2016-10-15 GnuCash IRC logs

01:01:41 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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04:48:56 <gr8kodr> Mildly confused with "Use split action ..." option ... within Current Assets, I have 3 accounts (Petty Cash (6), Rental Escrow (135), Savings Account (no transactions) when activating the "Last Num" column in the Accounts view, the last num appears to be reported incorrectly
04:50:27 <gr8kodr> Petty cash is reporting last Num = 3, Rental Escrow = 4 and Savings Account = 130
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13:21:02 <jralls> gjanssens, fell, mikee, warlord: What do you guys think about Phillips and his efforts to inject crowdfunding?
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13:24:58 * fell is reading ...
13:25:06 <warlord> I have no objection to crowdfunding, just that it hasn't helped in the past. That doesn't mean it can't help.
13:28:42 <jralls> What would we do with the money? The implication is that we'd hire programmers and have to manage them. Phillips is offering to help with the hiring and managing, but we have no knowledge of his abilities, experience, or motivation. There's also the problem of https://patchpitch.com/ (which I picked off of his email address, he hasn't disclosed it overtly).
13:30:04 <jralls> His latest reply includes " As you would be aware there are many examples of open source projects that have successfully adopted a commercial model." in the first paragraph, which implies a goal rather beyond crowdfunding.
13:30:33 <jralls> I'm being dragged off to dinner. Back in an hour or two.
13:30:57 <warlord> enjoy dinner.
13:31:14 <warlord> There was one (failed) attempt to commercialize gnucash.
13:32:33 <warlord> Again, I'm not against it.But for a commercial venture you'd have to ask why "pay" for gnucash vs. paying for Quicken/Money/etc?
13:32:53 <warlord> Biab... got some housework to do.
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15:36:12 <jralls> Ok, I'm back.
15:36:42 <jralls> warlord: Are you referring to Linas's company from the turn of the century?
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15:38:51 <jralls> Anyway, I'm not at all interested in anything that smells like work-for-pay and even less interested in being a PHB again.
15:39:01 <gjanssens> jralls: I'm trying to decide for myself what I should think of Phillips' attempts to inject crowd funding
15:39:10 <gjanssens> (What's PHB ?)
15:40:06 <jralls> Pointy-haired boss. It's a reference to the Dilbert comic strips (http://dilbert.com/).
15:40:21 <gjanssens> Oh :)
15:40:51 <gjanssens> From what I've read so far from Phillips, I'm not warming up yet.
15:41:02 <gjanssens> I'm more of the kind of "show me the code"
15:41:49 <gjanssens> Which others have done nicely (like codespythe with the cmake scripts for example)
15:42:59 <gjanssens> He's also not completely open about the fact he's trying to do this for a business.
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15:44:05 <gjanssens> It's true that if we allow him to attempt crowdfunding stuff, it will mean more administrative overhead for us core devs
15:45:00 <gjanssens> Or is this what he claims to take over ?
15:46:17 <gjanssens> On the other hand if he really means well (even while trying to make money on) and his efforts do get us extra hands, that would be a great thing
15:46:39 <gjanssens> We are short on devs
15:47:05 <gjanssens> We can use help in fixing bugs, writing documentation, doing the c++ conversion and so on
15:47:29 <gjanssens> If he can find people that will do it, why not ?
15:47:47 <gjanssens> What we should care about is patch review, which we do now as well for volunteers
15:48:33 <gjanssens> And the same rules apply: if the patch doesn't match or needs work, it's rejected regardless of whether someone was paid to write it.
15:51:58 <gjanssens> But at this stage I'm still very wary...
15:52:15 <gjanssens> Other topic: I saw your last comments on my PR
15:52:48 <gjanssens> Thanks for the suggestions boost::optional looks like it can work.
15:53:21 <gjanssens> I've been mostly afk for a few days so I haven't had time to experiment yet and won't have for at least a few more days still
15:53:21 <jralls> OK, let's for a moment assume that he's actually above board and has the requisite training and knowledge to write contracts and administer them, evaluate candidates, hire and supervise them, review their output and coach them to correct design and implementation problems, and make all of that ready to integrate.
15:55:03 <jralls> How do *we* evaluate that he actually has that skill set and that he's going to conscientiously apply it for GnuCash's benefit, and then manage him to make sure that he actually does?
15:55:35 <jralls> Particularly in light of his rather less than forthright-and-honest approaches?
15:57:10 <gjanssens> Ask him ?
15:57:32 <gjanssens> I mean, let him explain how he thinks approaching it
15:57:51 <gjanssens> Let him show previous, similar efforts for other projects
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15:58:32 <gjanssens> Ask him how he will make sure we're not wasting our time
15:59:18 <gjanssens> I'm afraid I'll have to leave it at that for tonight. It's time to go.
15:59:24 <gjanssens> See you later...
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18:23:11 <warlord> jralls: yes, Linas, Jeremy, BillG, etc.
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22:17:26 <warlord> GRR... The power supply I got doesn't fit!
22:18:21 <warlord> Also, I failed to notice the lack of video output on the mobo. :(
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