2016-10-01 GnuCash IRC logs
00:11:27 *** kael has joined #gnucash
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02:47:27 <jralls> embery: It might be possible, but it would take some work. If you're up for it we'll take a patch or a pull request.
02:47:51 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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11:33:10 *** Heinrich has quit IRC
11:55:15 *** gjanssens sets mode: +o jralls
11:55:26 *** gjanssens sets mode: +o fell
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12:42:52 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens_afk
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21:08:50 *** rob has joined #gnucash
21:10:06 <rob> Hi, please tell me what the default font is for Gnucasg 2.6.1 on Linux (Mint)
21:10:27 <rob> Font in style sheets
21:14:49 <warlord> rob: 2.6.1 is years old. 2.6.14 is current.
21:15:24 <rob> yes i know, but its the most recent one in the repository of Linux mint 17.3
21:18:26 <warlord> Try getdeb?
21:19:01 <warlord> I don't have an answer to you actual question, tho... I dont know what the default font is.
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21:21:53 <rob> Ok thanks. I ask this because in the reports i dont get currency symbols for other than $, only ???. The font in style sheets is Note and its installed on my computer
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21:23:24 <warlord> Odd.
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