2016-09-26 GnuCash IRC logs
00:24:37 *** jralls has joined #gnucash
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10:19:52 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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12:00:46 *** thoth1 has joined #gnucash
12:01:57 <thoth1> I want to have a second Accounts window that only shows a subset of my accounts. There are certain activities when I only want to see 20 of the accounts instead of having to scroll through 150 to find the few I'm interested in at that moment.
12:02:02 <thoth1> Is there a way to set a custom filter on which accounts appear in the window?
12:02:28 <thoth1> this filter should not affect other Accounts windows (in case I need to deal with an account not in the short list)
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12:25:11 <jralls> thoth1: Depends. The filtering in the Accounts page is pretty limited: You can select account types to view and whether or not to show "hidden" and zero-balance accounts.
12:25:11 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 3 days, 18 hours, and 59 minutes ago: <gjanssens> I'm leaving tomorrow :)
12:28:03 <jralls> thoth1: If you have two accounts pages the filters are independent, so that part will certainly work. Select View>Filter By... with the window you want having focus.
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15:56:24 <biis> the total in my accounts payable is increasingly negative. I think it should zero out. Need Help
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