2017-01-01 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:52:02 <fell> Mechtilde, about your talk yesterday: Formally reimbursed money is no expense, but an asset.
04:53:27 <Mechtilde> for me it depends how to track the expense
04:53:38 <Mechtilde> first
04:54:33 <fell> Es ist eine Ausgabe, aber kein Aufwand.
04:55:57 <fell> Und es kann von Vorteil sein, die Verbindlichkeiten, die andere bei einem haben, zu protokollieren. ;-)
04:55:58 <Mechtilde> and how do you translate "ausgabe"
04:56:31 <Mechtilde> wie uebersetzt du Ausgabe in Abgrenzung zu Aufwand
04:56:38 <fell> Ich bin da in der englischen Terminologie nicht ganz sicher
04:57:19 <Mechtilde> dann ist das auch das Problem fuer Missverstaendnisse
04:58:11 <fell> Aufwand = Expense
04:58:35 <fell> Auszahlung hat in der englischen wikipedia keine Entsprechung
04:59:09 <fell> Ausgabe auch nicht
04:59:45 <fell> Von meinem Gefühl her würde spend money passen
05:00:42 <Mechtilde> für mich ist es erst Aufwand und Erstattung. Eventuell bleibr ein Rest Aufwand
05:10:16 <fell> In https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auszahlung ist ein schönes Bild für die verschiedenen Ebenen und ihre deutschen Begriffe
05:27:57 <Mechtilde> das sollten wir auf der deutschsprachigen Wiki Seite von gnucash verlinken
05:28:24 <Mechtilde> ich schaue mir das nachher mal genauer an
05:58:51 <fell> Im Prinzip ist das über http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Referenz#Betrachtungsebenen_im_Rechnungswesen verlinkt.
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14:03:32 <pirotz> Hi everybody, I want to delete transactions older than a given date and I managed to do this by SQL.
14:04:25 <pirotz> Anybody has developed a MySQL script to DELETE the relative data and maintain database consistency?
14:11:37 <finster> pirotz: so you're already deleting transactions via sql?
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14:12:18 <pirotz> No, I just converted the database in MySQL format
14:13:23 <pirotz> Actually I am connected to a local instance of MySQL server, where a gnucash schema has been created and populated by GnuCash
14:15:01 <pirotz> I supposed this operation was easier to be done if a SQL interface was available, that's why I made the conversion.
14:15:46 <pirotz> If GnuCash has a menu function to accomplish the delete process, I am happy to use it.
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15:05:31 <jralls> pirotz: All of the business logic, including referential integrity, is inside the application code, not in the database. The only safe way to manipulate data is therefore using the GnuCash API, which you can access with Scheme or Python using the swig interface shipped with the program, or via any external language able to link a C library.
15:06:56 <jralls> pirotz: Some documentation is available at http://code.gnucash.org/docs/maint, but it's a bit spotty so you'll need to study the code to fully understand it.
15:08:18 <pirotz> jralls: thank you for your detailed reply. So I guess there is no pre-built function inside the application that does the job for me. Is there any way I can place a request for enhancement to the GnuCash team?
15:10:19 <jralls> pirotz: You can write an enhancement bug, see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_What_are_the_basics_of_bug_reporting_and_enhacement_requesting.3F.
15:11:03 <jralls> pirotz: But be aware that we're severely constrained on developer time and it's not likely that anyone will act on it any time soon.
15:13:00 <pirotz> jralls: Sure. I do not expect a schedule review for that, but I think it is a useful feature the tool should have. I will try a workaround in the meantime... Thank you for your kind help.
15:13:34 <jralls> pirotz: You're welcome, and happy new year.
15:16:05 <pirotz> jralls: thanks! Happy new year to you! And happy development!
15:16:27 <jralls> pirotz: ;-)
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