ?
09:16:21 <fell> Yep
09:16:53 <gjanssens> Ok, then you probably need to wipe your build dir and start over with configure and make
09:17:24 <gjanssens> After clearing the build dir, eclipse can probably to the configure/make thing for you
09:17:34 <gjanssens> s/to/do
09:18:49 <gjanssens> I wouldn't do a git clean because that can also remove your eclipse configuration files
09:19:08 <gjanssens> Unless you managed to store these somewhere outside the source directory
09:20:03 <gjanssens> I've got to leave for a while...
09:20:17 <fell> I was just researching my git setup. I believ I added the exceptions somehow
09:20:30 <fell> OK
09:37:23 <warlord> okay. back.
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09:47:41 <warlord> gjanssens: looking at my main.cf, I think that I already allow local clients to relay... So I probably just need to configure sendmail on old-code to forward to the new server.
09:50:05 <warlord> Okay, so new-code will relay for local clients. Yay. That part works. So yes, just need to set up old-code to forward to new-code.
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10:00:03 <warlord> I think I've got the necessary config changes queued up.
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10:32:15 <gjanssens> warlord: great
10:33:45 * warlord is ordering 1000/1000 fiber service :)
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10:34:48 <gjanssens> Nice :)
10:34:59 * gjanssens goes afk again for some time...
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10:42:36 <warlord> Later!
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11:14:16 <warlord> okay, website news updated.
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13:05:55 <jralls> fell: Did you get your build sorted?
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16:25:54 <fell> jralls, no, because I got sidetracked.
16:26:09 <jralls> ;-)
16:28:23 <jralls> If you've run "make install", be sure to run "make uninstall" before trying to build. The linker paths are sometimes messed up so that it links the installed libs instead of the just-built ones.
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23:21:28 <fell> Ha, because of an pending lock file, eclipse had stored 1GB history data
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23:43:41 <crinus> Decided to start using GNUCash :)
23:43:56 <crinus> I've been on the receiving end of mailing list for years, but now..
23:47:42 <fell> Good luck! ;-)
23:58:56 <crinus> thanks! The different programming-related discussions also had a thrust into this decision