2016-11-25 GnuCash IRC logs

00:35:00 *** fell has joined #gnucash
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12:26:30 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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13:30:52 *** fell_ is now known as fell
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18:40:05 *** koanhead has joined #gnucash
18:44:18 <koanhead> I'm trying to set up gnucash but the 'Other Income' window will not allow me to enter dates more than 7 days in the past. I don't understand how I can put data from the past into the program.
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18:52:25 <koanhead> To be more specific, the local help states: "Selecting the small icon on the right of the date field drops down a date selection calendar. Use the arrows to select the correct month and year for the transaction then select the date." The arrows to select month/year do nothing when trying to select a month/year earlier than the present. Similarly clicking on a day more than 7 days in the past does nothing. Is this a bug?
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19:04:30 <warlord> koanhead: what OS/Distro? It works fine for me. You can also type in the date, too.
19:13:48 <koanhead> using Debian Stable; typing in a date prior to 7 days ago results in the date field reverting to today.
19:15:42 <koanhead> it sounds like this might be a bug in the debian package, I will mess with it further. Any further advice is appreciated ☺
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19:36:55 <koanhead> Found this on sterr: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/gnucash/python/init.py", line 3, in <module>from gnucash import * ImportError: No module named gnucash
20:11:45 <warlord> No clue what would be calling that traceback. Gnucash doesn't have an embedded python interpreter, unless debian is doing something funky. As for the further advice, what happens if you type 1/1/15 into the date field?
20:17:23 <koanhead> If I just type it, that works: 1/1/16 appears in the date field (same for 1/1/2015) but as soon as I hit tab or enter it reverts back to 11/18/2016
20:32:41 <warlord> What version of gnucash?
20:32:54 <warlord> The only time I've seen issues like this was on windows..
20:33:15 <warlord> I dont recall the errant version or the workaround/fix. But I dont recall every seeing this behavior on linux.
20:33:29 <warlord> maybe jralls remembers.
20:36:50 <koanhead> version is 2.6.4
20:37:14 * koanhead is reassured that at least this has happened to someone else before
20:38:11 <koanhead> usually I get 'gaslighted' by software, no one else can reproduce / has heard of the problem & I wonder if it's just me doing something wrong somehow
20:38:38 <koanhead> but probly that happens to others too ;^/
20:51:53 *** byteit101 has quit IRC
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