2016-09-29 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:36:15 <henry> hi. I am running Gnucash 2.6.11 in Debian Jessie through a remote desktop connection from Windows 10. This generally gives better response times than running it directly. However, certain activities such as generating reports are still incredibly slow.
08:38:39 <henry> The Debian is running on a somewhat old Dell tower that only has 2 gig of ram, but it does not appear to be expandable
08:44:37 <henry> how can I speed it up?
08:46:43 <kjetilho> well, you could skip the desktop environment and run nothing but Gnucash fullscreen
08:47:43 <kjetilho> but finding a better computer is probably a better use of your time
08:49:39 <henry> what makes reports so slow?
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08:50:41 <kjetilho> I have no idea, but probably they need a bit of RAM
08:52:07 <henry> I think the Debian has a good amount of swap space on the hard drive
08:56:10 <henry> I just checked, the swap partition is 8.6 gig
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09:06:32 <henry> changing topic: some of my reports are not finding prices for some securities on some dates. Is there an easy way to figure out which securities are missing prices?
09:11:17 <henry> Example: April 1 this year the net worth line chart actually goes negative. Most securities have good prices but there must be one or more missing
09:19:40 <henry> The balance sheet report for the same date is in the expected positive range
09:20:55 <henry> using default pricing for both reports. I have not fiddled with them yet
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09:25:25 <henry> I think that most of my investments were reconciled correctly on March 31 and reported correct on March 31
09:33:31 <henry> what does weighted average price mean?
09:34:04 <henry> that is the default for the net worth linechart
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11:17:33 <jralls> henry: Are you running an X-server on Windows or are you using VNC? If the latter, find an XServer and run the Debian box headless. That will give much better performance.
11:21:17 <jralls> henry: Swapping is slow, so make sure that GnuCash has plenty of physical memory. It loads your entire account file into memory and reports need to look at the whole thing. To avoid swapping you should probably kill everything else so that GnuCash can use as much of the physical memory as possible.
11:23:01 <jralls> henry: For prices, have a look in the price editor to see what you've got. You might have some bad prices for some securities.
11:28:11 <jralls> henry: You can run the Advanced Portfolio Report for a particular date to see why your net worth goes wonky.
11:34:50 <jralls> henry: Weighted average price means that it looks at all of the prices in different currencies and averages them. It's weird, don't use it. For the net worth reports the only setting that makes sense is "nearest in time".
11:36:12 <henry> jralls: I am not sure how to tell if I am running an X-server. I think it is the default microsoft program. As for Debian, I taking a class on Linux at the local community college, and we are just getting into file structure. Got a ways to go to get to the goood stuff
11:39:39 <henry> "nearest in time" is what I use when I am running a report that I want to believe. right now I am just trying to track down some gross errors and fix them
11:41:57 <henry> The net worth report likes to choose dates near the beginning of months when set to monthly, and I usually have prices on the last trading day of most months
11:45:31 <henry> I have set that report aside for now.
11:46:35 <henry> I meant the net worth line chart
11:47:39 <jralls> henry: If you don't know whether you're running an X-server, then you're not. Microsoft doesn't provide that, you have to find one and install it.
11:48:02 <henry> That takes forever to start because it wants to default to the slowest choices
11:51:40 <jralls> henry: The net worth line chart and bar chart use the same backend code, just display it differently. You can configure choices you like better and then save the report configuration to run in the future. When you want to run a saved report use Reports>Saved Report Configurations and pick your saved report from the dialog box.
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11:55:22 <henry> a quick google search found a suggestion to use xming on my windows machine and putty on the linux box
11:57:27 <henry> my saved reports with timelines do not look at the things I want to see today
11:58:04 <henry> I suppose that since they start faster I could start with one of them
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12:04:27 <henry> I need to read the instructions before I try to set up a better remote desktop combination
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12:06:00 <henry> maybe putty is supposed to be on windows side too
12:08:11 <jralls> henry: I was just about to say that... Yes, putty goes on Windows. The Linux machine already has everything you need.
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12:11:50 <henry> the linux box is slightly crippled because Gnome did not install correctly and it is showing a mix of xfce and gnome. because it more or less works and I don't know how to fix it yet, I am temporarily living with it.
