2016-08-10 GnuCash IRC logs
09:52:15 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
09:52:33 <fell> The only email from you yesterday was "Re: Moving transactions retrospectively"
09:52:38 *** bizaff has quit IRC
09:52:39 <warlord> Oh. I guess that it didn't make it out before the cascading crashes.
09:52:40 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
09:53:23 <fell> 02:57 UTC you disappeared here
09:53:34 <fell> a few minutes after my daily dial in
09:54:02 <warlord> That sounds about right...
09:54:09 <warlord> stuff happened just as I was going to bed. :(
09:56:15 <warlord> Okay, code is back on the net but is still working on starting up...
09:56:17 <warlord> mail isn't quite flowing, yet...
10:05:25 <fell> and git was slow
10:08:59 <warlord> Yeah, I'm not surprised.. Load on the machine is still like 15...
10:09:17 <warlord> I'll let you know when I think everything is back up and running..
10:16:40 *** mlncn has quit IRC
10:23:48 <warlord> Okay, looks like the server is back now..
10:27:40 <fell> [MAINT] Planned Server Reboot tomorrow at 9:15am US/EDT arrived
10:32:33 <warlord> Hahaha...
10:32:41 <warlord> updated email coming now.
10:39:06 *** mlncn has joined #gnucash
10:39:44 <fell> en:now = es:ma~nana?
10:43:24 <warlord> en:now == es:ahora
10:43:32 <warlord> :-P
10:44:03 <fell> :-)
10:44:17 <warlord> It's flowing... Just got back to me..
10:45:52 <warlord> Took 20 minutes to make it through mailman.
10:46:20 <warlord> But most likely it's due 12 hours of flow.
11:01:52 *** bertbob has quit IRC
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11:21:32 <warlord> fell: did you get the second one?
11:21:38 <fell> yep
11:22:24 <fell> short after you got it
11:27:48 <warlord> It's just playing catch-up, that's all.
11:27:58 <warlord> It was all offline for about 12 hours :(
11:46:55 <fell> I know. I was waiting to push my commits.
11:49:19 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
12:09:00 *** mlncn has quit IRC
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12:29:52 <warlord> fell: is git behaving better now?
12:30:30 <fell> I had no problems
12:30:59 <warlord> great
12:43:33 *** mlncn has quit IRC
12:46:37 *** warlord has quit IRC
12:53:25 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
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13:18:31 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
13:19:04 <warlord> Well, that was an odd blib
13:19:06 <warlord> blip
13:19:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +qo warlord warlord
13:19:19 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
13:24:06 *** bertbob has quit IRC
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13:54:51 *** jethrogb has quit IRC
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14:49:10 *** fabior has quit IRC
14:52:45 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
14:55:10 *** mlncn has quit IRC
15:05:06 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
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19:10:03 *** liflash has joined #gnucash
19:10:33 <liflash> hi everybody
19:12:48 <liflash> someone from germany around? I wonder if it is possible to transfer the balance sheet of my book electronically to the tax authority
19:27:02 <liflash> und vielleicht noch eine zweite Frage, weil ich die Entwicklung seit langem nicht mitverfolgt habe: wieso gibt es die templates fuer SKR03 und SKR04 in der Windowsversion nicht? habe aktuell noch eine Linuxversion im Einsatz, da sind sie enthalten.
20:43:28 *** bozonius has quit IRC
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21:10:43 *** pmatos has joined #gnucash
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21:17:27 *** bozonius has joined #gnucash
21:40:09 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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21:51:31 *** jchonig has joined #gnucash
21:57:50 <jchonig> Folk, I use gnucash for my personal finances (mostly tracking medical bills) w/mysql. I just created a company for consulting. What's best practice, do this in another book? Pointer on process to do that?
22:02:03 * jchonig is still reading and realizes that "book" should be "account file"
22:05:25 <jchonig> If I have a different account file on mysql, should I use "gnucash-business" (i.e. something other than gnucash?)?
23:32:25 *** fell_ is now known as fell
23:34:23 <fell> jchonig, yes I would use a different file and for important things I would still relay on the xml backend.
23:34:36 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell