2017-01-10 GnuCash IRC logs

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12:40:23 <gjanssens> jralls: ping
12:40:36 <jralls> gjanssens: Hi.
12:40:39 <gjanssens> I'm having some issues with the new date time code
12:40:47 <jralls> OK.
12:41:25 <gjanssens> In short, I'm calling gnc_dmy2timespec_neutral with some invalid values
12:41:38 <gjanssens> This triggers an exception, which I'm expecting
12:41:42 <jralls> maint or master?
12:41:46 <gjanssens> master
12:42:08 <gjanssens> It's partly related to Bob's recent questions on the importer
12:43:38 <gjanssens> I see that in gnc-datetime.cpp you're catching boost::gregorian::bad_year and rethrowing it as std::invalid_argument
12:44:04 <gjanssens> I was counting on that behaviour in my code by only checking for std::invalid_argument
12:44:37 <gjanssens> However by setting a bad day_of_year, the datetime code will throw boost::gregorian::bad_day_of_year
12:44:56 <gjanssens> That's to be expected obviously because there's no rethrowing for that exception
12:45:49 <gjanssens> I wonder, was it your intention to reduce throwing to std::invalid_argument for the whole date-time code ? Or should calling code catch all the possible boost date/time related errors ?
12:46:58 <gjanssens> To experiment, I added extra catch clauses to 2 of the 3 boost::gregorian::bad_year catch clauses you had there, but that doesn't appear to be enough
12:47:25 <gjanssens> There are still boost::gregorian::bad_day_of_year exceptions slipping through.
12:47:25 <jralls> I guess I wasn't thinking broadly enough, and assumed that passed-in dates would at least be well formed, just potentially with an invalid year.
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12:47:46 <gjanssens> We can't guarantee that on import data
12:47:56 <jralls> Right.
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12:48:35 <gjanssens> The question is, who is responsible in that case. The importer or the gnc-datetime code ?
12:49:29 <gjanssens> gnc-datetime looks to me like the best place as it would also catch similar issues for other things like a user entering a bad date in a user field
12:49:46 <gjanssens> (Got called away for a sec)
12:50:09 <jralls> Well, ultimately the importer is. But we want to hide that it's implemented with boost::date_time so that if the committee approves std::date_time we can switch without having to chase down a bunch of code outside of libqof.
12:51:30 <jralls> So yes, we should catch and re-throw all boost::date_time exceptions. Then the C++/C interface needs to catch the std::exceptions and handle the error in a C way.
12:55:06 <jralls> What GncDateTime function are you calling that has the leaking boost exception even after you added the additional catches?
12:55:11 <gjanssens> Ok I understand
12:55:34 <gjanssens> Can I leave the changes in date_time to you ?
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12:56:20 <jralls> Yes. Where can I get your tests?
12:56:25 <gjanssens> A useful test is calling gnc_dmy2timespec_neutral with any kind of out of range values for day month of year
12:56:46 <gjanssens> s/of/or/
12:57:30 <jralls> Ah, you haven't extended the unit tests, then.
12:58:06 <gjanssens> Not :(
12:58:40 <gjanssens> But I have tests that will trigger this due to the date parsing code in the csv importer in my cpp branch
12:58:58 <gjanssens> I'll push that code to my private github repo in a minute
13:00:03 <gjanssens> To be complete, I started looking for the unit tests, but didn't immediatly find them and decided to ask here first...
13:00:45 <jralls> OK. I'm in the middle of getting rid of the launcher script in the Mac app bundle to try and make codesigning work better. That should be done soon, so I'll start on catching all of the boost exceptions this afternoon or Thursday.
13:01:03 <jralls> Real life permitting, as usual. ;-)
13:01:27 <gjanssens> No rush, I have my own set of issues to chase here in the importer
13:02:04 <gjanssens> During these tests I stumbled on the boost exceptions, but they're not blocking me
13:02:21 <jralls> Hey, lmat! Have you made any progress on timespec->time64?
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13:32:39 <gjanssens> jralls: I'm about to leave because we've got visitors this evening. However...
13:33:48 <gjanssens> You're throwing invalid_argument. There's also out_of_range. Which one do you consider best ?