12:14:38 <jralls> henry: Xming will make using a window manager on the Debian box unnecessary except for the requirements of your class. You'll be able to let the Windows machine do all of the displaying.
12:16:29 <henry> oh, that would help a lot. sometimes just painting the screen is very slow in this arrangement
12:17:11 <henry> thanks for the help
12:18:33 <henry> I will play for a while and come back later
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12:57:41 <embery> will having a lot of accounts affect GnuCash's performance? I'm trying to figure out what I think the best way is to deal with gift cards; one option is to make a separate Asset account for each one, but I go through a lot of them when I buy stuff online and I wonder if it's going to bog things down in the future when I have like a thousand of them that I used up but still have to keep around
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14:05:31 <warlord> embery: to some extent, yes. Speed is more-so affected by #txns
14:14:48 <embery> ah, ok. 'cause that'd be the same whether I put them all in one account or several
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14:16:19 <embery> so when you say "speed is affected", are you speaking as a scientist or as a practical user? 'Cause this is just for my personal transactions, and sure there'll be a lot over time, but we may be talking about numbers that are way beyond personal use
14:17:00 <warlord> after a few years you may begin to notice some slowdown.
14:17:04 <embery> like, sure, "MySQL performance degrades on tables with many rows" but then you find out that "many rows" means like "tens of millions" and that just doesn't matter for your personal blog of cat pictures
14:17:33 <embery> ok
14:28:54 <warlord> FWW, I have ~14,000 transactions and I don't have a lot of issues except for a few reports.
14:44:24 <embery> cool. I guess if it ever really got bad I could back up the whole file and then strip anything older than X years out of a new copy
14:45:05 <warlord> Yeah. Note that this file is 9 1/2 years old.
14:45:17 <embery> although by that time the current version of GnuCash will probably have more optimized storage access code :)
14:45:38 <warlord> Possibly... And computers will definitely be faster and have more RAM
14:45:39 <embery> not to mention I will presumably own an SSD drive by then
14:46:44 <embery> either way, sounds like a problem I can safely ignore for at least a very long time, if not forever
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18:13:31 <goiken_> I seem to have run into this error. Seems unresolved from what I understand. Is there any update on it? https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-de/2016-January/009621.html
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18:57:49 <max> is there a way to set gnucash to save information on one file instead of creating multiple files by date?
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20:42:11 <max> when you say a few hours i guess you guys were not lying rofl
21:04:08 <warlord> max: it is saved in one file. Those dated files are backups.
21:04:15 <warlord> (and log files)
21:09:40 <max> warlord well i see a bunch of files with a date.. is there another file I should look for?
21:10:26 <warlord> The file without the date. E.g. if you see files called Foo.gnucash.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.gnucash then the real data file is Foo.gnucash
21:10:44 <max> im sorry i said that wrong
21:10:59 <max> I see a bunch of files named about the same with different modification date
21:11:14 <warlord> ???
21:11:24 <warlord> Give me an example of 2 or 3 ...
21:12:03 <max> Checking Account.gnucash.20160924223809.log
21:12:11 <max> Checking Account.gnucash.20160925092702.log
21:12:21 <warlord> max: those are the log files.
21:12:31 <max> oh okay
21:12:34 <warlord> Your master data file is "Checking Account.gnucash"
21:12:39 <max> maybe im looking in wrong place
21:12:41 <max> k
21:14:24 <max> found it thanks
21:14:25 <max> nice
21:14:51 <max> is there a way to have only like one backup file ..like the most recent one?
21:15:04 <max> seems like it does a lot of backups
21:15:36 <max> I guess that is made in case someone wants to go back to a certain date?
21:19:32 <warlord> Edit -> Preferences
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21:19:45 <warlord> But yes, you can adjust it
21:27:51 <max> nice thanks
21:27:59 <max> good program by the way works well
21:29:51 <max> oh i c the default is only 30 days
21:29:53 <max> nice
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21:35:34 <max> you might want to update your FAQ to include the irc server and this room..because I first went to freenode and it directed to over here
21:35:34 <max> you might have it listed somewhere but the FAQ to list it too I think
21:35:34 <max> is a good place to list i mean
21:37:17 <warlord> It's there: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/IRC
21:38:10 <max> k thanks
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