13:35:04 <gjanssens> I would have taken out_of_range on first reflection, but I'm curious to your reasoning for invalid_argument.
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13:38:08 <jralls> gjanssens: I suppose either is reasonable. I chose invalid_argument because it describes the cause, that an invalid date got passed in.
13:39:49 <jralls> Out of range does describe the errors in question at hand. I don't know off hand if it describes all of the exceptions boost::date_time can throw.
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15:19:21 <Explorer05_> Hello. I am new to personal finance management, and GnuCash. As I am starting to enter 2017 information into it, I am wondering how do I enter purchase refunds, like if I take something back to the store? How should that be treated, or what is the best way?
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15:32:34 <warlord> Explorer05_: IANAA but I record those as negative expenses.
15:37:35 <gjanssens> jralls: from http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/doc/html/date_time/gregorian.html :
15:38:03 <gjanssens> jralls: "The construction of a date validates all input so that it is not possible to construct an 'invalid' date. That is 2001-Feb-29 cannot be constructed as a date. Various exceptions derived from std::out_of_range are thrown to indicate which aspect of the date input is invalid."
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15:38:37 <gjanssens> It doesn't state no other exceptions are thrown though...
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16:13:12 <gjanssens> On the other hand it may not be necessary to rethrow if indeed all exceptions would be based on std::out_of_range
16:13:40 <gjanssens> We could just promote that exception as the one being thrown by our own datetime code
16:13:55 <gjanssens> Anyway, time for bed. See you later...
16:25:04 *** CharlesIC has joined #gnucash
16:25:26 <CharlesIC> for some reason, gnucash has stopped working correctly. every time i download transactions now, i cant categorize or do anything with them b/c it says they are open in another register
16:25:33 <CharlesIC> what in the world is it talking about?
16:26:44 <warlord> CharlesIC: exit and restart? It sounds like gnucash thinks you've got an open register somewhere... Or something stuck.
16:26:56 <warlord> Although... what version of gnucash? And what OS/Distro?
16:27:02 <CharlesIC> f25
16:27:06 <CharlesIC> 2.6.15
16:27:15 <warlord> What backend storage mechanism?
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16:49:23 <CharlesIC> i think it works now
16:49:24 <CharlesIC> thanks
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19:37:00 <jralls> @tell gjanssens I grepped all the exceptions in boost::date_time. There are locally derived ones from std::out_of_range and std::logic_error; they also throw out_of_range, ios_base::failure, invalid_argument, and runtime_error directly.
19:37:00 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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19:37:19 <CharlesIC> hi
19:37:26 <CharlesIC> is there any way to copy a bunch of transactions from one book to another?
19:37:30 <CharlesIC> for a particular account?
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19:58:15 <jralls> CharlesIC: Not easily. The closest you could get would be to export the transactions as CSV then massage the CSV file a bit so that the importer can digest it and import it into the other book.
19:59:18 <jralls> You have to massage because the exporter writes multi-line transactions to accommodate arbitrary numbers of splits but the CSV importer doesn't know how to read them. It can handle only two-split transactions.
19:59:50 <jralls> There are some CSV-to-QIF and CSV-to-OFX tools out there than might be helpful as well.
20:00:49 <CharlesIC> yeah, that's such a pain :/
20:00:52 <CharlesIC> i dont know why they never add that
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20:32:46 <CharlesIC> is there a way to copy a single transaction to another window?
20:32:48 <CharlesIC> and paste it?
20:33:16 <CharlesIC> err instance?
20:33:18 <CharlesIC> it seems not :(
20:55:13 <jralls> Copy and paste with the clipboard should work.
20:56:01 <jralls> Bulk copying isn't implemented because it's almost always a bad idea.
20:57:37 <jralls> The cut/copy/paste transaction actions are in the Transaction menu. There are special keyboard shortcuts that are displayed in the menu (it's control-command-C/X/V on a Mac).
21:23:24 <CharlesIC> jralls,
21:23:34 <CharlesIC> the issue is copying a transaction from one instatiation to another:(
21:23:40 <CharlesIC> i have two open right now because it's between two books
21:23:42 <CharlesIC> so what do i do?